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Anyone planning or hoping they can return to UK in 2013 and if so, why?


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I've been here for a mind bending 8 months wohoo but am counting down the days till I go back at the beginning of May, just in time for my 30th.


The position I was in the UK before I came (as a quick search of my post history will reveal) was that I needed a break from the mindset and physical place I was in at the time. I hadn't long come out of a long term relationship and was still kind of depressed by it. Not being able to find work made it 5x worse. However, having had time to reflect the UK is definitely home, no matter how bad the economy is. The work/job situation here IS better, but that's about it. British humour, pubs, gyms, clubs, tv, customer service and management are all better.

In fact on that last note, the standard of management out here is appalling. Veritable Kids put in supervisory and management positions at venues that take 100k+ on a weekend night, with all the nepotism and ego that a position of power brings at that age for most. They wouldn't last 2 minutes in the smallest Wetherspoons in Britain. Major **** ups and downright lack of performance are not even looked at twice let alone disciplined. So long as the tills keep ringing everyones happy. I pray to god that the Aussies don't suffer a recession like we did, they are nowhere near tough enough to deal with it (despite what they like to portray) and are far far too spoilt and used to the good life.


Everything here is about degrees and paperwork, not actual merit or experience. No wonder they need all the British tradies they can get as almost everysingle Aussie I have met is either in Uni or is a graduate. They are obsessed with having a degree, a lot like the UK was back about 10 years ago.


I have a few more options back in the UK compared to when I left, things that should have happened years ago.

good luck on your return, the place is not bad at all mate.

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Petals and wakeboard1980, why are you even on here? MBTTUK is a place for people to vent their frustration with Australia and to explain why their experiences have not given them a good impression of the place. Specifically, this threads asks who is intending to leave this year and why. Why you always feel like you have to jump to Australia's defence I do not know. If Australia is as great as you think it is it can jolly well stand up for itself and doesn't need you to defend it.


Yes some things that people say are wrong/misleading, but they don't benefit by being corrected in such a condescending manner. Now just accept that there are people in life that prefer the UK to Australia, for whatever reason.

Here here.

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The same happens on threads about moving TO Australia by members who have moved back and 'finished' with Aus, unfortunately on a forum this size its something that will happen.

Howeve,r unlike folk looking to move here , people moving back to the UK ,now have access to a locked and private MBTTUK section, you just need to contact admin to be added.


Cal x

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I think this is a bit rude. Lots of us read MBTTUK section and you are implying that because we live in OZ and at the moment don't intend moving back to the UK we cannot contribute in any way? Petals especially posts usually many helpful posts, you only have to see how often she (?) has been thanked.

Sometimes the sweeping and sometimes incorrect statements made need to be debated. Certainly don't like the inference that that this is only for people post that they are intending to go back in the very near future. Who knows what the future holds for any of us.

All the best to all intending to return and all the best to those of us who intend staying here.



I do think anyone can contribute if they have valid advice, but these specific posts contributed nothing useful to this thread. And I don't judge posts on the writer specifically, I judge them on what is being said in that post. Doing great work in other areas of the forum shouldn't excuse people from writing in patronising and condescending tones in this area of the forum.

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Hi Fizzbangs thank you for getting back to me so soon and for the helpful advice. I guess the reality is my mum will have to stay I did a bit of research on what you said and she has left her run too late to return. The irony is she is Irish (my dad also but deceased) and she nearly bought a house in Dublin before she came here in xmas 95. When she does pass the plan is a road trip for me to Ireland to her home town and to scatter her ashes close to the River Shannon and the way its looking I may end up living in Ireland, I like the look of Donegal near the coast (the silver strand) we used to holiday as kids there have some distant cousins on the South West coast. I can't believe that the pension is not transferable its blown me away so you lose both ends of the globe. So would I get 5 years of Nat Ins back? The Glandula fever thing is a similar routine, no energy in the morning can't get to sleep at night when I do its light sleep and get woken with the birds and go into a second sleep and its worse and heat is not helping every person I have spoken to here has had glandula fever or knows someone with it I am beginning to think it is endemic to Queensland. I would recommend income insurance I don't have it but when you are off work and sick for a long time and every other advert is about income insurance you really feel like an idiot.

