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What next 190 skillset? agent or no agent?


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So...i tried to get through a visa in 2008 and got SA SS. We decided the timing just wasnt right and decided to wait for a bit (whilst we had a baby)


Anyways, im back.

I have applied for ACT sponsorship...i am awaiting my decision

I already have VETASSESS from 2008



25 for age (36)

20 for IELTS

10 for employment (5yrs)

15 for my degree(Graphic Designer gained in UK BA)

Total 70


If i get SS a further 5 Points



Please correct me if i am wrong on the above, i gather there is a punishment if you overestimated points


I was going to use an agent at the beginning, but i already had vetassess, and as i had already achieved the previous SS on my own, i thought i would have a crack at SS on my own. I am debating weather to use an agent for my main Visa. If i get through SS i am assuming the visa will be straightforward, but at the same point its a lot of money to risk if you get something wrong. There are no medical nor character problems.


So where from here?

I was hoping to start preparing for the next stage, i am assuming from what i have read here, if i achieve ACT SS, then i will be sent a letter of invitation and i then submit that and a 190 visa, is this correct?




i got ACT SS

And my EOI is submitted....just awaiting an answer

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According to my opinion, you should get an agent to do the remaining things for you. you cant risk your entire case for just few bucks now. What if something went wrong ? All your efforts from the last 4 years will go down the drain.


Yes, you'll get an ITO (Invitation to Apply) and will be issued a CO (Case Officer) .. Hope you get 'em all soon .. Waiting sucks !


Good Luck

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I believe the main visa should be straightforward. I have no medical or character issues.

I am a little worried by this whole points estimation, but they seem quite obvious


25 for age (36)

20 for IELTS (I got 8.5 & above in all 4 categories)

10 for employment (i have completed over 5yrs work experience in my profession in the uk )

15 for my degree(Graphic Designer gained in UK BA but recognessed and previously assessed by vetassess)


Total 70


If anyone could confirm this just to put my mind at rest I'd appreciate it

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From what you have posted the only one which may let you down would be proving the 5 years of work experience, but if you have all your documents to back this up employer references ect you should have nothing to worry about.


But as you are going for the 190 visa, you could not claim for work experience and still pass the points test. State nominated visas are not ranked by points to get invitation,


If it will put your mind at rest run your case past an agent then make a decision from there, we were also not sure our case like yours was straight forward the agent I spoke to told us that and we did it alone.

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So...i tried to get through a visa in 2008 and got SA SS. We decided the timing just wasnt right and decided to wait for a bit (whilst we had a baby)


Anyways, im back.

I have applied for ACT sponsorship...i am awaiting my decision

I already have VETASSESS from 2008



25 for age (36)

20 for IELTS

10 for employment (5yrs)

15 for my degree(Graphic Designer gained in UK BA)

Total 70


If i get SS a further 5 Points



Please correct me if i am wrong on the above, i gather there is a punishment if you overestimated points


I was going to use an agent at the beginning, but i already had vetassess, and as i had already achieved the previous SS on my own, i thought i would have a crack at SS on my own. I am debating weather to use an agent for my main Visa. If i get through SS i am assuming the visa will be straightforward, but at the same point its a lot of money to risk if you get something wrong. There are no medical nor character problems.


So where from here?

I was hoping to start preparing for the next stage, i am assuming from what i have read here, if i achieve ACT SS, then i will be sent a letter of invitation and i then submit that and a 190 visa, is this correct?


Take advice about your VETASSESS skills assessment and your work experience.

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Hi I am currently compiling information to send to vetasses to do exactly the same as you. My husband is 34 and has worked as a graphic designer for 10 years+ and has a BA in graphics. We have managed to get work refs from a most old employers ( there have been a lot!). He has had two periods of self employment so have some client statements. Two companies have liquidated, one wont respond so are having to fill out 4 self decs. Its a bit tricky and I'm so glad I saw your post as I was getting a bit nervous as going it alone. I think that I might contact an agent for some advice. When you did vetasses did you have to send of examples of work under taken and evidence like that?

Just double checking but I'm sure that I read somewhere that the skills assessment could only be from after 2010- shoot me if I'm wrong but would hate for you to submit an old one.

Let me know how you get on with it all



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Hi I am currently compiling information to send to vetasses to do exactly the same as you. My husband is 34 and has worked as a graphic designer for 10 years+ and has a BA in graphics. We have managed to get work refs from a most old employers ( there have been a lot!). He has had two periods of self employment so have some client statements. Two companies have liquidated, one wont respond so are having to fill out 4 self decs. Its a bit tricky and I'm so glad I saw your post as I was getting a bit nervous as going it alone. I think that I might contact an agent for some advice. When you did vetasses did you have to send of examples of work under taken and evidence like that?

