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Wanted down under program moan!


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I agree about the lack of research. How long would it have taken to discover that the fisherman was not interested in skippering a tourist boat (that would have given him the family time he craved too) and nine months on a trawler was a no-no too.


On the other hand, it's not a promotion vehicle for the Australian Govt's immigration policy and negativity and conflict are necessities for any programme. (imagine a soap with everyone being nice to each other!)


Has Sydney been featured on this series yet? All I've seen is WA/Cairns/Melbourne.



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Guest Curlysoo

Glad to hear its not just me that is getting all steamed up by what I can only call a right bunch of whinging poms!!! Some of them have made me cringe! Yep that kid was a TOTAL brat ... though I DID wonder if the Nan had blackmailed him in some way? I have been watching the family and friends back home bit and laughed at the blackmailing antics of some of the families!! OF COURSE they are going to miss their loved ones ... but COME ON!!! ... they want a better life ... what is wrong with that?


I am a scouser living darn sarf here in Chelmsford so I am familiar already with the language barrier! LOL! Last week there was one of our "old" (very old in fact!!!) TV newsreaders from Granada, Bob Greaves on Wanted Down Under, the one who's wife looked like his grandaughter? ... I have four words to say to her .... DUMP HIM AND GO!!!!!!


I have been REALLY disappointed that the programme have chosen so many "candidates" for this programme who to my point of view didnt want to move to Oz before they stepped on to the plane. Is this a ploy to STOP us all wanting to go? .... wont work! ... we have our tickets booked! .... :yes::cool:

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The Revisted wdu not to bad, found it interesting this morning as it was Perth, but they haven't left it long enough to go back to visit...

But i totally agree what a C**P series, get me out there i will be honset and tell you what house you can buy with your money, and stuff the price of bananas, i will do a weekly shop for a family of four and show you the B***DY trolley...


I blame the director, producers and the researchers!!!!!!!!! :chatterbox:

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Completely agree that it has been a total waste of time watching this. As someone who is just starting out in the visa application process, I watched because I thought it might give me some useful info about visas, areas, cost of living etc, but to be honest I get much more info off sites like this. These people (with the exception of the few that have actually wanted to give it a go) seem to want to move to Australia so that they can earn mega-bucks, work very few hours and live in a house that is three times the size that they would expect to live in in the UK. They seem to forget that the normal mundane things of life (paying the bills, going to work, paying taxes, doing housework) happen wherever you live. My husband and I are going into immigration with our eyes open. We know that it is not all going to be rosy, and that we may even struggle for a while in all sorts of ways. However we have the opportunity and we are going to grasp it with both hands because we hope that we may be able to give our daughters (one toddler, one due any day now) the kind of life that we dream of for them.


I think that this series would have been much better if they had found more people who wanted to go but were realistic about it, rather than people who sort of kind of maybe thought it might be good, but had expected to walk into the set of Neighbours and were disappointed when it wasn't quite like that!

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I totally agree with you all on this years WDU. There have only been a few that I have felt worth watching. However, I found the revisited really interesting. Particularly todays one - the Larners I think. I found myself agreeing with both of them and it was nice to see that they have found it such an emotional rollercoaster.


Deciding to move to the other side of the world is both exciting and scary but I have found that it is giving me the opportunity to re evaluate my life (wow man - really must chill more). When you have kids, life becomes so busy and so getting the chance to stop for a moment to smell the coffee doesn't often happen..


The opportunity to start a new life in Australia has opened up a whole new world.... am I happy with my job, am I happy living where I live, what do I want for my kids etc etc.


And now..... I must rest...... too much thinking :biglaugh:

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Guest The.Colebecks

Todays episode, as it was Perth AND the hubby is an electrician so it was all relevant to us, and the one about the single mum with the 2 boys have been the best so far.


The 1st revisited wasn't too bad, I'm so glad that their eldest daughter has settled in so well, it must have been such a relief for them all:smile:


Anyone get annoyed when they waste time going back over almost EVERYTHING in their programme a year ago - I just want to see what they are experiencing NOW not back then!! I also find the house price / salary references of a year ago irrelevant as these have changed dramatically over the past 12 months. :daydreaming:


Looking forward to tomorrow's. :yes:


Karen x


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