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Anyone planning or hoping they can return to UK in 2013 and if so, why?


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As far as I am aware if you moved now what you get is based on the 300ths bit but if its after Jan 1st 2014 its 420 -the legislation is not passed yet but I will take bets it will be

There is a link on the Centrelink site with details its in the corporate section cant find it at the minute but I will try later

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we came home because we felt our kids would not get the same quality education that was available to them at home, where we live we are very fortunate that the secondary school is top class.....many of the teachers are also ex pupils.....they have had only 4 head masters since the 50's which all speaks volumes for the school, my eldest is in his last year and starting 6th form and my middle boy is halfway through his first year and I can say hand on heart the school has been everthing and more of what we expected......There are many other reasons why we came home......there were many reasons why we left in the first place......but its not untill you have actually moved and lived that life that you truly can realise and appreciate what you left behind.....5 or so years on we still know 100% we did the right thing and have no intentions what-so-ever of returning to live.......


Things were easier 5 years ago......with recent problems, recessions and sensational headlines like..... 1000 sex assaults every day......Britain facing the slowest housing recovery of the EU.......UK workless households the highest in Europe......70% of Brits living in a pigsty.......increases in suicides due to the recent recessions......70% of illegal immigrants living in London......Hostpitals banning overweight people from using their beds and Slough is a **** hole.....it must be tough making that decision to come home.......made even tougher by all of the above.....

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Why is education so important ? Is there such a difference from the UK to the AUS education curriculum ? I mean most people who have studied to degree level in the UK end up in a crumby job or stacking shelves ! So really what difference does it make ? Just snobbery !


There's people like myself who have a trade i.e. air con engineers , sparks , hair dressers , plumbers, joiners , who have their own businesses and make more money than some lawyers I know , so I don't see why there's this never ending emphasis on super dooper British education !


Putting too much pressure on kids to be high achievers rather than letting them be kids and enjoying life .


Then there is the fact there is no jobs in the UK available due to the never ending recession , and now Cameron is talking about leaving Europe , that will make things even worse . Just proves Britain is too big for it's boots , thinking it's better than anyone else and you say Aussies are arrogant ? 70 % of Aussies have British heritage , so now I know where they get it from !


What happens when you go back to the UK and look up at the grey , black , cold , cloudy , depressing sky and realize that you've made yet another mistake and end up coming back to Australia ?


Cold damp weather will play havoc with your Arthritis ,then the cold weather will give you Rosacea trust me !


See you in a couple of months


Ping Pong POM lol

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Myself and OH and our 13yr old son have decided to move back to the UK this year after 5years, we have done very well for ourselves here good jobs, lovely home weve had a great experience and been to some beautiful places and we do like aspects of the australian life style. But Our yearning for the UK just wont go away, we miss all the places of interest you can visit, all the hsitory, walking through the lakes, bike trails, being so close to Europe. No matter how hard we try, we just cant make australia home. we have been back to the Uk, and each time we all never want to return to OZ. I'm concerned about how our son will adjust to the UK education system, has anyone been in this situation moving teenagers back to the UK?

Even though it is the right thing to do for us as a family and we feel very positive about it, its still a little scary to have to start over again.

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  • 2 months later...
Becaus it's overrated...! The only good things here is the weather and work 2 big factors but it has nothing else to offer


I too will be returning, I have been here over 2 years now and miss England. Coming to Australia was a long time dream of mine and I had it all planned and set up for when I left the British Army after 22 years service, I figured it would be just as easy as starting off in civi st, and as I spent years living and working abroad I didn't think I would miss the UK that much. The problem for me is the cost of living, the poor service, everything seems so overcomplicated out here and the house prices and quality of build. I have seen it mentioned on this forum before and I have to agree that the average Aussie is just so xenophobic and boring, everything has to be about Australia, I am proud to be English but if I see someone gifted or talented from another country I can only admire them, but here they only concentrate on what is Australian, Australian owned and run, blah blah blah, I just don't find them stimulating at all. Apart from that the rain here is double what I experienced in the UK, I have been flooded out twice, I have the heating on more here than I ever did in the UK as there is no insulation double glazing etc and when the sun does come out it is unbearable. The only upside for me is my job as I earn a great wage and can save quite a bit, but even that won't be enough to keep me here, I did plan on working a lot longer and putting a sizeable amount on a house in the UK, but I can't bear the boredom or constant long drives to get to anywhere. I miss the close proximity of Europe and underestimated the impact the history and culture of the UK would have on me, it just feels very sterile here, no character. My friends keep saying I should have researched it more, but I did, this was 10 years in the planning, It doesn't matter what research you do, you won't know until you have actually lived and worked here for at least a year. I am glad I came for those reasons, I just had to get it out of my system, but now it's time to move on.