Just double checking but I'm sure that I read somewhere that the skills assessment could only be from after 2010- shoot me if I'm wrong but would hate for you to submit an old one.

Let me know how you get on with it all




Hi Clare,


When i did my Vetassess, i only had to provide my degree,


I am assuming you are looking at ACT Sponsorship too which does require 2010 and above, but i spoke to ACT and they said they may be able to provide a waiver if i could provide proof i was still in the same proffesion. Did he have to just supply a few client references? my first employment (also the time of vetassess) i was self employed. Since them i have been in two employments, my current boss refuses to give anyone a reference. so that may be sticky, although i do have that in writing, so i have forwarded that on

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  • Current skill assessment in the nominated occupation. All VETASSESS skill assessments must be dated after January 2010. this is from the ACT sponsorship guidelines x

    sorry x





they told me a waiver may be given, and told me to just attach all correspondence i had to the SS application.

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hi yes we are supplying 4 client refs from his current self employment and a self declaration plus tax return from 2011-2012. Then work refs from old employment plus p45s or pay slips. Dont have any from one employment so having to try and get one from an old boss. Im just going with the thought that more is better and adding any evidence in possible. Companies house records for liquidated companies. One company has changed its name so I have a proof of that. I have linked it all of his cv with evidence 1,2,3,4 etc and the done the same with client statements. Its like a full time job my 20 mth old is roaming the house like a wild animal as I type this!! Where about in Canberra do you fancy? Been researching that lots too got a few ideas. I like the southern districts I think x

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Taken from the Vetassess website




If your Skills Assessment was completed before 2010 or your assessment has now expired, please contact VETASSESS for advice.


Pretty certain mine states it is lifelong, If your Skills Assessment was completed before 2010 or your assessment has now expired, does not say its actually expired. it say completed before...or expired. Some states accept it, some don't, i contacted them and they said it may be wavered.

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hi yes we are supplying 4 client refs from his current self employment and a self declaration plus tax return from 2011-2012. Then work refs from old employment plus p45s or pay slips. Dont have any from one employment so having to try and get one from an old boss. Im just going with the thought that more is better and adding any evidence in possible. Companies house records for liquidated companies. One company has changed its name so I have a proof of that. I have linked it all of his cv with evidence 1,2,3,4 etc and the done the same with client statements. Its like a full time job my 20 mth old is roaming the house like a wild animal as I type this!! Where about in Canberra do you fancy? Been researching that lots too got a few ideas. I like the southern districts I think x




I have no idea, im more towards north, we have a daughter called casey, so that feels like ii should live there. I did this years ago and threw myself in to it, and it all fell through it broke my heart, so this time i am trying to just do what i need on the visa and not let get too emotionally involved.

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thats a shame, we too toyed with the idea back in 2008 to go to SS but we decided to wait a few years and in hindsight I'm glad as would prefer to be nearer to Sydney. Why did it fall through for you last time?


I felt the financial odds were not in our favour, plus I wanted a baby, and felt that it would make life much harder trying to fulfill SS requirements if I had a baby over there ( I am main applicant) so at that point it was a choice of baby or finish the visa. We chose the baby. She is now 3 and well, finances are never perfect sometimes you just have to go for it.

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yep thats kind of why we decided to wait, we have since moved areas in the UK and sold and bought another house and been renovating for the past 2 years plus had another baby! I think we needed to be in a better position financially, had all of our babies and have more equity to go with.

Good luck with it all

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my current boss refuses to give anyone a reference. so that may be sticky, although i do have that in writing, so i have forwarded that on


I would double check what Im about to say, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal to refuse to provide a reference, at least it's illegal to provide a bad reference these days. A neutral reference (basic info re employment period, position etc) is the minimum they can provide.


Failing this, do you have a line manager who would do a reference for you?

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Oh and on the original subject, I've gone it alone. I did run my case past an agent but I'd already done my IELTS and my skills assessment was with TRA so they advised me that based on how much I'd already got done and how relatively straight forward my case is, I shouldn't need any help. Although they did say if I needed them then they'd look at my case when I got to SS.


Luckily my SS was not too complicated and so I have been able to get by. I think IELTS and TRA skills assessment are the toughest parts I've encountered along the way. I did tell the agent how I'd broken down my points total and they agreed with my maths. Also when I filled out my EOI I entered the details of my qualifications, age, employment etc and skillselect put the points in. I guess the only way you can over claim is if you don't have the evidence to back up your employment claims or if you mis-interpret the qualification section.

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