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Everything posted by TeacherBen

  1. Yeah we will be living together when she finishes, so we'll have a good 6 months of living together once we move to Oz. We don't have a joint bank account but will get one sorted ASAP - just don't have any need at the mo as we're not living together!! Cheers for your help teacherben
  2. Cheers guys! Thanks for all your help and advice. I just want to point out it was her suggestion to do the WHV for 2 years, and she was very much up for the regional work!! I'm not that horrible that I'd make someone do that if they didn't want to The issue that we had with her being on my visa is that we haven't lived together for 12 months as she's studying in Nottingham, and I live in Harrogate - 90 miles away! The consensus seems to be apply for the WHV for the first year, apply for the partner visa at the end of those 12 months and get a bridging visa until the partner visa is granted. Do we need to have been living together for 12 months before we apply for a partner visa as a de-factor relationship. Obviously with her time at Uni not finishing until summer we won't be able to live together for 12 months before going? Lebourvallec - you suggest applying off shore this year, but would we need the 12 month, or are there ways round it?? Thanks for all your help teacherben
  3. Hi, I have received a 189 Visa and will be moving to Oz in January 2015 to (hopefully) teach. My girlfriend is coming too, but we've only been together 1.5 years so decided not to go down the Partner Visa route, or having her on my 189 just in case things don't work out. The plan at the moment is for her to come on a WHV for 12 months and live with me, do 3 months regional work to give her the opportunity to get a 2nd WHV and then see how things go. If we're still together after this then we'll go down the Partner visa route during her 2nd WHV. However, I'm just curious as to whether people think this is the best way?? She cannot apply for her own 189 as she's just finishing Uni (masters) so has no skill on the SOL or CSOL as yet. Are there any other possible visas she could get that would allow her to work, or does this seem like the best option?? Given that she's from the UK she will get all the Medicare and PBS reciprocal benefits etc. Any help or advice greatly appreciated. Cheers teacherben
  4. Hi Nastasia, I uploaded my docs and got my visa grant the next day! Was a massive surprise. I think quite a few people have had similar experiences. I guess it depends on the outcome of meds and PCC but in my case all was ok! teacherben
  5. TeacherBen

    Blood test

    Hi Zooki, I don't think they do, I think it's only for those at risk e.g medical professionals etc. Most places advertise the Hep B and C tests separately. Cheers teacherben
  6. Hi Kellie23, It seems from your previous posts you're from Kent?? I'm in the UK too and the PCC is different from the CRB check (now renamed the DBS)!! The PCC (in the UK its known as the 'ACPO Police Certificate') needs to be applied for here: www.acro.police.uk/police_certificates.aspx . It takes about 10 days (ish) to receive back. Costs £45 to get as well (£80 for a 2 day preium service)! Everything seems to cost a lot for the visa!! I really didn't take long for mine - I was surprised how quickly it came through. Like you I am healthy, with no convictions but still expected it to take 12 months (as it said on the website when I applied). I'm not planning on moving out until January 2015 - I teach so will leave my job at the end of the year, and be out there for the beginning of their school year. I had 75 points, but from talking to others on the site it seems to have been happening far quicker recently so hopefully you'll hear sooner rather than later. Hence why I started applying in July 2013 with the hope of having a decision by July 2014!! Am visiting Oz in September to activate my visa as this has to be done by 2nd December! What skill are you and your OH coming on?? teacherben
  7. Hi Kellie23, It's a Police Clearance Certificate - just tells them whether you've had any conviction etc. You need one for every country you've lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years. hope this helps happy new year! teacherben
  8. Hi Ash128, I went to the Bridgewater Hospital in Manchester. They offered me an appointment the next day (I couldn't make it at that short notice)! The medical itself took just under an hour so not bad at all!! I guess it depends where you go, but it was very quick for me!! hope this helps, and Happy New Year!! teacherben
  9. Congrats Vandeux!! Great news. Hope the rest goes smoothly! Great way to start the New Year off! Happy New Year, teacherben
  10. Hi VickyCook, I'm a teacher too and went for the 189 visa. I had 75 points and managed to do it all myself. Still costs a lot but cheaper if you can manage. Assuming your application is straightforward I'd say it'd be ok!! Be absolutely sure on points though because if you over estimate you'll be refused!! happy Christmas, teacherben
  11. Hi Ash128, I waited until I had a CO before doing medicals and police certificate. My CO never asked for form 80 so I didn't bother - it's a pretty long form by the sounds of things. My CO was Brisbane 33? It seems some ask and some don't. Maybe wait and see to save you some time? teacherben
  12. Hi Ash128, I submitted my EOI on 30th October and got invited on the 4th November but it varies. Think it depends on points, skill etc. it's not an exact science! hope this helps Teacherben
  13. Travelling sounds like a lot of fun!! Good luck with it all!!!
  14. Not 100% sure but it seems like it needs to be reviewed and then they'll decide if further health checks are necessary?!? This will also bump it back to the top where someone may be able to be a little more helpful
  15. It was quick!! Too quick really...was planning on going early January 2015 but now have to change my plans as I have to enter before 2/12/14!!! Oh well...I can't wait! Think I may do some travelling in between the summer hols and January! Which stage are you at??
  16. Hi, It took my AITSL skills assessment about 11.5 weeks to come - I didn't ring them but wanted too! Good luck with it all teacherben
  17. Morning!!! I got my Visa grant this morning!!! So excited!! Good luck guys it will happen!!! teacherben
  18. Hi guys, I do a lot of walking over here and hold a WGL qualification which I hope is transferable to Oz! I use the OS 1:25k scale maps (or 1:50k at a push) and wondered what the equivalent is in Oz? I've seen GeoScience Australia mentioned, but can't find any examples of these maps. How do they compare to OS maps over here? And do they come in the same format?? Any help appreciated :cool: Thanks teacherben
  19. Hi guys, Just a quick question - I received my PCC today and uploaded it, and my meds got uploaded today by my hospital, so I emailed my case officer saying I'd uploaded the documents requested. I realise there is no hard or fast time from this stage to grant but could people share their experiences so I (and others) have a rough idea?!!? Thanks, teacherben :cool:
  20. Congratulations wanderingwheels!!! That's brilliant news... Zoiphia - no worries. The staff were very friendly and it took less than an hour. Got there at 12.50 and left at 1.45...if I don't hear from them tomorrow bloods and x-ray will be ok!! Uploaded by Thursday if all ok, then just got to wait for Police Certificate!!
  21. Hi Melbkitty, This is from the letter from my CO: "GSM Brisbane accepts scanned copies. If possible, please provide colour scanned copies of original documents. If you are unable to colour scan documents, please ensure that the documents you scan are certified copies. If you send us a scan of the original document, we can accept PDF, JPEG, TIFF or BMP file formats, although we prefer that it be in PDF format." Hope this helps Teacherben
  22. Got my medical today!!! Am stupidly nervous!!!!
  23. Hi DianaK, Just to be clear, have you applied for a visa at all, or have you just sorted your medicals? As far as I'm aware, if you haven't applied for a visa you'll get a visa TRN number when you apply - don't think there's even an option for you to choose your TRN number. Someone may know different though... cheers teacherben
  24. Ah right Viking. I just got an emailed letter asking for my Police Certificate and medicals!! Is yours a 189 visa?? Cheers teacherben
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