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I too will be returning, I have been here over 2 years now and miss England. Coming to Australia was a long time dream of mine and I had it all planned and set up for when I left the British Army after 22 years service, I figured it would be just as easy as starting off in civi st, and as I spent years living and working abroad I didn't think I would miss the UK that much. The problem for me is the cost of living, the poor service, everything seems so overcomplicated out here and the house prices and quality of build. I have seen it mentioned on this forum before and I have to agree that the average Aussie is just so xenophobic and boring, everything has to be about Australia, I am proud to be English but if I see someone gifted or talented from another country I can only admire them, but here they only concentrate on what is Australian, Australian owned and run, blah blah blah, I just don't find them stimulating at all. Apart from that the rain here is double what I experienced in the UK, I have been flooded out twice, I have the heating on more here than I ever did in the UK as there is no insulation double glazing etc and when the sun does come out it is unbearable. The only upside for me is my job as I earn a great wage and can save quite a bit, but even that won't be enough to keep me here, I did plan on working a lot longer and putting a sizeable amount on a house in the UK, but I can't bear the boredom or constant long drives to get to anywhere. I miss the close proximity of Europe and underestimated the impact the history and culture of the UK would have on me, it just feels very sterile here, no character. My friends keep saying I should have researched it more, but I did, this was 10 years in the planning, It doesn't matter what research you do, you won't know until you have actually lived and worked here for at least a year. I am glad I came for those reasons, I just had to get it out of my system, but now it's time to move on.


Mark - that is a fantastic post and luckily came through to my email box as I haven't been on PIO for a while as am too busy getting ready to leave Oz! Only 7 sleeps left after 32 years here! You said it all really in one post!

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I too will be returning, I have been here over 2 years now and miss England. Coming to Australia was a long time dream of mine and I had it all planned and set up for when I left the British Army after 22 years service, I figured it would be just as easy as starting off in civi st, and as I spent years living and working abroad I didn't think I would miss the UK that much. The problem for me is the cost of living, the poor service, everything seems so overcomplicated out here and the house prices and quality of build. I have seen it mentioned on this forum before and I have to agree that the average Aussie is just so xenophobic and boring, everything has to be about Australia, I am proud to be English but if I see someone gifted or talented from another country I can only admire them, but here they only concentrate on what is Australian, Australian owned and run, blah blah blah, I just don't find them stimulating at all. Apart from that the rain here is double what I experienced in the UK, I have been flooded out twice, I have the heating on more here than I ever did in the UK as there is no insulation double glazing etc and when the sun does come out it is unbearable. The only upside for me is my job as I earn a great wage and can save quite a bit, but even that won't be enough to keep me here, I did plan on working a lot longer and putting a sizeable amount on a house in the UK, but I can't bear the boredom or constant long drives to get to anywhere. I miss the close proximity of Europe and underestimated the impact the history and culture of the UK would have on me, it just feels very sterile here, no character. My friends keep saying I should have researched it more, but I did, this was 10 years in the planning, It doesn't matter what research you do, you won't know until you have actually lived and worked here for at least a year. I am glad I came for those reasons, I just had to get it out of my system, but now it's time to move on.

Army aside I could of wrote that post myself. Your not alone in your feelings.

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Guest guest74886
Myself and OH and our 13yr old son have decided to move back to the UK this year after 5years, we have done very well for ourselves here good jobs, lovely home weve had a great experience and been to some beautiful places and we do like aspects of the australian life style. But Our yearning for the UK just wont go away, we miss all the places of interest you can visit, all the hsitory, walking through the lakes, bike trails, being so close to Europe. No matter how hard we try, we just cant make australia home. we have been back to the Uk, and each time we all never want to return to OZ. I'm concerned about how our son will adjust to the UK education system, has anyone been in this situation moving teenagers back to the UK?

Even though it is the right thing to do for us as a family and we feel very positive about it, its still a little scary to have to start over again.


It is scary I agree but not as scary as staying here.

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Guest guest74886
I too will be returning, I have been here over 2 years now and miss England. Coming to Australia was a long time dream of mine and I had it all planned and set up for when I left the British Army after 22 years service, I figured it would be just as easy as starting off in civi st, and as I spent years living and working abroad I didn't think I would miss the UK that much. The problem for me is the cost of living, the poor service, everything seems so overcomplicated out here and the house prices and quality of build. I have seen it mentioned on this forum before and I have to agree that the average Aussie is just so xenophobic and boring, everything has to be about Australia, I am proud to be English but if I see someone gifted or talented from another country I can only admire them, but here they only concentrate on what is Australian, Australian owned and run, blah blah blah, I just don't find them stimulating at all. Apart from that the rain here is double what I experienced in the UK, I have been flooded out twice, I have the heating on more here than I ever did in the UK as there is no insulation double glazing etc and when the sun does come out it is unbearable. The only upside for me is my job as I earn a great wage and can save quite a bit, but even that won't be enough to keep me here, I did plan on working a lot longer and putting a sizeable amount on a house in the UK, but I can't bear the boredom or constant long drives to get to anywhere. I miss the close proximity of Europe and underestimated the impact the history and culture of the UK would have on me, it just feels very sterile here, no character. My friends keep saying I should have researched it more, but I did, this was 10 years in the planning, It doesn't matter what research you do, you won't know until you have actually lived and worked here for at least a year. I am glad I came for those reasons, I just had to get it out of my system, but now it's time to move on.


