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Everything posted by bobby122

  1. Only stat decs need to be witnessed and certified, evidence such as passports etc do not need to be, if you upload a colour scan online
  2. I only had 1 stat Dec and none from aus citizens.. but last time I posted that I got shot down in flames! I think most people have 3 or 4 My friend just walked into a local solicitors without an appointment and they witnessed the stat dec for a fiver
  3. I applied in December 14 and was told to expect the grant in December 15
  4. How long does a CO take to reply to an email sent from the form on the immi site? Or should I just reply to the email I've received from them in the past? When I last was in touch with them, it was via phone.
  5. Hoping to move over in June on a WHV and go offshore when the 309 is granted..what about you? Our timelines look quite similar
  6. Just a holiday, my partner is in Tasmania so I will be meeting all his family for the first time over Easter!
  7. Just booked a trip for over Easter, my first time visiting Australia! Lets see what I have let myself in for!
  8. Haha small world, my bf had an interview there before Christmas but didn't get the job!! He's gone back to Oz now, been 5 weeks since he went...are you the australian in the relationship or your bf?
  9. Hi elzawelza only just seen this sorry, I'm in Chesterfield so not too far from you! Good luck getting your grant soon!
  10. Thanks leftandstumpy, I am entering on WHV (if that makes a difference) in June, I think I'd be best off either; having them all done and dusted BEFORE I move out there, or not doing anything at all about it until I get there and get it all done from Oz! I think I'm just overthinking it, but the FBI checks take 4 months to be processed.
  11. Hi Wan2go, good idea, I have added mine. Although I am applying for 309, our timelines looks quite similar
  12. I uploaded the additional info requested (a birth certificate) to my immi account about 10 days ago and not heard anything since, should I of or do I just assume now they have everything so won't hear anything? I was asked to provide medicals/police checks in June..but as I am planning on going to Aus in June on WHV and waiting there, should I just get them done sooner so they are sorted before I go? If I'm waiting in Australia, the entry validity dates won't really matter as much cos I'll already be on that side of the world, ready to hop to NZ for it to be granted...right?! Also forgot to say, one of my police checks needed is a US FBI check, which have a really long processing time (and high percentage of rejected applications!) so would like to just get it done!!
  13. Why would you need permission to travel if you are an Australian citizen? If you are talking about your wife she (not you) can apply for her partner visa once arrived in aus
  14. Yes, my CO def said the processing time is 10-14 months, and by applying in Dec 14 I can expect the visa in Dec 15! I am also bound for Tassie, my partner works in Strahan!
  15. Strange, the person today was definitely in England, he left me a message and the number I called him back on was a London number!
  16. I applied on 27th Dec and today (20 days later!) I got a call from my co introducing himself and asked for my partners birth certificate. I hadnt even finished uploading everything I had, only have 1 stat dec (and from a uk citizen not Australian), so very happy what I did upload was enough. Told to get medical/police records in June and visa is likely to be granted in December.
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