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leave to remove petition


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Hi, Remember me? Well I remember you and some of your wonderfully supportive posts. My Government e-petition went live today.




Please please please sign it if you agree this subject should be debated in parliament. You never know when this could affect someone you care about. If you're really interested please PM me so I can send you the link to mine and my wife's specially created FB page about this subject.


thanks in advance.

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Paul, do you have personal experience with this, is your ex taking your kids abroad? I would love to take my daughter away to Oz with me and leave her mother to be the one who has her for holidays but with the Uk law as it is I do not really have a say in it.

If you are having your kids taken away from you I can imagine what it is like but I cant condone it.

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Paul, do you have personal experience with this, is your ex taking your kids abroad? I would love to take my daughter away to Oz with me and leave her mother to be the one who has her for holidays but with the Uk law as it is I do not really have a say in it.

If you are having your kids taken away from you I can imagine what it is like but I cant condone it.



Hi Chris, Yep, way too personal an experience (just trawl through some of my posts and you'll get the gist). Thanks to anyone who signed the petition. It only takes a minute, but you must check your email after to verify your email address or it won't count. And don't forget to check your spam.


It is too late for me. I am doing this for the dads (and occasional mum), who is coming after me.

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Petition signed and I have sympathy for you as I have a ex with similar traits just not as extreme as yours. I hope you get to see your kids soon, you never know a white pointer might get your ex while she is in OZ Fingers crossed.

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Petition signed and I have sympathy for you as I have a ex with similar traits just not as extreme as yours. I hope you get to see your kids soon, you never know a white pointer might get your ex while she is in OZ Fingers crossed.



Hi Chris, Your support means a lot. Sorry to hear you are being put through the wringer too. PM me if you want a link to our campaign page. I dont know what a white pointer is, but I appreciate the sentiment.

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I expect only UK residents can sign your petition given it relates to UK law.


Hi Parleycross, thanks for your interest in signing, but as you say, you have to be in the UK. I have sent you a private message though.


For anyone else in oz who wants to sign but can't, please PM me and I will give you the link to the fb campaign page my wifes put together.


If you think you have to jump through hoops to take someones kids away from them please visit this page and have your eyes opened.

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Ive posted supporting you before. I do believe you ex has been if not devious, then maybe a little economical with the truth.


But the one thing you may have on your side is your children are older and can soon make up their own mind whether to stay in Oz or not.


I totally understand why you are doing what your doing and fair play to you. Its been different cirumstances to you, but due to OH's work ive moved my children away from immediate family ie grannys, aunts, uncles etc, but the best thing the ones not moved have done is contact, contact, contact.


Its meant my kids have always still felt that connection to the family.


Just be your loving self and your kids will always feel a need/want to be close to you.


Good luck with your campaign

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Thanks so much for your support everyone, it means so much more than you know. And thanks for your kind words. Yes Fifi, I am hanging in there regarding contact, but its sad when your daughter has to throw a t shirt over her ipad when her mum comes in the room. For the first six weeks they were there, I never spoke to them once. I told their mum a schedule I could Skype them, but every single time they never turned up, only to have photos put on Fb by their mum later, with them stroking Koalas, sitting on a beach, at a water park etc. I think I have worn my ex down with my persistence, but its still not as regular as I would like. And as I say, I think my daughter just makes out she is talking to a friend. But that has been the history of my life as a dad so its nothing new really. It just feels worse when they are so far away. My wife always used to berate me for wishing my kids childhood away. she doesn't anymore.


For anyone interested please read this piece written about 'state sanctioned kidnap' by Bob Geldof, http://www.relocationcampaign.co.uk/4.html

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If your kids want contact with you then its not fair that shes stopping them, or at least as much as they want.


Cant be nice, you have my sympathy!


Thanks Stacey, please sign the petition if you get a chance. Difficulties with contact are very common. My main issue is with what is known as 'lifestyle' motives. These are a good cover for a mother who finds sharing her kids with her ex husband and his new partner 'irksome'. When I first dated my wonderful, kind, responsible wife, two years after my separation, I introduced her to my kids. We had been dating for five months by then and I had fallen in love, so it felt right to make that first introduction. We literally popped in to see her for five minutes on my way back to taking them home. That evening, sitting cuddled up with my then girlfriend, when i got a text from my ex. I can remember what it said to this day "I do not want my children spending time with that woman." By the way my ex was pregnant and living with her partner and had been for the whole two years since we split up by then. She is a very jealous controlling, insecure person. Within dating her now husband a month, my kids were told to call him dad. She has tried to erase me from the start, but I have just dug my heels in, and been as consistent and loving dad as I can be. I have always tried to be polite and never ever bad mouth their mum. Sadly I know that's not the same in reverse.


If a mothers (and maybe sometimes fathers) motive for emigrating are not pure, then it should be little wonder that contact with the children after the emigration, is not going to be hurdle free. This is a direct quote from the most up to date research on relocation after a leave to remove case.


"Several parents reported that indirect contact, which is often part of a contact order and is designed to supplement the infrequent physical visits between a parent and

child, rarely happens and cannot be relied upon as a method of maintaining contact.

Telephone conversations are difficult to organise at times which suit the residential

parent and which fit into the child’s programme. When they do take place, they are

strained and truncated as the child is aware that others are listening to the call, feels

the pressure of divided loyalties, or just cannot be bothered to speak at that time. The

internet is not a suitable method of communication for most young children who

would require parental assistance which may not be forthcoming, and the same is true

of webcams which regularly are included within contact orders. Similarly, pre-paid

mobile phones which have been programmed with the telephone numbers of the leftbehind father and family are only useful where the residential parent will allow their

use which, often, is not the case. Older children are very comfortable with using the

internet as a means of communication, but will only do so if they know that it is 15

supported by the residential parent and will not cause a problem with that parent. The

effect is that the contact between the parent and child living in another jurisdiction is

usually irregular, and that neither party feels part of the other’s life."

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Im on my phone atm but once im on the laptop i'll sign it - if i forget then please remind me!


So will she not let you come over for a visit or anything like that? She doesnt sound very nice and i'm sure it has a affect on your children if they have to hide the fact that they speak to you. So sad :(

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Hi Parleycross, thanks for your interest in signing, but as you say, you have to be in the UK. I have sent you a private message though.


For anyone else in oz who wants to sign but can't, please PM me and I will give you the link to the fb campaign page my wifes put together.




I signed it last week and didn't seem to be a problem signing from Australia, from memory it asked if a British citizen or in UK. I said citizen and used by Australia address and your count definitely went up one afterwards.



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Yep, I'm british living in France. Gave french address and it worked fine.


Moving to Aussie this year, Same as but not with Ex-Wife and 2 kids. Not had any trouble with courts, very lucky to be "mobile" with my job so can follow my kids.

I signed because the rubbish fathers give the dads who really care about their kids a bad name, luckily (so far) no issues for me. But if I couldn't follow I suspect there would have been.




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