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Everything posted by Quokka2005

  1. Love the update. Where in Scotland are you moving to?
  2. <p><p>No I'm in Scotland</p></p>

  3. Is it safe? They don't do whv' s do they. I'd love to go on a safari though
  4. No you can't, they are totally seperate
  5. <p><p>Going back to Scotland on Monday</p></p>

  6. I just read a really nice post on Facebook about how instead of thinking about the murderer, we should remember the name of the young man who tried to save her. Tom Jackson. I found out tonight that he worked on herm island like I did but he was the year before me, same time as my friend. I feel so sorry for both families. I really hope he makes it but if he doesn't then they should be really proud of him.
  7. Make an advert on gumtree. You might get some weirdos but you can usually weed them out. My advice would be try a cattle farm instead of fruit picking. My friends enjoyed their time. Although there's definitely some people who do enjoy fruit and veg picking. The pom queen has put up some good links too, you should be able to see them in the backpacker section
  8. Sorry but thats really funny. After you got brexit 5 minutes later it came out that all the NHS funding that nigel farage said about was a load of bull :laugh: I'd say theres some people in scotland who are doing pretty crap anyway and probably dont feel they have much to lose. I'd rather see scotland make its own decisions and that includes mistakes. Where are you guys going to put trident if we do ever leave?
  9. :laugh: well if westminster pay the bill then they could have saved some money instead of feeding us bullshit info into staying. I know that oil is such a burden. we dont really have much else going for us. No whisky, no tourism. Not much at all. Thank god we stayed and got pushed out the eu too
  10. Definitely get a second opinion. They told me some wrong information about my whv
  11. FNQ was one of the best parts of my trip, it's so nice
  12. You are a bit like the male version of me lol. Anxiety is a horrible thing. If you're in England now then you're maybe best just trying yo make it work, even maybe just for a short period like a year. Stay I'm one place and get some help for your anxiety. You could go back to Australia and feel the exact same. you've got PR and if you want to go back one day then that's possible. Definitely try get on top of the anxiety as much as possible
  13. I tried to do my 2nd year work and unfortunately it didnt work out. I'll definitely have the funds if the job goes well and if the job doesnt work out then i'll just leave the country anyway unless i was to find another job super fast. I guess i'll just have to see how the job goes and hope that the visa is approved. Otherwise i'll maybe just spend my money in NZ.
  14. I know how you feel. I overthink everything and suffer from anxiety too. If you've been struggling for work then it definitely makes it harder to feel settled. Have you started your new Australian job yet? Maybe you could give it a few more months and see how you feel after? If you do decide to go home then there's no shame in it at all. I agree that the coin tossing is a good idea, I've had do that a few times haha
  15. I mean for the outcome. Personally i think you should try it for a year and maybe thatll be enough to get it out his system but you dont seem willing to. So hopefully it'll work out ok. We had one couple on here a long time ago that had a long distance marriage but it was a bit different as she was trying to move to australia. Im sure it works for some people
  16. No id be happy to skip Christmas if it meant i got the majority ticked off. But right now i feel like just going home. Im going to be working remote again with the high possibility of not even being able to travel after. My wages work out the same as back home. Well i did say about possibility of going to asia but i had a bunch of people saying to me how id completely regret leaving early etc.
  17. I dont know the exact date i'd go home so its not ideal. I think my best bet is just to go to bali or somewhere for 2 weejs then apply. I dont think i can apply till after my visa expires so thats november but i could be wrong. I just want the 3 ninths one. I know a girl who got a 3 month one then they gave her a years one! Without asking anything
  18. Thanks bungo, i was starting to wonder what id said wrong haha. I guess itll be a good reason to go to bali or thailand. Or if i manage to save more than expected - maybe nz for a few weeks but thats probably pushing it haha. If it does get declined ill just keep the money in my aus account and try again at a later date but i hope it doesnt
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