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My year at home


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I'll try and keep it short. Been back just about a year. Very happy. Still miss my job and my colleagues and maybe the kebabs but that's it.


My mr is very happy working away and building himself a hotrod. Our girls are well and a great lot of fun. I have realised that I do love my husband and our relationship is much better than it was. Mainly because we are not stressed out our brains. I don't have a job yet but fingers crossed a little part time number is on the cards.


I am a bit sad because I don't feel I will ever get a job as good as the one I had but now my life is more about family than work and I am lucky to be able to see my children grow up without having to work like a trojan. My dog seems to have regressed a bit in terms of his behaviour, he is still stupid hyper and definitely has issues. I am happy to see my parents have input with their grandchildren and my social life is really starting to pick up.


I used to feel at times like the saddest person in Australia but now I feel like the luckiest, happiest person in the UK.


I am back to loving my life again.

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I did reply to your post on the UK weather, but will say again. WELL DONE YOU.


Im sure we can all tell you have turned a corner, maybe not fully, only you will know that, but youve done so much. You realised you were in a dark place and YOU have pulled yourself thru.


Ive never suffered more than a dark day, so can in no way comment on what youve been thru, but ive read your posts and seen how you have picked yourself up. It cant have been easy im sure, but you knew something wasnt right and spoke up. Im sure im not alone in saying all your friends here on POI are very proud of you.


You look after yourself. Those girls of yours are going to have the best mum ever.


Love Fi x

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Really happy that you are now feeling this way - you dont realize just how depressed you are until you dont feel depressed any more do you? The job will come, probably when you are least expecting it and your experience will stand you in good stead for any future employment! Welcome to the land of the belonging!

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