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Wanted down under program moan!


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Just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me!! This series of wanted down under i'm finding rediculas and find myself shouting at the TV screen when they show these people around a hugh house well out of there price range(seems cruel if you ask me) i mean what's the point in that! This program is of no help to anyone migrating or not and does give a true representation of what it is we are all trying to do. I mean my uncle went over as a £10 Pom in the 70's with about £500 to his name, it is possible and you dont always need loads of money to fulfil a dream. I just wish the program would be fair and lets face it i don't think the way they are presenting the program this time is getting them any good ratings. One family from the last series i think there name was bristow he was an electrician and they went to Adelaide i have heard that they came home after only 6 weeks as they hated it! i think getting caught up on the crest of the wave in the TV program may have had something to do with it, real shame as they had sold everything and are now back in UK and have to start all over again with 4 kiddies. I mean a week to decide wheather or not to move to the other side of the world is a rediculas thing really! Shame we are all so addicted to it, i still can't miss it and hate myself for boasting the rating of a crap show but you never know one of these days the producers may even get it right. This is all with exeption of the single mum with the 2 boys i wish her all the luck in the world, she is an insperation to all of us. Lets face it if she can survive it then so can we!! :notworthy:

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hi, there doing a follow up section from tomorrow, and yes i was asking my oh are we a minority that seem to not be bothered about living in a showhome over there, i mean would all of these people buy brand new showhomes over here? would be we have the money, i mean there are a lot of us that live in a average 3 bed semi , so yes 4 beds thats a dream for me but we have hope in years to come? we can't all be starting at the same line. saying that id be happier with less and less stress!

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Guest clayton gang
Hi Yes Your Right Its Giving The Wrong Vibes To People Like You And Me Who Are Thinking Off Going Over Jo In Hull


Hi Robertson's


Where abouts in Hull are you from?


Clayton Gang:smile:

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hi, there doing a follow up section from tomorrow, and yes i was asking my oh are we a minority that seem to not be bothered about living in a showhome over there, i mean would all of these people buy brand new showhomes over here? would be we have the money, i mean there are a lot of us that live in a average 3 bed semi , so yes 4 beds thats a dream for me but we have hope in years to come? we can't all be starting at the same line. saying that id be happier with less and less stress!



Glad you said that, thats exactly how I feel. :yes:

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Guest traybears

hi,i also agree.i've been tapeing them on sky plus but haven't watched them all yet.doesn't make much sense this year,only watch it for the scenary.do you think their trying to put people off this year? tracy.

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hi,i also agree.i've been tapeing them on sky plus but haven't watched them all yet.doesn't make much sense this year,only watch it for the scenary.do you think their trying to put people off this year? tracy.

I think the government have paid themto put people off. :yes:


The updates start tomorrow our very own Donovan is on at some point they are the carpet fitters on the Gold Coast for those who don't know

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Guest afiyafifi

I think this series its terrible , i agree with tracy thats its only watchable for the scenary , i didnt watch to day getting fed up they havent showed brisbane .

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I think this series its terrible , i agree with tracy thats its only watchable for the scenary , i didnt watch to day getting fed up they havent showed brisbane .


Did you not watch it last year it was nearly all brisbane:wideeyed: I think people were getting sick last year so they havehad to change the destinations :)

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Guest bruce&jackie

I would just like to say what a negative series this has been.

There is no help to the type of visa's available, how long the process takes. They make house and work options seem limited, i could go on. :arghh:

Last year watching WDU made us want to go of it, think it will put quite a few people off .

Anyway it's still nice looking at the country i will soon call home.

Jackie x

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hi, there doing a follow up section from tomorrow, and yes i was asking my oh are we a minority that seem to not be bothered about living in a showhome over there, i mean would all of these people buy brand new showhomes over here? would be we have the money, i mean there are a lot of us that live in a average 3 bed semi , so yes 4 beds thats a dream for me but we have hope in years to come? we can't all be starting at the same line. saying that id be happier with less and less stress!

Your absolutley right about that! Some of the houses that they are shown round are like mansions are way too big as well as being unaffordable. We are not doing all of this for a bigger house lets face it, it's far deeper than that! Smaller house and less stress it definatley the way to go. i think the fact that they seem to be going to Cairns alot this series maybe something to do with the fact the aus gov want more there maybe! who know!

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hi guys, did anybody see todays WDU? im sorry but that kid did my head in!!! i know he was close to his nan etc, but god if he was my son and kicked off like that about getting on that boat, i would of dragged him on it got him out to sea and thrown him off!! (bit harsh, but he did my head in) i felt sorry for the parents, because if everything else went ok for them as in jobs, houses etc, that kid would have still ruined it for them!! sorry but needed to have a bit of a moan about todays show!!:huh: tomorrows is ment to be about brisbane!! so i will be watching that with great interest!!

