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Changi Airport Transit Hotel - Do they have stairs?


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I know this is a silly question but I hope someone can help.


I am terrified of lifts and was wondering if you book a room at the Changi transit hotel, do they have any ground floor rooms or if not can you use the stairs instead of the lift?


I dont want to book and then arrive and end up sitting in reception :embarrassed:




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They would have to have stairs as a fire exit route surely. I know round the airport they have stairs as well as lifts.


Can you not cope with one even to a lower level floor? I'd email the hotel direct and enquire to put your mind at rest.

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Guest guest17301

Can't remember using a lift there, can remember the escalator to the lobby and comfy chairs while we filled in our admission cards

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Why not get out of the airport and jump on the bus to a nice hotel, maybe go for a singapore sling in the raffles (60 quid for 2 drinks mind!!!) stay a night.

As for lifts, well where I live at the moment the lifts havent been services ever and they wobble all over and you can hear the chains clanging as you rise or fall. Worst part is you get stuck every other go and what put me off o the 1st occasion was the guy saying he would turn the power off and on to get the lift working again. I thought the brakes would release!!! I'm still here though.

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