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Everything posted by boo-yaa

  1. Yes, mine is the same. No idea what processing team are dealing with mine. Maybe they removed it to stop people calling up and contacting them for updates.
  2. Unfortunately you cant really assume anything when it comes to when your visa will be processed. As you can see from on here, some come in after 4 months, some take longer than 12 months. Fingers crossed for you!
  3. Your MA agent will receive an email. I assume that this correspondence will be saved in the Messages section of your Immi account. But I could be wrong on this part.
  4. Follow the specific Thread for E186s. Link below. Everyone in there shares their processing timelines. But to be honest the processing time varies drastically so there is no way to be sure.
  5. Sadly not. I've only been waiting 4 months so far - so I'm not expecting anything for a long while yet.... ?
  6. Is it just me, or is Cooks one of the occupations Immi seem to delay processing? The vast majority of people waiting over a year seem to be Cooks.
  7. Waiting days gets updated automatically - no need to do touch those cells. We had to roll back the spreadsheet - as we lost a few months - that's why you probably went missing.
  8. Just noticed that. Same occupation as myself so got me slightly excited. Congrats Yves ?
  9. They do not go month by month. There is no way to know. For example... We have had someone who applied In Jan18 who has received their Visa. others still waiting a long time before that. :(
  10. Congratulations ? 7 months is a very good wait time, I know it probably didn't feel like it as you went through it.
  11. I've been called worse ? Its a good community we have here so i'm more happy to help.
  12. Haha, wouldn't quite call me a whizz but with my work I basically live in an excel spreadsheet ? for my sins.......
  13. I have cleaned up the Status Tab in the spreadsheet. Added in all months that were missing and corrected all the missing formulas. It should now give us a nice overview over all months. I didn't have much time to totally perfect it but its in a much better state than it was. Hope this helps ?
  14. That's great perfect ? I think its best to keep the 2016 tabs. Any changes people have made after 21/06 can just be done again. Can you see who deleted them out of interest?
  15. Hi mate, Would be 12 months all in, but that time-frame does vary wildly. In terms of the medical I would defo wait a until a few months in - that way if your visa does take longer than 12 months you wont need to complete medical again. In terms of police checks - I got my UK & AUS one done before visa was lodged. They are both due to expire soon however I'm just going to renew the AUS one as I've not been back in the UK since I got the last one done so should be okay. They may still request a new uk one, in which case I will just apply if they request. Hope that helps.
  16. Sorry to hear that mate, as rammygirl stated above, I would get a reputable Migration Agent on the case asap. I know this wont help your issue, but if the company went through one in the first place they would have known the right visa to apply for. Hopefully, you will be able to withdraw your application, with refund, and resubmit the correct visa.
  17. I don't think people are intentionally deleting things... IMO it is people who are - Not familiar with Excel, don't use it on a daily basis and just don't know what they are doing. On top of that, they are most likely opening the spreadsheet on their mobile - which again, increases the chance of errors being made. Can I recommend, if you fall into the above category - leave the spreadsheet alone.
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