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2nd round of EOI invitations


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Just been woken up by my wife to say we have received an email saying we have been invited to apply for our visa in skillselect!

I tried checking the website but it seems to be down at the moment.


Has anyone else received an invitation?


Congrats! Does the e-mail itself specify you have an invitation then? I thought you had to log in to Skillselect to see what the correspondence was?


Very happy for you if you made the 2nd round. It's good to see people on here being selected. I wonder how many invitations they sent out in the 2nd round. Can I ask what your points score is? It seemed that only people with 75 or above were selected in the 1st round.

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The email just said we have been invited to apply for our visa. Logged in to skill select and the button is there that says 'apply for visa'!


My wife has 65 points, but we already had our Vic SS before we applied which probably helped.

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Just been woken up by my wife to say we have received an email saying we have been invited to apply for our visa in skillselect!

I tried checking the website but it seems to be down at the moment.


Has anyone else received an invitation?


I too have just received an invitation to apply (190) today!:jiggy: It seems that at least state nominated 190 invitations are starting to trickle through again. Good luck to all who are still waiting.

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Just been woken up by my wife to say we have received an email saying we have been invited to apply for our visa in skillselect!

I tried checking the website but it seems to be down at the moment.


Has anyone else received an invitation?


:ssign19:Well Done Paul and Good Luck Lorraine x

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Hi All,


Any idea if 190 invitations are limited in Aug? Or is it business as usual??

I got NSW SS approved on 22/6, and EOI ID submitted on 18/7 but still waiting for an invitation sigh... :arghh:


Anybody else in the same boat?

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Hi All,


Any idea if 190 invitations are limited in Aug? Or is it business as usual??

I got NSW SS approved on 22/6, and EOI ID submitted on 18/7 but still waiting for an invitation sigh... :arghh:


Anybody else in the same boat?


Hi Suzie, I am in the exact same boat, I have been trawling the forums and have seen a couple of invites from VIC but none from NSW yet. I got SS on the 11th & EOI on the 12th of July. No idea about numbers of invites handed out to the states, but surely if VIC got some NSW did? They could be holding back because of the Skillselect teething problems, that is what I am hoping anyway.



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Hi Suzie, I am in the exact same boat, I have been trawling the forums and have seen a couple of invites from VIC but none from NSW yet. I got SS on the 11th & EOI on the 12th of July. No idea about numbers of invites handed out to the states, but surely if VIC got some NSW did? They could be holding back because of the Skillselect teething problems, that is what I am hoping anyway.




I read on another PIO thread about WA SS applications...and someone said WA Gov told them there is no longer a cap on 190 invitations...Dunno how true this is but MAN...the wait is really killing me! I know that they are handing out invitations in the order of who submitted their EOI ID first, but there have been others who submitted their EOI ID on the same date as me but gotten their invitation already!!


The frustration!!! Well thanks...it is comforting to know there's someone else on the same boat...I was beginning to worry my application fell through the cracks somehow...hope we both get the invite soon!!

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KevR and SuzieW,


Have you sent NSW your EOI ID? I received NSW sponsorship after 1st July and was invited to apply the same day. I emailed them my EOI ID as soon as I had it (before my SS was approved) and it all went smoothly from then.


Good luck.

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Hi Katie, thanks for that.


I had my SS before my EOI went in, then I updated NSW with the EOI ID, so I think i'm all good. I think SuzieW may be right, you submitted your EOI on July 2nd, I submitted my EOI on the 12th, Suzie on the 18th, so they may be going with EOI submission date. Also, I have heard that there was only about 25 invites or so for NSW, you did well! Since the latest batch on Monday, I have not heard of one NSW invite going out.

Thanks again Katie, if I had not informed NSW of my EOI ID you have been a life saver!

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KevR and SuzieW,


Have you sent NSW your EOI ID? I received NSW sponsorship after 1st July and was invited to apply the same day. I emailed them my EOI ID as soon as I had it (before my SS was approved) and it all went smoothly from then.


Good luck.


Hi Katiem,


Yea I did submit my EOI ID to them, on 18/7...dunno wat's the hold up...n though my sponsorship was approved on 22/6, I actually only received it on 17/7 (IMHO, DIAC told NSW to hold back on mailing out late-June approvals to avoid being swamped with 176 applications!)


It's just 1 delay too many!! My agent is currently liaising with them so hopefully something turns out soon...

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Hi Katie, thanks for that.


I had my SS before my EOI went in, then I updated NSW with the EOI ID, so I think i'm all good. I think SuzieW may be right, you submitted your EOI on July 2nd, I submitted my EOI on the 12th, Suzie on the 18th, so they may be going with EOI submission date. Also, I have heard that there was only about 25 invites or so for NSW, you did well! Since the latest batch on Monday, I have not heard of one NSW invite going out.

Thanks again Katie, if I had not informed NSW of my EOI ID you have been a life saver!



Ah ok ... well things are starting to move now that the initial issues are over so hopefully you'll hear something soon!

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Hi Katie, thanks for that.


I had my SS before my EOI went in, then I updated NSW with the EOI ID, so I think i'm all good. I think SuzieW may be right, you submitted your EOI on July 2nd, I submitted my EOI on the 12th, Suzie on the 18th, so they may be going with EOI submission date. Also, I have heard that there was only about 25 invites or so for NSW, you did well! Since the latest batch on Monday, I have not heard of one NSW invite going out.

Thanks again Katie, if I had not informed NSW of my EOI ID you have been a life saver!


Yea that was what I tot too...until I saw ppl in other forums getting invitations when they submitted their EOI ID on the same day as me! Really dunno wat's the hold up on the invite...KevR are u applying on ur own? If so, I suggest u give NSW Gov a call just to make sure ur invite is in the pipeline...

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Yea that was what I tot too...until I saw ppl in other forums getting invitations when they submitted their EOI ID on the same day as me! Really dunno wat's the hold up on the invite...KevR are u applying on ur own? If so, I suggest u give NSW Gov a call just to make sure ur invite is in the pipeline...


Im not, I too am working with agent. I might drop them a mail though, see if I can find out anything

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Hi Suzie,


Got a mail back from my agent, "No, we haven’t had any invitations yet Kevin but, we were warned that they are, for the first month, inviting less people so that they can work out the new system. I have been keeping an eye on the SkillSelect website to see if they have published any information but nothing as yet. ".


So it seems as we thought, just testing the new system before they up the numbers.



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State sponsored skilled visa applications should lead to an invitation to progress the visa application almost immediately after the State Government has confirmed the sponsorship with DIAC.


That is what we have been advised by DIAC, and is supported by our early experiences.


Best regards.

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