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How's life with no daylight saving?


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Just wanted to hear how people have found Queensland without daylight saving?





Are you currently in a different part of Australia?


i know a lot of people in QLD, they would all love to have daylight saving.

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Hate it; broad daylight at 5.00am, pitch black at 6.30. Trying to fit all the stuff you want to do in the one hour between coming home from work and it being too dark is not good. I'm seriously looking around to find some decent image intensifying googles so I can walk the dog at night.

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Guest Guest31881

It depends where you live in QLD. The south east generally would like "daylight saving" implemented, and the business's feel it would help them with both the tourism industry and liaison with other business's in different states.


The further north you go then the attitude changes towards not wanting daylight saving and prefer things as they are. In tropical QLD you find that a lot enjoy the darker nights as it means the temperature is starting to cool down when they have their evening meal and they can sit in comfort without the " sometimes" oppressive heat.


Personally I have got used to it and it does not bother me either way.

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Guest tandcmum

we are in tropical QLD but don't know any different, it does go very dark very quickly here at 6pm but unlike winters in the UK it actually does feel later than what it is. We have found though we are getting up earlier and going to bed earlier. I work shifts as a nurse so after an early i finish at 3pm and if on a late don't start till 2pm so i do have time to do things, however when hubby starts work he will be 9-5 and he's not looking forward to only being able to play golf on a weekend

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Guest guest36187

Daylight saving doesnt bother me one bit. I still have to get up at 5 to go to work. I still come home at 3. Being dark doesnt stop me going for a walk or going out with friends or to a friends house for a BBQ or dinner!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say that is the one thing I have found the hard to get used to. I somehow had imagined my OH coming home from work and us having lovely evening bbq's in the garden, but as it is dark now by 5.30 this is near impossible. It doesnt get as dark so early in the summer but still I do miss the light summer evenings of the UK where you could still be out walking the dog at 9 or 10pm.

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I have to say that is the one thing I have found the hard to get used to. I somehow had imagined my OH coming home from work and us having lovely evening bbq's in the garden, but as it is dark now by 5.30 this is near impossible. It doesnt get as dark so early in the summer but still I do miss the light summer evenings of the UK where you could still be out walking the dog at 9 or 10pm.



Exactly - this is my only nervousness regarding the move.. i wanted a lazy eve after work along the beach,, walking the dog (not got) and throwing a line in (cant fish) and then having a jar of the cold stuff (will have regardless).


I hope we will adapt... or hoping the office will let me start early (no probs) and finsh early (hmmm - probs?)

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