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Everything posted by rahulshankar

  1. On 1 occasion they were very helpful. That was when we actually went to a centrelink office compared to over the phone. We even got a callback from centrelink...but all that was, was to say to wait. To be honest it completely depends on the person you are dealing with. Some are more competent/willing to help than others, others just really don't care...
  2. That's amazing. We have now entered our 8th week since submitting our AOS application. We have called centrelink 3 times and visited them twice since then. Zero updates since. Paying them another visit next Thursday. Unbelievably slow and inconsistent.
  3. Hi all, Can anyone (or everyone?) comment on how long after they submitted their AOS via their respeective sponsor was the sponsor contacted (for a phone interview or otherwise)? Once contact was established was the payment advised to be made by the Centrelink? How soon after payment is made do you get a formal letter that one can then forward on to immigration? Thanks.
  4. Hi, Yes i know what the difference is between the lodgement and acknowledgement dates. My lodgement date is as stated in the original post.
  5. Just got our request for documentation (Lodgement date 18/03/2015). Here's hoping we get a case officer before the new year.
  6. Sorry, another question: When one finally receives a request for further documentation (Form 80, Medicals, AOS and police check), in regards to the medical examination, were people given a HAP ID? Did many people (or all) use the online submission system (My Health Records) with their consulting physician(s)? Thanks.
  7. Do you all think it would be OK if we requested police certificates now? Lodgement date of 18/03/2015 Would it still be valid? Looks like we might get to the request for further documents by late November if the processing keeps up. Thanks.
  8. Judging from this site: https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/assurance-support#group-250 , you should be able to rock up to a Human Services centre and they should be able to accept the forms and verify the assurer's ID. Then it's just a waiting game as to when the phone interview occurs. I'm sure others on here could elaborate more in that regard.
  9. Hi everyone, Great forum, I've been following it for years now. My mother in law is nearing her date for when DIBP asks for further documents (acknowledgment date 18/03/2015). Question: For Form 80, Police checks etc, did you all have to submit them as hardcopies? Or was there an online portal you (or your agent) were able to access to upload all of the requested documentation? Thanks.
  10. Thanks for the reply. It's been 7 weeks since we applied (typo in original post, Application being processed further was 17/04/2015). It's taking ages for us!
  11. Does anyone on here know timelines for regional NSW? Date of application: 20/03/2015 Uploaded documents: 20/03/2015 Application status changed to : 'Application being processed further' on 17/03/2015 Testing center put down as Wagga Wagga, and closest office put down as ACT regional. How much longer would we be waiting for the citizenship test allocation? Thanks.
  12. She does use the card however, and i would be able to get something written saying that from the bank.
  13. Sorry forgot to mention that for the credit card, the bank is unable to provide us with a statement with both of our names on it. Since i am primary card holder she is not mentioned on statements.
  14. Hi, Question about 189 visas. My partner and I have been together for over 4 years now. We are both veterinarians that have studied and are now working as veterinarians in Australia. (still under student visa 573 subclass). We would like to apply as myself being the primary applicant and her coming under my visa (to help us save $1,700). We easily meet the points threshold required for the EOI. My question pertains to our evidence, and whether it would be sufficient. We didn't have a joint lease for our unit we rented for a 2 year period. However all bills came to the one address for her and I. Could we use that, or would DIAC think that not to be enough since both our names aren't on the statements? She has also been a secondary card holder on my credit card for nearly a year (as of Feb, 2014 it will be one year). We have taken several holidays together to various countries and i have all their itineraries, along wit heaps of photos. We do now have a joint back account, as of Nov, 2013, and our new lease agreeemnt from Dec, 2013 but clearly still less than a year. We would also have electricity and water bills (though they were both under her from the previous 2 years), but could also provide my car insurance as proof of the same living address. We can also easily get people as referees and write as much as is needed. Would this fly or is not even worth our applying as defacto partners? Our other option is to each apply separately for the 189 visa (since we are both eligible). Do you think it would take heaps of time to be accepted if we go defacto given all that i have stated above? With thanks.
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