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Everything posted by maisiedaisy

  1. I might just drop them a line and suggest they add it in - will let you know!
  2. So pleased for you Cass, you must be absolutely thrilled - I'm not jealous either :laugh:xx
  3. I think the amount of days on the tracker from acknowledgement to case officer is going to be a bit confusing in the coming months because of the delays it went through between Lodgement to acknowledgment. Ours took six months so will be difficult to compare as the tracker doesn't show lodgement date in that section.
  4. Excellent news Carob ..... and liking the timeline, lets hope it gets even quicker!
  5. Skype wasn't too bad for us, although my little grandson kept pressing the buttons and the picture kept disappearing LOL! Soooooooooo missed being there :-(
  6. Another family on the way - brilliant news! Vava, when we received our acknowledgement through it said we could apply for our police checks after Feb 9th 2015 and our medicals after 9th April. We're going to leave it until the end of April beginning of May to do both. Our lodgement was 9 April 2014. Maisiedaisy
  7. Hadn't heard about this but feel so sorry for all the people that have paid and have been let down :sad:
  8. Hi Amanda, Our acknowledgement took six months to come through from lodgement so don't worry, it will come.
  9. Hope you get it sold soon Val, the house next door to us went on the market at 15K less than ours, needs heaps of work doing on it cos previous owner had let it go but it sold within a couple of weeks!! I'm thinking they're going to have to spend 15 grand to put it right, why didn't they just buy mine!! I'd have given them the furniture and chucked in the mower :biglaugh:
  10. Hi Richard Lodgement is when you actually lodge your application and it's received at Perth. Acknowledgement is when they write back to say they have it and you have a reference number. It's currently taking almost 6 months from lodgement to acknowledgement. Hope that helps regards Maisiedaisy
  11. Hi Steve, Thanx The Form 80 - It's 16 pages of filling in, or nearly! It's entitled 'Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment'. Wants to know where you've lived, where have you been on holiday over the last 10 years, what jobs have you done, what unemployment from the day you first arrived into the big world LOL. Education, family, you name it, they want to know about it!! I don't think everyone has to do it, I guess we drew the short straw duh! regards maisiedaisy
  12. Wooohooo!!! Finally got our acknowledgement today, so excited :wink: I haven't stopped smiling ..... also have to do a Form 80!! not quite so excited about that though LOL! Good luck to everyone maisiedaisy
  13. Thanx for that, that's been really helpful. I thought you could but I hadn't seen it anywhere for me to be sure
  14. Hi there, am I right in thinking that if you're in the UK, you can go to London and pay it at the High Commission? I had enough trouble paying the first VAC by credit card so it's not going to be an option for the 2nd one! regards maisiedaisy
  15. Oh my goodness Glynis, that's two clear months before us!! 7 months!!!!! At this rate we'll be getting a case officer before the acknowledgement!! -thanx for the information. Will be interesting to see if anyone else is in the same boat! regards maisiedaisy
  16. Hi Steve We're in Lincolnshire and it seems your home is either sold in a matter of days or you're in for the long haul!! and like you say, although it's a stressful time for us all it is a comfort to know we are not on our own! It seems to be the only thing we talk about in our house these days between checking to see if the acknowledgement has put in an appearance! Thank goodness for PIO Regards maisiedaisy
  17. Hi - same here Cass1e04. Our house has been on the market since we lodged in April and the timescale around here is anything up to 3 years (we are on the East Coast)! We still have time on our side as we only lodged this year but like yourselves we have to sell if we want to have the money for the 2nd VAC. Then it's what do we do if we sell early! do we rent, do we go to Oz on a 1 year tourist visa? Will we have to come back to get the police checks done and the medicals? Every time I find a solution to one thing it always seems to pose another string of questions about something else! Good luck and hope your house sale goes through for you Best wishes maisiedaisy
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