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What are the things you most miss about the UK?


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Sausages, fish & chips, knowing immediately where to get a good curry, the NHS, snow, coming in out of the cold to a warm house, decent motorways, faster traffic lights, proper Sausage & egg Mcmuffin- they taste different here, good gyms, good pubs, decent chocolate, cheap clothes shops, rainy days, being closer distance to family, british shops, british festivals. This list could go on forever...

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Don't miss anything yet, other than family and friends. Love practically everything i've come across in Melbourne and don't think there's much i can say i miss from London.


The fish and chips is awesome here , even found a chippy (run by vietnamese!) that does flake and chips for $7 with proper chips. gorgeous!


Maybe being able to scamper across any road without waiting for the lights to change.....easy in London, bit suicidal across a 10 lane highway in Melbourne.

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Band 1: £17.50 includes an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish and planning for further treatment.

Band 2: £48 includes all treatment covered by Band 1, plus additional treatment, such as fillings, root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions).

Band 3: £209 includes all treatment covered by Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges.


As opposed to $3000-$5000 dollars!!!!

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A recent dental checkup in Adelaide cost me $145 you do the conversion , last year told i needed a crown but looking at $3800!!!!! and he couldn't guarantee its success, i'm sorry,if i spend that much i want it to work same as i would if it was a tv or at least be able to return if not fit for purpose. Sadly i wasn't paying it and had my first ever tooth removed for $375, something else i won't miss, being ripped off at any and every opportunity, in the old days they wore a mask and rode a horse!

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Apart from family and friends I miss the seasons, although from what relatives have been saying their seasons back in the uk have all been the same this year...wet! I do miss the cold crisp mornings and the autumn trees.

I also miss the freedom to walk in the countryside without having to worry about snakes etc.

On a selfish note I miss the variety of food in the supermarkets back home...

....and yes dentists back home!

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Miss everything about UK mainly,


1: walk to my office which was only 15 -18 min from my home

2: My kind English Landlady from Chester

3: My Austrian flat mate who never stayed at home except weekends for few hours (mostly found at Uni Lab)

4: Walk to Park every evening (in summer of course) with neighbors

5: My neighbor old couple and their dog

6: Lake District view

7: My Office and colleagues

8: Marks & Spencer shopping

9: Busy Manchester Market Street

10: My travel from North to South, and frequent traveling to Europe (so economical specially if book in advance)

11: Sunday early morning Church and then head for lovely breakfast at Cafe Nero

12: All the different accents

13: The compliments I used to get from people specially on my smile

14: NHS service

15: Manchester Tram ..London Underground

16: Weekends with friends for Sheesha :)

17: My Dentist ... great one

18: Above all I miss weather... I love rain


ohhh this list can go and on...


I just miss Manchester..


Aussie Girl Bay

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Thought of a couple more:


Radios 4 & 5, and especially Test Match Special

That particular shade of green that doesn't exist here.


But, like I said, it'll mostly still be there when I go back


all bbc radio channels are available over on any internet enabled device, for free!

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Been able to walk to your friends house.

Going away for a cheap weekend.

British TV.

The clothes shops.


Cozy nights in when its snowing out.

Christmas (it just isn't the same here)


Having a real night out


although the plan is to go back to the UK so I don't miss these things to much.

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I hail from Manchester all family is in and aroud Manchester, Leyland & preston, know what u mean


exactly...I remember once traveling by train from Southend-on-sea to London, I smiled at a little boy who was with his parents, the couple looked at me and said 'Oh you must be from North' ....best thing I heard about my place....really lovely, kind, polite people from North

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