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You are all sooooo right! I didn't see WDU last year but was thrilled to find it this year, especially as we hope to be going to Melbourne in June.

BUT watching the programme drives me crazy.

How can you make such an important decision in one week??? Really?!?!?!

They show the families these amazing houses (but then they're out of their price range so what help is that?).

Then they do ONE DAY in a job - well that's not real is it now?!

The family spends ONE DAY checking out the lifestyle - not really enough time to 'settle' in to the life.

My OH won't watch the programme with me, he's so annoyed by it.

We've been thinking about going to Australia for over a year and have been doing research all that time too! b But we're being REAL.

If we don't live in a show home, nothing will have changed.

If my OH works hard in his day job, nothing will have changed.

If I'm kept busy with the kids and home, nothing will have changed.

We're not expecting miracles, we just want to try and improve the quality of our life a bit and we hope Oz does it for us.

Sorry to rant and rave but I want a week's holiday in Melbourne (courtesy of the BBC) too!!!!!!

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Guest The.Colebecks

:realmad:The same things bug me with this series as with the last one - doesn't ANYONE do research into jobs and salaries before even attempting to uproot and move to the other side of the planet????


It drives me crazy when they seem so surprised at the level of salaries or turn their noses up at having to work for someone else before being able to branch out on their own.


If they hadn't been given the weeks freebie (paid for by us, I hasten to add!) would they have emigrated totally oblivious to these important issues??? :arghh:

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Guest donovan

If they hadn't been given the weeks freebie (paid for by us, I hasten to add!)


just to let you know we were also paying our tv licence when this was filmed!!


Sarah x

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sarah, hi there, please tell me you found the experience a lot better than this lot? i mean you must go on this programme 50/50 this lot seemed 10/90 bar a nurse the other day who was very positive even when she found out her odds. please tell us your doing fine!

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Guest Scardycat
Last year watching WDU made us want to go of it, think it will put quite a few people off .

Jackie x




Perhaps the visa process might speed up then:twitcy:



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Aww bless yeah Wardy


when you coming over here?


Sarah x


Hi sarah


hopefully April if we ever et the blinking visas its been a long time coming :huh:


Looking forward to catching up with you on the telly dont let it go to your head mind when you are famous again :cool: :jiggy:

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Guest donovan

Thats great news Wardy, and I promise I wont let it go to my head, I just hope this time is as good as last years, as you do feel a little bit more nervous when you are living here.

Remember people have moved here since last years WDU so sometimes you will be out chatting to people who have moved from the UK, and they will say Im sure I know you, it's like OMG not again!!.

The director asked us if we would do a 3 WDU but where do you stop, will have to speak to my agent on this one LOL I wish, anyway good luck with your move Im sure I will be speaking to you on Friday.


Take care


Sarah x

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Guest donovan

Hiya Sharon


I can't speak for other people's experience on the show, but I can for my own and I can say that most of ours was fair, except the part where they kept showing me crying, I do get very emotional around Aug/Sept, (when this was filmed) due to my brother dying around this time, but the BBC did ask me if I was ok to show this on film, and I said yes, because like me so many other people put lives on hold due to someone dying. I felt good after it was shown as I had grown men PM me who were in a similar situation thanking me as they too felt guilty about leaving but as my words said you can't stop what is going to happen, you have to do what's right for you and your family really hit home to some people, so in that respect it was good to see that I helped some people follow the dream of moving to Oz.


I cant speak for Friday's WDU either as I have not seen it, but I can say I was a little nervous about doing this one due to living here, I can promise to you all though we did make sure we told the truth about house prices, the cost of living etc at time of filmong (Aug 07), as we would not want to give anyone false hope, so I really do hope this is NOT edited in anyway and if it is I will tell you after I have seen it. I really hope you enjoy the show and really look forward to your feedback.



Take care Chicks



Sarah x

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Guest The.Colebecks
If they hadn't been given the weeks freebie (paid for by us, I hasten to add!)


just to let you know we were also paying our tv licence when this was filmed!!


Sarah x


It wasn't a dig at individuals Sarah :wub:, it just seems to be such a waste of time (and money) sending some families over there for only 1 week if they haven't done any / very little research into this on their own to assist in such a massive decision.


We have carried out 3 years worth of research into emigrating but the only thing we haven't done is gone over and taken a look because we simply cannot afford it - we might have to validate and come back so we couldn't afford to reccie as well.


Looking forward to the WDU revisited, video poised and ready!


Karen x

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