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Everything posted by CaptainC

  1. @Sevenseas1982 this fact sheet may be of interest to you. http://www.amsa.gov.au/forms-and-publications/fact-sheets/amsa1569.pdf Take a look at page 5
  2. I am not 100% sure about this. I think that revalidation is done with AMSA 419, and a fee is charged. Let me know what you discover. I have to revalidate next year
  3. If you would like to risk it, then go ahead. It may be the case where your degree is accepted on face value, or it may not. It's your money. This information is over two years old, and I do know that people have been rejected on this basis. I'd suggest posting on the migration section and getting opinions other than mine, as again it's straying off topic.
  4. Ok, in that case, you must withdraw your EOI now. You will be rejected for a visa if there is no evidence of your MSc being equivalent to Australian Bachelors as you will not meet the points requirement. You will have to explore other avenues of increasing the points. Getting a higher grade in IELTS is a good start.
  5. Ok, let me get this straight: 1. You've sat the oral exam and received your skills assessment from AMSA. 2. You've submitted your EOI. 3. You've claimed 15 points for your MSc. 4. Your MSc has not been assessed by an assessing authority as being at least equivalent to a Australian bachelors. Can you confirm which of the above is correct/incorrect.
  6. Firstly, you cannot submit any further claims by way of educational qualifications after you have submitted your visa application. All of your evidence for points should be current at time of submission of the EOI. For example, if you submitted your EOI before the date printed on your skills assessment, and then subsequently apply for a visa, the visa will be refused. If you already have 60 points as you stand now, then I'd recommend that you just submit the EOI based on that, and don't over complicate the matter.
  7. No, you aren't understanding. You can claim 10 points as you have more than 5 years verifiable full time employment. Read my last post again
  8. Yes, there's no difference in points between 5.5 and 7 so you'll be absolutely fine. If you had less than 5 years evidenced and were intent on claiming the ten points then I suspect you'd have problems.
  9. You should provide the evidence to support all of your claimed employment, so if you don't have letters then you could scan your payslips for that period. Also scan any relevant discharge entries in your seamans/discharge book. Your migration lawyer is not correct to tell you that only seatime counts (unless you were agency employed and not paid whilst on leave). Is he/she a registered migration agent? The qualifying employment is from start date to end date and includes all reasonable leave periods. A side note: I currently work 2 on/off.....your migration lawyer would have me down as only 6 months employment per year.....I work about a hundred more hours than a 9-5 office worker in a year but they would be credited a year of employment. I did some maths on the subject in another post a few months ago but here's the abridged version. Seafarer - 6 months work, each day average 11 hours = 2013 hours per year Office worker - 48 weeks of work allowing for 4 weeks annual leave (basing on my wife's employment) 40 hours per week = 1920 hours per year.
  10. Congratulations Mariner777! If you completed the paperwork in the AMSA office then I would expect that you'd receive the skills assessment back in 28 days or so.
  11. Orals will need to be paid for upon booking. Medical to be paid for when you attend.
  12. All of the details for this are on the AMSA website which you will have to be completely familiar with for the oral exam. Questions are often asked about the content of the website. I would recommend spending some time becoming familiar with the website. The orals must be booked with the individual marine office that you intend to go to, contact details are on the AMSA website. For medicals you must go through the central booking line and book the medicals at least 2 days before the orals. Telephone number and info is on the AMSA website. Complete AMSA 419 and take it with you to the orals along with all of your original certification and it will be processed in the marine office. The orals and medicals can usually be booked on your choice of date or thereabouts, there is no prolonged wait time to receive dates.
  13. Welcome the forum and to this long process. Best of luck and don't hesitate to ask away.
  14. I had the same all of yesterday. It seemed to be an issue with Tapatalk. Tapatalk is a third party app that POI has no control of. That being said, it is working again on my phone today. If you just wait a while then it may just reappear for you too.
  15. DLM stands for Dissemination Limiting Marker. Basically it a long winded phrase for the security of that email transmission. Sensitive means that it may contain personal details. There are several others such as not classified, confidential etc
  16. Yes that's right, but as the agent also has the same TRN and application ID in their own account, and is authorised by you to act on your behalf then they also get notification. It's nothing to worry about anyway, you can log in a thousand times and what will the agent say.....nothing. An agent told a member on this site that she got an email every time the applicant logged in, but it was no problem, she said that she found it funny that the applicant logged in 100 times during the night once.
  17. Agents receive an email each time a person logs in to that account unless they opt not to have email notification. (Which I believe most do to prevent their emails getting clogged up) I don't know what you would worry about anyway, just remember who pays who. You are the agents boss.....not the other way around.
  18. That's only the Tapatalk ID, not the forum username. My Tapatalk ID is different to my forum username. PomsInOz Administrators - The Pom Queen and Cerberus1 are the only two people that can change a members username
  19. Usernames can't be changed on the forum. It can only be done by the site administrator.
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