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Wanted Down Under part of the filming what farce! DO NOT COME TO AUSTRALIA!


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Guest guest36187
£2k to move from a rental to rental? We are moving next week and yes its costing a bit but no where near that.

Sould I scare ya with how much it costs to move house in Australia?

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Guest guest36187

Moving house in oz has so far cost us .....

$500 buildings and pest

$750 solicitors

$10,000 stamp duty

$1000+ depending on how long removal men take


Costs for boxes and packing equipment


All the costs for changing services........



And this is the weeks before we even move!!!!

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Guest Shell15

When we moved fro north kent to south it cost us in the region of £20,000+... So i think your not doing to bad really

To break it down it was solicitors fees of fair few grand, estate fees around £3000, stamp duty was ridiculous and then all the little bits in between which soon add up.

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£2k to move from a rental to rental? We are moving next week and yes its costing a bit but no where near that.


We moved ourselves the last 3 times here in the UK. Actual removal costs were really cheap doing it that way. I've moved myself every time before that also. First move for hubby and I here we borrowed a friends horse lorry, filled it to the brim and off we went. Sure it had a good clean out before we used it but it was fine. We got a heap of cardboard boxes from the supermarket, flattened them out to put on the floor and line the walls. Only cost to us as our time and fuel.


Next move we hired a lorry for the weekend, hubby drove it, few hundred quid all up I seem to recall. That was an hour and a half up the M5 to our new home.


Most recent move was only 5 minutes down the road and we hired a white van for the weekend this time and moved everything about 5 or 6 trips. Didn't cost much, about £150 all up. A couple of family members and a couple of friends chipped in to help, we fed them, I did a huge lunch and we had a BBQ in the evening. Was actually a fun day and a good weekend. Hubby repaid the help to his friend when they moved into their new house a while back. Went over and spent the day helping.


We are experts at moving on the cheap in the UK and sure we have to pay to ship what we want to Aus but if we can we'll move using a Move Cube as we are well used to packing ourselves etc.

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Lets see if you hire a van, drive through the tunnel into France cross over into Asia at Turkey no wait cant go near Iran or Syria, right France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Kazahakstan , China, Laos, Vietnam. Then slip one of the many boat people a few quid head for Australia, Ditch all your stuff at Derby not many people up there should be able to hide it round trip say 4 times just to make sure you have everything.



Say 2 years and you would have all your stuff in Derby, Then just do the same in Australia.


I think we are starting a new craze here.




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We've done that van thing too- but after approx 15 trips back and forward- never again. We didn't have the knack of packing it the way the Removalists can and we were absolutely knackered by the time we had made the last trip- then we had to get the van back. Figured it is worth paying in future just to give us an extra life-span!

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I am sorry to hear your Oz experience is not what you hoped for. Life is too short to have regrets, you should maybe make some changes as you sound very unhappy.


I took part in Wanted Down Under this year and it is all staged but it is TV and we knew it would be like that. and although there were negatives eg being filmed (!!) at the same time, the positives far outweighed the negatives eg getting to Oz, sampling life there, making work contacts etc. That side of the experience was invaluable and it is all about making the best out of every situation. I feel more confident in my decision now and ultimately the programme helped that by going the extra mile to help us get contacts etc. Although I never got paid, I should maybe discuss that with them! lol! ;)


Good Luck to you and your family.

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Sadly I suspect all too many folk do buy into the unreality of it all but there fault for falling for it. Surely in this day and age the manipulative power of the media should be understood by the majority? Escapism has always been popular though.


your so depressing,granted it wont work for some but give me a break,wat doesnt work for some works for others.and if people/families want 2 take the risk in moving 2 oz or wherever they wish then wat gives u the right to stop them

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I hate that program too, they mind wash all the folks back in the UK, how fantastic life is here in Utopia.Ha Ha, glad to get back in 16 days time.


if your coming back 2 uk im doubly glad 2 be going to oz now,u may not like it in oz but who r u 2 tell others they wont like it either? so happy we going in diferent directions :biggrin:

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if your coming back 2 uk im doubly glad 2 be going to oz now,u may not like it in oz but who r u 2 tell others they wont like it either? so happy we going in diferent directions :biggrin:
I can tell your having very BIG doubts just by your replies but why put your energy into someone who has experienced it & has genuinely not suited them as this forum lets you give both sides. Just remember you dont know whats round the corner.
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Guest trasi
I can tell your having very BIG doubts just by your replies but why put your energy into someone who has experienced it & has genuinely not suited them as this forum lets you give both sides. Just remember you dont know whats round the corner.


When Thread states: DO NOT COME TO AUSTRALIA !!!... its very hard to see how this is a fair and balanced point of view :wacko:

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When Thread states: DO NOT COME TO AUSTRALIA !!!... its very hard to see how this is a fair and balanced point of view :wacko:
point taken but all is needed is to change the do not come to australia & no problem. We have all put things as not as we had meant them to of been read.
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I started to think about this a little deeper and I as a result have researched Skippy the bush Kangaroo and every wweek someone gets hurt . If its not falling down a well it's getting their toes stuck under a twig. If it was not for that Kangaroo the death rate in Australia would go through the roof.


So I have had a rethink and anyone willing to put their Children in the face of such danger is irresponsible in my opinion. What if Skippy is not on duty that day or even worse what if it's Skippy that's stuck :chatterbox:down the well at the Billabong and we can't hear him for the windup wireless playing waltzing Matilda whilst hoop snakes whizz by and drop bears drop.










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your so depressing,granted it wont work for some but give me a break,wat doesnt work for some works for others.and if people/families want 2 take the risk in moving 2 oz or wherever they wish then wat gives u the right to stop them

Hold up. You won't catch me restaining anyone from heading DownUnder ....but I fail to see what is depressing about commenting on the manipulitive nature of such nonsense.

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I can tell your having very BIG doubts just by your replies but why put your energy into someone who has experienced it & has genuinely not suited them as this forum lets you give both sides. Just remember you dont know whats round the corner.


I suspect there are a few doubters about but to be fair it is a big step. A lot of folk only want it re enforced that they are doing the right thing and don't to to hear the other side......

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I for one have never been depressed by written words or vocal comments from someone I do not know.


Maybe that's why I usually submit posts with a sense of humour ( think that's how you spell it)


I know it a serious site with great info but a lot of people take it very serious it's not University Challenge and I don't think you will find Bamber Gascoigne on here either.



If you can't laugh at yourself it's because your perfect like me.



Jason tubby d

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When Thread states: DO NOT COME TO AUSTRALIA !!!... its very hard to see how this is a fair and balanced point of view :wacko:


It begs the question though why read a thread that reads DO NOT COME TO AUSTRALIA....stands to reason it is going to be negative. If folk only want positives then stay on safe ground and keep away from such posts if it is upsetting..

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I agree you have to have the both sides of the story and somewhere in the middle you will find your own truth.


I have never been offended or upset merely had a good giggle at a comment.



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