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how much do you pay for a babysitter?


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15-yr old neighbour has offered to babysit but I have no idea how much I should offer to pay her. She would be looking after two girls ages 10 and 8.


Also do you think I should leave food/snacks out for her (it has been a while since I had a babysitter and the girl we had then didn't want me to leave any snacks but I know when I used to babysit it was one of the perks of the job!)

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My daughter got $5 per hour for baby sitting until midnight. (extra after MN). I was picking her up at the end of the evening (so the couple she sat for didn't have to arrange for her to get home). They left snacks but she didn't eat them but appreciated the gesture.

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Hi thanks for your replies. $5/hr seems a bit low to me. I can't remember how much we used to pay - think it was maybe $8/hr (we have been overseas/haven't used a babysitter for a few years as were living with family). Will pop round and ask her how much when she's in.

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Guest The Pom Queen

We had babysitters in Melbourne, most charge between $15 - $25, however, I think if you wanted to employ someone younger then you could pay less.

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My daughter got $5 per hour for baby sitting until midnight. (extra after MN). I was picking her up at the end of the evening (so the couple she sat for didn't have to arrange for her to get home). They left snacks but she didn't eat them but appreciated the gesture.


Blighmy Ali shes cheap, and you picked her up too!!!! Why dont we live closer to you :wink:

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In two years me and the OH have been out twice without our 11 year old son. First time we gave the 15 year old girl $50 and I had to not drink and drive her home afterwards, and the second time, $100 but that was bacause we left at 6pm and didnt get home to 2,30 and it was my friends 18 year old, and we put him in the taxi home when we got home. We provide snacks, nibbles and drinks too as I think that is only polite. Plus our son is a gut bucket :wink:

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We're in Sydney and our 19 year old babysitter who is a uni student training to be a teacher charges $20 per hour. Before we found her, friends had babysitters who were anything from $20-30 per hour.


We leave snacks out for her, but she doesn't eat them. I know when i used to babysit as a teen i used to look forward to the treats and didn't hold back eating them!

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