I agree absolutely, I couldn't have put it better myself, it is bloody boring, at first I thought it was me but as I read other people's posts it seems that the more aware you are the greater the disenchantment seems to be, it seems to be fine if your aspirations are a car , the sun on, the beach and a tinnie to go fishing from, but if you want more than living happily like your mum and dad then you start to find the limitations of the place overpowering.

It's also about a realisation that 'she'll be right' is not the answer to every problem.

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we arrived in sept 12 planning on returning to the uk oct 13 just the same as most of you, had been a long dream of moving to oz for that better life, am just glad that it has only taken us 12 months though to realise that its just not going to work or that dream was just that a dream,, i really dont mean to be rude at all but we have found australian people to be quite ignorant set in there ways and yes i can see it from there point of view all these different nationalities moving into there country taking there jobs ( as they do say,, but if they got off there backs side and took the jobs there would be none for us to come for would there ) it must be annoying, but its not just that its cost of living having to start again from scratch building up a new friends network, having to work more than i was in the uk to be able to pay the rent and food shopping ( not great ) the schooling is no better either maybe if i had enrolled my son into a private school and payed some massive fee's every term then he might be getting the better grades but they are no different to uk if not worse as he says that the teachers just leave him to it what good is that,, iam not sorry that we made the move as like the rest we would never have known other wise but iam seriously counting the days till we go back home i really do miss the uk.

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Weather in the UK is the thing which I always struggles with. Other than that I think its great.

Al the problems are mostly with people on the dole and living in rough areas. Most on here are skilled and how you got into Oz.


From that I woud think if youre moving back to the UK, you would be able to move to somewhere 'English' (usually outside of a city or town centre etc..) the pace of life is nice and relaxed in these areas and more English.

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I too will be returning, I have been here over 2 years now and miss England. Coming to Australia was a long time dream of mine and I had it all planned and set up for when I left the British Army after 22 years service, I figured it would be just as easy as starting off in civi st, and as I spent years living and working abroad I didn't think I would miss the UK that much. The problem for me is the cost of living, the poor service, everything seems so overcomplicated out here and the house prices and quality of build. I have seen it mentioned on this forum before and I have to agree that the average Aussie is just so xenophobic and boring, everything has to be about Australia, I am proud to be English but if I see someone gifted or talented from another country I can only admire them, but here they only concentrate on what is Australian, Australian owned and run, blah blah blah, I just don't find them stimulating at all. Apart from that the rain here is double what I experienced in the UK, I have been flooded out twice, I have the heating on more here than I ever did in the UK as there is no insulation double glazing etc and when the sun does come out it is unbearable. The only upside for me is my job as I earn a great wage and can save quite a bit, but even that won't be enough to keep me here, I did plan on working a lot longer and putting a sizeable amount on a house in the UK, but I can't bear the boredom or constant long drives to get to anywhere. I miss the close proximity of Europe and underestimated the impact the history and culture of the UK would have on me, it just feels very sterile here, no character. My friends keep saying I should have researched it more, but I did, this was 10 years in the planning, It doesn't matter what research you do, you won't know until you have actually lived and worked here for at least a year. I am glad I came for those reasons, I just had to get it out of my system, but now it's time to move on.

Great post Mark! The boredom really does do for you in the end! Sadly all the research in the world doesn't make that part of it clear - at least you have the gumption to move to something better rather than sticking with the old "if I keep banging my head against this brick wall it will hurt less" mantra in the hope that you can "settle" in a place that doesn't really float your boat! Good luck with the next adventure!

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Great post Mark! The boredom really does do for you in the end! Sadly all the research in the world doesn't make that part of it clear - at least you have the gumption to move to something better rather than sticking with the old "if I keep banging my head against this brick wall it will hurt less" mantra in the hope that you can "settle" in a place that doesn't really float your boat! Good luck with the next adventure!

I think this is the thing that has really got to me.....the sheer boredom and inanity of life here.


I have found myself taking on more Work than I really need just to find something to do which offers a little intellectual stimulation.

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