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Everything posted by boo-yaa

  1. Exactly. Document is backed up. Total waste of time from whoever is doing it ?
  2. He will be from the UK, and hence wont require Private Medical Insurance. Medicare is sufficient.
  3. Again this depends where you are from. For my 457 I wasn't required to hold Private Health Insurance for my Visa as I was able to apply for medicare due to the reciprocal Agreement.
  4. Spot on. I'm from the UK and due to that have the Reciprocal Health Agreement. I applied for medicare and had that before my 457 was granted. Private Health Insurance in my situation is NOT required as I have medicare. @Bips22 if you are from the UK you Private Health Insurance is not a requirement. However, its obviously a good thing to have for you and your family.
  5. Yes I know that, and have stated it many times on this forum. They will process applications on their terms, regardless of how long you have been waiting.
  6. Sorry that doesn't make much sense. From the spreadsheet we keep, two applications have been granted that were lodged in Jan18. However, there are many lodged before Jan18 that haven't.
  7. Hey mate, sadly nothing to report from my end ? I've tucked away a bottle of Scotch to open when it comes through.... every weekend I fight with myself not to open it ? The struggle continues.... ?
  8. They don't process applications solely based on the month they are lodged. When will yours be looked at? No one knows. Somewhere between 4 - 16 months.
  9. The timelines don't matter. There is no point looking at them or getting upset when they change. IMO its best to ignore them altogether.
  10. Take what you see on this forum with a pinch of salt. We are only a small cross section of the total number of Visas applied/granted. When you think about it - people who get a quick visa turnaround are unlikely to register / post on a forum like this one. That's why it may feel like we are all stuck in Purgatory ?
  11. No one can tell you that unfortunately. Some have their grant within 6 months, others are still waiting after 15 months. Strap in and enjoy the ride ? Hopefully, your one of the lucky ones ?
  12. Why did you try to find him a job when he was coming over on a tourist visa and would have had no right to work in Australia? Will it effect your visa - who knows, but it was a stupid decision to make.
  13. As @nikimino stated, calling is a complete waste of time. I know its tempting to call and try and get an update, but its pointless.
  14. That's bad luck mate. I didn't think cautions would show up on your police certificate however?? Take advise from your MA but maybe go down the lines of - you didn't think they were relevant as they were only Cautions and not convictions? Maybe a letter from a member of the community as a character reference? We all do stupid things when we were younger mate, that's just part of growing up - good luck!!
  15. @Hex is correct. It shouldn't have any effect on your timeline. Just make sure if your 457 is expired that you have the correct Bridging Visa to travel and return.
  16. Two separate decisions however they could be made together at the same time.If all your documents are correct, up-to date and IMMI are satisfied and don't request any additional supporting documents. As you will see in this forum, some people will have their Nomination approved and then additional docs will then be requested in order for the Visa to be accepted. Like police clearances/ medical etc. For example, see @KazBaker above - his nomination has been approved and he is now waiting on the Visa.
  17. They are both separate mate. The Nomination & the Visa. Normally your MA will lodge both at the same time so that's why you probably wouldn't have noticed. A nomination is the process which determines: - that your occupation is relevant to the position to be filled - the skills and experience needed for the position ETC A two-step visa process is involved; a nomination by an approved Australian employer and a visa application by the qualified worker.
  18. No one knows mate, hopefully within the month. Main thing is your nomination has been approved - so your not far away now. Sit back and relax ?
  19. I'm pretty sure your bridging visa will auto kick in when your 457 expires. You will need to apply for another if you want to leave the country on holiday however.
  20. Congratulations mate ? Long wait from Nomination Grant to Visa...but that doesn't matter now!!! Enjoy ?
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