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Everything posted by tina0101

  1. We did our medicals at the end of February and our visa was granted 12th March. It's a long wait in between tho!! Good luck.
  2. We're going to transfer our UK address to my in-laws. As we pretty much do everything online, they shouldn't get too much and can always open anything while Skyping us if they think it's majorly important!!
  3. We are selling our house and will pay it off when the money from the sale comes through. I kind of agree with Gbye Grey Sky though, but it depends on the OP's circumstances.
  4. I think that's what started my recent 'wobble' over leaving - the cost of taking our cats had gone up so much with the increased quarantine fees, we have made the decision to leave them behind (with my OH family, so I can still Skype them!). I am heartbroken, but know its for the best (they're struggling with the heat here at the mo - Brisbane would kill them!). I've been a bit better the past few days, but I can feel that it wont take much to make me wobble again. There are no doubts that we are doing the right thing, it's the emormity of it all that's getting to me!! Good luck everyone :-)
  5. Thanks guys. I was hoping that a healthy bank statement and 6 months rent may avoid the reference part :-)
  6. When we get out to Brisbane, we will be looking to secure a rental while we get settled and have jobs etc so we can start looking to buy. Will a rental require any references? We have never rented in the UK so have nobody to be a referee that we will be good tenants. How have others got around this?? We will have a reasonably healthy bank balance from our house sale to show we can pay.
  7. I agree, contact the Local Education Authority for when you are moving to. You need to also bear in mind that if you are looking to go into a school that is not private, they may be at capacity and unable to take you. If you start inquiring now, you can start getting a good idea of your options and hopefully make it all less stressful.
  8. I say go for it!! We're going in August and already the waiting is killing me, I'd jump if anyone said we could get there sooner!! If the contract is won, he'll have a job to go to and you have plenty saved if you're guarenteed an income when you arrive. What's the worst that can happen??
  9. Thanks guys. We've been in contact with Ormiston College and Canterbury College. Both seem like good schools, but that's just from online reading!! He's looking at Maths, English, Drama, Physics and then we're a bit more flexible on the other two, which seems to fit in with most schools where I've looked online. I may have a look at some of the state schools mentioned too. I would love it if we could get him into Brisbane State High, but there is nothing in our rent bracket!!
  10. I've never had a kid join Year 11 in my years working with admissions. Purely because you will have missed out on too much work from year 10. Contact schools in the area you are going to and explain your situation. Get copies of your school reports and, if possible, I would recommend getting the details of what you have been taught during the year. It may be possible that a Sixth Form will take you on, or a college. Good Luck
  11. We're heading to brisbane in August and don't know anyone, so if you end up that way, let us know! x
  12. Know exactly how you feel - we've just exchanged on our house and have started booking everything. Our flights are now booked for 26 August, which absolutely excites, then terrifies me!! It's a real rollercoaster of emotions as each 'big step' happens. You are definitely not alone! When and where are you looking to move to??
  13. I love your post!! Having just booked the flights for August and initial accommodation until we find a rental, it's so nice to come on here and read a positive story.
  14. Cheers - it's things like if the flight is massively delayed or that they lose our cases that I just want to cover. Will have a look at Go Walkabout, thanks. T
  15. This may seem like a really dumb question but I have been looking online and lots of companies mention one-way insurance for flights, but when I click through everything wants me to put a return date!! I dont want to put in a pretend return date, in case it counts as incorrect information and invalidates the policy. Can anyone recommend a company? I thought STA may be a good shout, but it cant do that online apparently. TIA
  16. Seems to be no logic in how people get the grants. I hope you're not waiting too long Dannielle24. We've just Exchanged on our house and booked the flights yesterday - leaving the UK on 26th August!!!
  17. It's got to be done - I would hate to look back in the future and feel we had missed out because of a 'wobble' of emotions. Looks like we're exchanging tomorrow, so I'd better polish off the credit card for all the spending tomorrow night . . . Good Luck!!
  18. We're in a similar position. Waiting to exchange on the house this week so we can finally start to book flights/pet travel/accomodation etc. Everything is so exciting, but I'm now starting to freak out a bit. I do think of the fact that we have a pretty good life here in the UK and it does get me down occasionally that we're giving it up and leaving all our family and friends, but it's all part of the adventure. Keep your chin up - you've come all this way now x
  19. We've been using moneycorp. Really pleased
  20. We're looking at Brisbane, but are staying in Coomera for a couple of weeks when we land (in September). It's me (35), OH (31) and son (16) and our two cats (agree with you about the costly nightmare!) Good luck with it all. I've been on my 'get thin' diet and, apart from losing a bit before the medicals, have succeeded in being heavier than before I started!!
  21. tina0101

    Form 80 ?????

    If I were you, I'd look at Form 80 and make sure you can answer all the questions. Hopefully you wont be asked. We didnt have to do it, but I looked at it and wrote down all the times we were out the country so that if the request came, that wouldn't hold us up!! It was quite surprising all the trips we'd done!
  22. My 189 timeline below. I know some who applied at a similar time as us took over a month longer!!! Fingers crossed for you!
  23. Do you have family/friends out in Oz already who can help your wife out with the kids? If not, that's going to be tough on her trying to sort a new life and having the kids on her own. I can understand the pull of having more money to help things out, but you also need to weigh up the emotional strain the family will feel being apart for a couple of years and such a distance apart. I know every family is different, but I could not make the move without my husband. It's not that I'm not strong enough to do it myself, it's that it's a whole family decision to move and it would be strange if I did everything without him in Australia and then he joined me later on once I had sorted everything out and got into a routine. Good luck with whatever you decide. what part of Oz are you looking at? I know that, if you decide to stay, you should get your wife to see if anyone on here wants to meet up in the area you are going to :-)
  24. I only have to give a months notice but I gave them 4!! I'm heading up quite a few projects and felt it was unfair on my boss (who has done loads to help my career progress) if I kept quiet. Shes been lovely about it and I'm even involved in hiring my replacement! Because you are new, I'd keep quiet a bit longer.
  25. Hi We've set up a bank account with ANZ - google them and there's a link for emigratees to set it up - really easy!! x
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