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Moving to Perth from Edinburgh 31 March

Jake max

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Well can't believe time has run away from us.We move out our house on the 17 march and into the mother in laws until we fly on the 31 march.I must say I'm having good days and bad days worrying that we are doing the right thing.My 2 year old max is probably handling it the best as he is loving us packing up the house,which I must say is as bad as I thought.6 years in the house I built back up from scratch as that's what I do ,thinking back then I never thought I would have to leave my own country to start again,but on wards and upwards and will give it my best shot .I realise now what people go through and I take my hat of to anyone who does this ,just looking forward to finally getting there and starting again

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We're moving from Perth back to Edinburgh as soon as we can sell our house!We were certain we were doing the right thing and that was the first of our mistakes, reading between the lines it sounds like it is maybe circumstances that have contributed to your decision so if you are leaving a not so perfect life behind it should be easy to see the benefits. We left a comfortable life in Scotland in search of something 'better' that probably doesn't exist anywhere.

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Hey Jake, I know the feeling! I think it's a natural and healthy process to go through, worse case scenario is that it doesn't work out and you come home. Better than living with the regret of not trying for the rest of your life! In any case it will be a huge and exciting adventure for you and your family, so stay positive and enjoy! Good luck!

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