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Everything posted by Aussiegirl

  1. If you go into your account, it should be on the left side bound4tassie,edit signature
  2. Aww Jaclyn that's fab news bet you are doing to happy dance.... So when you off then, do they give you a time to go or is it in the 6 mths mark, I think I would go the next day if I could lol x
  3. I hope so jen44 ,they just need a few more bits and should be good to go I bloodly hope, did anyone with there Aussie being here need there passports in date for application to go in, or can you add after fee is paid and all lodged
  4. Sad video and I feel for the families, but before you go to another country do your research and go for a holiday to make sure you like it, and if possible financially have the funds there to come home even if just airfares.
  5. I think it is a case officer at the agent too as you can't get it that quick, as haven't even paid the fee for visas yet.
  6. Immigration would contact me most probably,they will contact my agent and they contact me I suppose,as agent uses there immi account
  7. All new to me guys , thought was weird me getting one that quick, will ask them on Monday when I ring them as got a question for them, and let you know what they say
  8. The email I got from the agent said I have a CO from there sister company in Aussie , that is all I know, I thought was weird getting one before payment taken,they have taken there payment for doing it, and all info they need goes through the the agent I don't hear from immi CO ,only my agent CO when she needs anything .
  9. Here you go jen44 see if this helps with what's app http://www.whatsapp.com/faq/en/s60/21055276
  10. Got my CO the day after giving them my visa assessment form in, they are pushing for it to go in before end of June before prices go up for it, iam paying an agent to do it ,so much easier. So do t know if it is different if you do it yourself online you have to wait but with an agent you I got it the day after
  11. Got my CO today so should hear from her for all my extra bits certificates and declarations next week.they are trying there hardest to get in for end of June before prices go up, as they are at $4600 ish now aren't they ,they will be going up $2 grand mark in July ekkkk
  12. Is that the date the forms actually go in CameronsDad ie with immi ? If so hold off putting me on lol
  13. just reread what I put I mean granted the 100 , so don't have to wait , is that how they do it then, if granted 100 first does that mean you don't have to wait for the 10-14 mth wait... Sorry my question might seem blonde lol
  14. Have to add me to that now CameronsDad , applied 11/06/2015, got CO 12/06/2015
  15. So iam getting this right they might grant the PR if relationship is of a great many years, we have being together for 15 yrs, mortgage,kids had the dog, only thing was a picket white fence and tartan blanket lol
  16. Well finally made the decision to use a migration agent, suggested on here, which OMG is going to be so much easier as if one false move and it takes for ever to get it sorted, and need them before end of month when prices go up, so as of today all system go, so happy and hopefully won't be a headache and be an enjoyable thing...next the house lol
  17. Thanks for quick response Jaclyn, I have rang visa go, they seem to be ok and his was an Aussie which helped, what did Emmigration Group you if you don't mind me asking
  18. Oh Jen NT ,I know what you mean about kids, mine keep saying when we going can we go tomorrow , time doesn't stand still for them
  19. Whooo op congrats that's brill at news ... All systems go then from now on
  20. Nice one one looks like everyone is getting them back the 9-10month mark
  21. :ssign19::ssign19: That's fab newsAugust, Kennellys & cch , celebrations this weekend for you guys , so now the packing and everything else to come
  22. Thanks Natleg ,I have gone through the checklist, I have all the birth certificates and name of deed change for me, my OH passports as me and kids don't have one yet, as iam applying for Australian passports for us much easier. Apart from them items , should I get anything else ready for it
  23. That's fab news jodiestar, all systems go now, so what is next on the list to do, do you have to sell your house or other things
  24. Wow that does sound harsh, suppose all we are ,are numbers not people with feelings. Did most of you use agents or do it online yourselves, was it easy doing all paperwork ,what homework or pointers would you say or do with paperwork prior to doing it online
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