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Keep me in oz

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Everything posted by Keep me in oz

  1. They can extend your medical for 6 months as well as your police checks, thats what the told me. So im really hoping it will be all done and usted by then!
  2. Thanks Nemesis! I'm being a rebel then and doing it now and not waiting for the CO to tell me to lol!
  3. I dont have a case officer yet but i have the option in my immi account to do my medicals... I have booked in for Monday... Does everyone have the option to do it right away or does it normally only show between the time your CO requests it from you?
  4. So your officer is in London right? is that how this works? It doesnt get sent over to Australia and dealt with here?
  5. Add me to the Stats, Applied for my offshore Visa 19/6 in Malayasia, I am currently in Austrlaia, but havent heard from ym case officer or anything yet! Can someone tell me how to add my details so they are fixed at the bottom of each post?
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