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You'll be able to claim a proportion or whatever of Aussie pension if you live there - ask before you leave for an idea of what you'll get - Oz will co-ordinate with Ireland presumably. also check on-line about what age you can retire. As for UK, you can do the same and you may find you can already claim but if you only worked there 5 years it would be pittance I would think. I really have no idea. I got better with complete rest once they found out what it was - which was after I collapsed on Burleigh beach 3 months after I fell ill - so much for a doctor who said I was 'too old' to get it even though I asked for the test! By that time I had given my job up as had no idea what was wrong with me. Afterwards, my sign that I needed complete rest was when my lower arms started to ache and I learned to lie down for a couple of days and then periods between got longer and longer. about 28 years later and I still get that feeling in my arms occasionally and it is a sign I need more rest.

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Hi Fizzybangs yes I will have to find out these details I really feel like a gypsy hopefully one day I will settle down and feel at home somewhere in the world. Sounds like you had a tough time with the illness. It took about 4 months to find out what was wrong with me and I faced alot of frustration personally and I copped attitudes from people because they did not understand the illness as I spent 3 months in bed. I am on the crash and recovery roundabout but able to go out a couple of times a week to do shopping and banking etc. I appreciate life alot more as having not much of a life makes you value what you have and it also tests your friendships or lack of them and support network and what you want in life and where you want to be. Fate has a hand in this I suppose and you have to go through the tough times to come out the other side a better and stronger person which I think has happened.

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If your talking about claiming Centrelink pensions in the UK when you do retire you would not get one as to claim the Centrelink pension you need to be resident iN Oz at the time However a super pension or payment would be payable as its 'yours' The Uk and Oz no longer have a reciprocal agreement either as it ended around 2002

Does your Mum claim a UK pension as there does seem to be plenty of care homes there -my Mum was found a place very easily I understand the carer burnout so good luck with your plans

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Wow Kerry this is quite scary your life is mirroring mine!! I too arrived in May and have already decided it is not for my family so like you i am biding time till my lease is up...spooky!!! i have been unsucessful with the job hunting aswell it is disheartening, i keep thinking if i had found employment thing might have worked out differently. But like you say at least we have given it a bash think i might appreciate the UK a bit more now also xx

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Wow Kerry this is quite scary your life is mirroring mine!! I too arrived in May and have already decided it is not for my family so like you i am biding time till my lease is up...spooky!!! i have been unsucessful with the job hunting aswell it is disheartening, i keep thinking if i had found employment thing might have worked out differently. But like you say at least we have given it a bash think i might appreciate the UK a bit more now also xx



Wow, that is scary, when's your lease up? I'm hoping to go in July, the OH said he'd be ok if we went earlier, then he's staying till September till the lease finishes and hopefully waiting to get our bond back. What do u do? I tried everything, joined all the websites for all the supermarkets but not even a look in, not one of those company's got back to me,

do u have PR? We're on a 457 visa so it wouldn't have been forever anyway, even though I do think the OH would of stayed.

my OH kept going on about me getting a job and I tried but like you said theirs only so many knock backs u can take, i think his reason was so i might get to like my job and want to stay.

so I've joined 6-7 jobsites back home and already had an email to do with a job that was going on direct gov, so I have to send him my cv nearer the time of us returning, I'll have more opportunities back home.

at least we know, their will be none of that what if and I wish.

i will go home with my eyes wide open and appreciate it so much more, I took everything for granted.

I miss my family too much and I'm a completely different person now to what i was back home, the happy, slim woman has gone and now I'm miserable, unhappy and comfort eating. What sort of life is that for anybody, I certainly don't want it. Xxx

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Because Australia certainly is not for me, theres not much here and I've been everywhere but its all pretty much the same, I will be happy to return to my life back in the uk. Its now all very clear how the Australian and British Government are in cahoots with one another. I leave in March and no doubt my status will be removed in 5 minutes....

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Hi Patsmb and Thistle 13 thanks for your posts. I am not sure what a super pension or payment "yours" is ? and re super I know at the age of 55 I could take it and say I'm retiring, no questions asked, if I wanted to come back and work again no problem re the super. I hope I make a go of something good that I don't have to rely on a pension but who knows. Re my mum I think it would be too traumatic to get her back on a flight only alternative would be a cruise but again costly and not sure she would handle 6 weeks. She would probably get into a place there but its just getting there, she gets an aussie pension but a small amount uk. I will make more enquiries but thanks for your input.

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Petals and wakeboard1980, why are you even on here? MBTTUK is a place for people to vent their frustration with Australia and to explain why their experiences have not given them a good impression of the place. Specifically, this threads asks who is intending to leave this year and why. Why you always feel like you have to jump to Australia's defence I do not know. If Australia is as great as you think it is it can jolly well stand up for itself and doesn't need you to defend it.


