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Everything posted by maisiedaisy

  1. Petina - that's absolutely fantastic news, many congratulations and lots of whooohooo's, so very pleased for you xxxxx So it looks like were running at 21 months still - Keep us up to date Petina and let us know how it goes xxxxxxxxx maisie xx
  2. Joe, I've got the form in front of me and I can't find anywhere to put that we are waiting for a 143! They ask if we have a 103 in progress but no mention of a 143! Would you put it on the back pages somewhere do you think or as a covering letter? a confused maisie :confused:
  3. I can understand that Joe, we felt just the same, what if this? what if that? It just goes on and on doesn't it! Maybe now they've caught up with the acknowledgements they will start to make inroads into the rest of us waiting, hopefully they will start to reduce the waiting time maisie
  4. Hi Joe So they are not providing any HAP numbers now until assessment?!?! That's a choker isn't it and such a long time to wait, I think we must have been really lucky to have got ours! You can get your medicals done in Oz though Joe. I'm not even sure if someone said that it was cheaper. maisie
  5. We're with Go Matilda too - very happy with them. Suggest you contact them regarding fees, they're very nice to talk to Good luck maisie
  6. I know, the waiting is painful!!:wacko: Lots of nice and very knowledgeable people on here though so you wont be on your own, you'll be joining the waiting room along with the rest of us -chin up, we'll all get there. maisiedaisy
  7. Welcome Saz We've have had our application on the go since April last year and we've been out on holiday to our daughters. Lots of people still go out for a visit whilst their application is pending. I think you can only apply for the CPV143 off shore I'm afraid. Best of luck maisiedaisy
  8. Thank you Freesia, you've been really helpful maisie xxx
  9. I have my eyes glued to your posts Petina - got to be imminent hasn't it? maisie x
  10. Thank you Ozmaniac - I hunted everywhere for something like this before I posted - I'll print it off and look it over kindest regards maisie
  11. Thanks so much Freesia, did you have to provide lots of documents? and were you granted a year? best wishes maisie
  12. Hi Bungo - I had actually tried before to look at the form (I would never just ask without trying to find out myself first) and it appears that you have to set up an IMMI account. I didn't want to go ahead and do that without knowing a little bit more about it thus my question. Maybe I didn't express myself very well. maisie
  13. I have a 143 pending, and considering applying for the 600 tourist visa - can anyone tell me how easy it is to fill in please? Many thanx Maisie
  14. Will be keeping our fingers crossed for you Petina and watching for your post saying 'whooohooo!' maisie xx
  15. Same here, we've just sold ours too, I refuse to stress about the fact that we've not got our visa yet - if it all goes wotsit up then we'll have the money in the bank to buy somewhere else! (she said really bravely hiding the grey hair and the nails bitten down to the knuckles :yes:) maisie
  16. Fantastic news Steve, nice to know we haven't been forgotten Maisie
  17. Hopefully not Wells. I think once the panel Dr has submitted your results and it goes through it's then up to IMMI. They still have the authority to ask for more information but I would have thought that if the panel Dr had thought there was a problem then I think they would have been in touch maisie
  18. Hi Wells Sounds pretty much like all's okay. Our medicals were all done and dusted by the next day so it's quite probable that yours were too. Good luck maisie
  19. Welcome Sadge - please take a seat in the waiting room with us - when did you lodge? kindest regards maisie
  20. Yes I think you're right on the charges Steve - I'm thinking IMMI have given up on the 'test' email - leaves us totally in the dark at how things are progressing. All eyes on the next person due a CO! maisie
  21. Hi Petina, you're quite right - I meant the e-visitor 651. I'm getting boggled eyed looking at these visa's!! Would you know if there's a time scale for being out of the country before we go back again to Oz? I hope you get your CO soon, it's a bit brain numbing all this migrating isn't it! maisie
  22. We are waiting for our 143 but does anyone know about the ETA subclass 601 visa! We were hoping to get one, stay in Oz for 3 months, fly to NZ for a couple of weeks and then fly back to Oz for a further 3 months - is that possible. I know you can stay for 3 month blocks up to a year. What is the timescale you have to be out of the country before re-entry back into Oz. I was also thinking about the 600 tourist visa but hadn't realised you have to supply no end of paperwork - has anyone used the 600 before please? Thanx maisie
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