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Keep me in oz

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Everything posted by Keep me in oz

  1. Yay Jen44 - We have CO's Just hit reply to the email you got informing you of your case officer! and we are 2 months tomorrow
  2. Yay i got my Case office assigned! KP! got given the timeframe of 10-14 months as well! @Jen44 - 8 months to go yay!!!
  3. looks like a lot of people jumped in just before the fees went up, I still havent had an email about timeframes or a CO or anything lol! I really do hope it hasnt gone up from the 10 -14 months!!!!!
  4. Ah well thanks for letting us know Eifster! Maybe we wont hear anything from them then this week! I emailed to let them know I was in Oz too and got an email back saying the same ' your case officer will be informed' so there isnt anything more I need to get in touch with them about really! I was just wanting the timeframes confirmed really lol! It must be nice knowing your getting close now! exciting times!
  5. Jen44 this is our week to get a case officer assigned! yay! keep me posted when/if you hear something, im in oz so I reckon an email will come through when im asleep!
  6. Congratulations on the Visa Grant! woop woop! Perhaps I am now only a week or so away from getting my case officer! Maybe then I will get a timeframe for my app too! yay!
  7. I wish, I havent heard a peep out of them! Hopefully this week or next hey! I aslo informed them that I was currently in Australia and didnt hear back from that either!
  8. Yea thats a really good idea, tbh I will be keeping an eye out the whole time no doubt! it must be so horrible having to wait to do all that, I'm already in oz so it's no way near as bad!
  9. Heck yes we are one month down! 9 to go (well thats hoping!) I too have no case officer yet!
  10. Jen44 it looks like we are going to be visa buddiesI too applied on the 19th of June
  11. Do you know whether the visa was processed in the London office? I too am English but applied in Malaysia, but mine has been sent to the London office for processing. you are lucky! 6 Months is great! do you have any special cuircumstances or anything that may have led to the early grant?
  12. So my Case has been referred to the London office, even though I applied in Malaysia, so looks like im on the same waiting times as most on this forum... What email address can I email the London office at, anyone? Thanks
  13. You can have your medical done whilst in Australia even if you applied Offshore... I did mine yesterday. I didnt wait until I was asked for it, I just did it... as part of a different applciation process immigration themselves told me that they can extend your medical and police checks for 6 months. With immigration though you just never know, they change things and what not all the time. I did mine based on the fact that they are all come through within a year atm anyways so it would still be valid anyways.
  14. When are you getting married? I thought this visa bought you time to get married and then once you are married you can applied for the partener visa?!
  15. They can extend your medical for 6 months as well as your police checks, thats what the told me. So im really hoping it will be all done and usted by then!
  16. Thanks Nemesis! I'm being a rebel then and doing it now and not waiting for the CO to tell me to lol!
  17. I dont have a case officer yet but i have the option in my immi account to do my medicals... I have booked in for Monday... Does everyone have the option to do it right away or does it normally only show between the time your CO requests it from you?
  18. So your officer is in London right? is that how this works? It doesnt get sent over to Australia and dealt with here?
  19. Add me to the Stats, Applied for my offshore Visa 19/6 in Malayasia, I am currently in Austrlaia, but havent heard from ym case officer or anything yet! Can someone tell me how to add my details so they are fixed at the bottom of each post?
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