Yes some things that people say are wrong/misleading, but they don't benefit by being corrected in such a condescending manner. Now just accept that there are people in life that prefer the UK to Australia, for whatever reason.


Is it really the place for that?


I have never claimed that is the be all and end all, not even close.


Yes you are this thread did ask about people returning this year. I suppose the fact that I returned just over a year ago means I can't post on here.


Can I ask why you are on this thread? Are you planning on returning this year?

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I do think anyone can contribute if they have valid advice, but these specific posts contributed nothing useful to this thread. And I don't judge posts on the writer specifically, I judge them on what is being said in that post. Doing great work in other areas of the forum shouldn't excuse people from writing in patronising and condescending tones in this area of the forum.


Thats exactly hwta I did. Gave my point of view. And did you manage to miss the last line of my post? I really don't care if people decide to move from Australia and go home, thats why I wished him the best. I am back here and it really isn't as bad as some would have you believe.

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Is it really the place for that?


I have never claimed that is the be all and end all, not even close.


Yes you are this thread did ask about people returning this year. I suppose the fact that I returned just over a year ago means I can't post on here.


Can I ask why you are on this thread? Are you planning on returning this year?


Keep your knickers on, I only said it is A place for doing that, and I did not say that venting frustrations is the only use for this forum, which you seem to be suggesting.


The reason I posted on this thread was because I thought yours and Petals posts were inappropriate and distracted people from the main jist of the thread. And you still doing it.

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Hi again -re Mums Aussie pension I have just spoken to avery helpfull lady at Centrelink International who has confirmed that Ceentrelink pensions are in our case portable

Hubby will get 258/300ths or 86% I will get full pension it depends on what working life you have had in Oz a

With your Mum would a flight buisness class be out of the question my friend flew with her Mum who lives in england but had an accident here and she said the assistance was marvellous -worth a thought

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Hi Patsmb thanks for info on another post Sapphire mentioned a whole new break down of pensions (working credits time etc) anyhow I will work it out. Re flights she came out on first class those were the good old days it would be that or nothing. Its the blood clotting issue (she had it before) air pressure and the sitting for long periods and the bathroom would be probs but will see how things go. As she would say "there are raisons (reasons) for everything and currants for a cake" being Irish.


Life is so complex I wish it were so simple as that. It's amazing all our reasons for leaving permanently or ping ponging. I guess its about our needs not being met like in anything, work, relationships, friends, family, lifestyle we leave them, rekindle them or not, we go back and forth in our minds and then we physically relocate, but both Australia and Uk have their differences but when it compromises our lives so much to make us unhappy we owe it to ourselves to make the changes if its possible.


We make the right decision at the time and that takes courage. Regrets sometimes but that is life. Its very easy to sit up on an ivory tower in each place and say how great things are for them you are very lucky but everyones lives are not perfect or hassle free all the time. Who knows I might ping back when I'm 65 and be a cougar (joking) and have a great time on the coast for 2 years and take the pension with me its all in the lap of the gods. Whatever happens I will have emotional bonds with both countries and very happy memories to cherish and will try to forget the bad stuff..s... happens they say in the movies.


Anyhow, Cheers to Fizzybangs and good luck to her on her next chapter isn't it interesting there are alot of people living here in oz 25 years plus that are moving back to UK...maybe one of the tv networks will create a new show we've got the cast already. At least Fizzybangs should be met at the airport with a bottle of fizz, don't you think, cheers !

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Keep your knickers on, I only said it is A place for doing that, and I did not say that venting frustrations is the only use for this forum, which you seem to be suggesting.


The reason I posted on this thread was because I thought yours and Petals posts were inappropriate and distracted people from the main jist of the thread. And you still doing it.


Good for you. Bit like a knight in shining armour. So you are not planning on returning this year?


So your opinion was that you thought we were? My opinion was that I thought the post you didn't like was addressing some generalisations that were not correct and then wished the poster well. You may have missed that bit.

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I actually like the UK and Australia equally - could happily live in each country 6 months of the year and fly back and forth if money, work and having the kids move schools wasn't an obstacle - unfortunately it just isn't possible :sad: ...... would just like to add though, to those folk wishing to return to the UK because they like the four different seasons - there really isn't that much variety between the seasons - they're all mostly like "autumn" i.e. wet and mild. Unfortunately childhood memories can sometimes cloud things so one remembers summers where every day was sunny and in the low 20s and most winter days involved sledging and snowball fights! The reality of UK weather unfortunately is that you may get the odd day that is true to the season but for the most part it's middling temperatures and drizzle/rain most days throughout the year.

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