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A Sad Post...Squem


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Hi everyone, for those that do not know I am Emma's dad and would like to thank everyone for the very kind comments on this thread. Tracy, I and Emma's sisters are so grateful for all the kind words we have received from so many quarters. It's testimony to Emma that so many people from Australia, UK and America have taken time out to offer their support.


Emma fought long and hard against Cancer and medical staff here in Canberra never tired in giving constant support and treatment to her despite them telling us more than a year ago that her cancer was incurable, we are endebted to all the staff at the Canberra hospital who helped Emma through her treatment. Emma passed peacefully and without pain with all of the family and her very best friend by her side, she fought hard and with great dignity and became much loved by those that look after her.


Again thank you to everyone





i never met Emma but chatted to her many times on the forum and we always had a bit of a laugh, i am sure she will be hugely missed, she certainly will be by her friends on pio.

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Thanks for telling me about your thread, Bob.


I'm still so upset about this news, so I can't fathom the feelings of her family and close friends. My thoughts are often with them.


We only met Squem once, but spent many hours every night in the chat room and on MSN. Remember the orange Smarties, and Bam!


There was an emoticon in the chat room which was a 'punch in the face'. We always said goodbye by using it to each other!


So, Squem - *punch*




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RIP Squem. I didn't know you, but after reading such kind words on PIO I know you were loved very much by everyone.


My thoughts and prayers go out to all your family, friends and everyone who loved you on PIO :hug:



Incredibly, incredibly sad. Certainly makes you think what is important in life and it should never be taken for granted.

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So sad to hear about Squem - There are many people who have lost their battle with Cancer at such a young age and nothing will take away the anguish her family will feel. If there is a ray of light in this tragedy I suppose the fact that she reached some of her dreams and her life ended with those she loved most around her, without pain or anguish should be of comfort. I am so glad for her family that whilst this is a terrible loss they will always be able to remember her in her prime - a beautiful, and talented young person - This memory will never be taken from them.



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