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Everything posted by maisiedaisy

  1. Thanx Julie, We're just shipping about a dozen boxes and that's it! We're going to be living with our daughter and family so no need for furniture, just taking a few things, mainly personal stuff with us. Not even got to get rid of our furniture because our buyers want it :-) Yoohoo, you must be sooooo excited about the wedding. We have been to Melbourne and loved it there, you're going to have the most fantastic day. Hope you get your timelines soon and then you can start planning a bit more Maisie x
  2. Hi Julie, hope the de-cluttering is going well. We've just sold our house (stc) and so we're really having to get serious about getting rid of things. I'm now beginning to feel a bit like a hoarder, why tell me why do I feel the need to keep the never ending supply of pens I keep finding, unused envelopes, birthday cards etc etc. LOL Where in Oz will the wedding be? Very exciting :-) maisie x
  3. Now that IMMI are assessing 10 August 2013 I keep thinking to myself that I'll offer my services, maybe get a night shift going to move the applications along a bit :yes: Best wishes maisie
  4. Welcome Ian - you've joined the land of limbo (Still loving that description Vava :-) ) Geordie Joe and Julie and right regarding timelines. We were lucky and have got timelines but because of the slowness of the process and the year rule on medicals and police checks we are waiting just a bit longer before we have them done. Hope all goes well for you maisie
  5. Thanks Julie Wouldn't that be a joy if the task force did move the assessment dates forward, seems such a long wait :-( Best wishes maisie x
  6. I tried too Vicky but had no luck. The last reply was 27 March and they were up to 9 July 2013 however, that date hadn't changed since 20 March so hopefully when they do reply after the Easter break it will have moved on somewhat. We've still got a way to go yet but it's interesting seeing the date move on best wishes maisie
  7. Hi Julie - so if my maths are correct, we're looking at about 20 months?? Let's keep everything crossed that the backlog continues to reduce. best wishes maisie
  8. Many congratulations to you :-) .... and ditto what Vava said, it is all about the little ones xxxx
  9. Hi Petina - It must feel like you've taken a good leap forward now you've done your police checks and had your medicals. So pleased all is well with your hubs ECG. How long did the Aussie police check take? It's really good to see things moving forward as we all sit here counting the months you've been waiting on our fingers and comparing them with our own LOL. Our house has been on the market for over a year. Was supposed to have a viewing today but they cancelled so will probably have to reduce the price next week humph!! Hope you get allocated a case officer soon. Take care Maisie x
  10. Sorry to hear that Bridgeman, can't remember if you're renting here or there? Either way that's got to be a huge pain in the behind. Hope you find somewhere soon maisie
  11. Lots of luck to you Carolyn, you're going to have the most wonderful time xxxxxx maisie xxx
  12. Thanx Val - we had a problem paying the first VAC because the credit card company declined the payment arghhhhhh! From what I read this is pretty commonplace. Daughter is going to be well off for a short time LOL maisie x
  13. Thanx Barry, I think we will probably run with your first thoughts about putting the funds into our daughter's account as I'm not sure if we will be there or not at the moment. Thank you again, explains it brilliantly :-)
  14. Hi Val I would have come to the same conclusion about the bank cheque too LOL. Was there any problem instructing your aussie bank to to the bank cheque cos I'm assuming you were over here ? Laughing at your last comment hahaha! I'm hoping the stress doesn't finish me off before I get my pension :-) Maisie x
  15. Thank you Barry - can I ask if you payed with a bankers draft? I'm a bit confused with all this? maisie
  16. Another question for all those that have made it past the post please. How did you pay your final VAC. Did you already have the money in an Aussie account or did you transfer it from a UK account via a foreign exchange company straight to IMMI? Thanx maisie
  17. Hi Petina - go into settings (top right) and then left hand column 'edit signature' ;-) maisie
  18. Keep us up to date Petina, lots of us watching the timelines and house sales. Our house has been on the market for 13 months now!! Good luck to you maisie
  19. Hi Ruth, It's exciting isn't it when you send off the application and then if you're anything like us, you'll sit and impatiently wait for it's arrival LOL Welcome to the waiting room - lots of friends here happy to share their experiences :-) Lots of luck to you maisie
  20. Thanks for the information Petina, as you can see below, we have already lodged and are champing at the bit to get there LOL. We're off to Queensland too - Bribie Island where our daughter, son-in-law and two beautiful grandchildren live. So it looks like you're about 19 months in if my maths are correct?? We would be 19 months in this coming November, so wanna be out there for Christmas or at least the new year! Fingers crossed for all living in 'Limbo Land' (Vava's brilliant description) :-) Best wishes maisie
  21. Hi Petina Do you mind me asking what your timeline is please? Regards maisie
  22. Good luck with the house selling Val, I truly hope you get some positive viewing soon - keeping everything crossed for you x maisie
  23. Hi Veronique Congratulations on your visa grant, another runner past the finishing line :-) Hope you sell your house quickly and you get to start your life in Oz soon x Best wishes maisie
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