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Everything posted by DianaK

  1. It is under the discretion of the DIAC officer but they very clearly explain what is considered qualified experience and from what you posted, you can only claim after 2007, unless you have a previous degree which they will recognize. I would not put the experience before 2007, as this can affect negatively your application. You are better off scoring higher on IELTS, than taking the risk of being rejected by DIAC.
  2. Also, she might have the 9 courses but it is important that she has the 4 mandatory as per CPA requirements, like Accounting Theory which seems to be an issue for a lot of people.
  3. He spoke to the manager, 2 days after he sat the 6th exam but before they started marking it... And the 2 bands difference was for the same module but 2 different exam attempts. e.g if he had 7 on listening the first time, he got 9 the next time, which is even more strange, and on his last exam the lowest mark was 7 for writing and the highest 9 for speaking.
  4. You are right, getting max points for IELTS ( we do not know if he claims 10 or 20) and spouse is a better way to increase the score. Are you sure about all of the occupations above? I just checked this morning, and it looks like only those are limited: We have continued to receive high numbers of EOIs for below six occupations: 2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers 2334 Electronics Engineers 2339 Other Engineering Professionals 2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts 2613 Software and Applications Programmers 2633 Telecommunications Engineers. Due to this high level of demand, there will be limitations on the number of invitations issued for the remainder of the 2013-14 program year.
  5. Kushi, have you ever considered a different occupation? As a software engineer ,you might be considered for other closely related occupations. Have you always worked as software engineer? I am not that familiar with the details of your occupation but as my job gave me the opportunity to meet all kinds of people working with systems , I have noticed that a software engineer can be employed in any of the occupations below: ICT business Analyst 261111 ACS Systems Analyst 261112 ACS Analyst Programmer 261311 ACS Developer Programmer 261312 ACS Software Engineer 261313 ACS I am not familiar with you particular situation but might be an option to explore. You still can submit your current EOI and then work on a skill assessment for a different occupation.
  6. You can change anything on the EOI before you are invited. Once invited, you have to prove your claims.
  7. Levi, my husband had to re-take IELTS academic 6 times!!!:shocked:Every single time his results came different, sometimes with a variance of 2 bands and always 1 of the modules marked as 6.5 (this mark is sufficient for the needs of all institutions in Canada). We tough that the reading and listening modules are marked by a machine but, but at the center they told us that it is manually graded by a marker. He appealed after the first time, and it was unsuccessful. We decided it is waste of money. After the 5th attempt, he spoke to the manager of the test center and pointed out the variance in marking for each test. "Miraculously", he passed right after this conversation...I am not sure what is the right conclusion in this situation, but you are right, they are money makers, especially when there is no competition among exam providers where you live...and I live in Calgary, which is pretty big city.
  8. Levi, I researched both, and it turned out that ICAA will not accept statutory declaration in lieu of syllabus. Unfortunately, few universities in Bulgaria (especially 10 years ago) have such courses outline, which they will officially stamp and send to the assessing authority. Most outlines are prepared by the professors who teach the courses at that particular time and the universities do not keep them as official syllabus. I had to prepare myself 40 pages of detailed outline for my bachelor and another one for my masters. It took a long time but it was worth it and my CPA assessment came back quickly and positive. They recognized my bachelor and CGA as 2 separate bachelor degrees and my master as master, all equivalent to their Australian degrees. At the moment ,I am going through the same process for my husband and I hope his assessment will be positive as well as I need 5 points from him.
  9. Yes, I just re-read the requirements for may be... tenth time :smile: I was so focused on my slkills assessment and Academic level 7 and above that overlooked this part!!! I also learned that it does not have to be academic for DIAC, although I have it anyway for the 20 points.
  10. Thanks, Jac. I have to double check again as my IELTS is from August 2013 and I thought that 2 years is all I get - never thought that DIAC will add an year to the official validity of the the test. I must say that I am pleasantly surprised
  11. Accounting Theory is not basic accounting... I have taken the course and it is not basic balance sheet...sorry that you have to go through that pain and the disappointment that your work experience will be considered qualified after you complete the exam...I had to swallow that pill as well and look for other ways to bump up my points.
  12. Hi Levi, On the IELTS test report, it is clearly stated that the test is valid for 2 years. Why are you saying that it is valid for 3 years?
  13. Steve, I had to resend a page which was not signed on the reverse side, although the front was signed...
  14. Thank you for the reply. CGA is Certified General Accountant in Canada which is equivalent to CPA in Australia and ACCA in UK. I claim max points for IELTS, which expires Aug 2014 and was thinking of submitting as soon as possible because I do not know how long it will take, before I am invited with 60 points. Plus, with the new government ... who knows what they will change and when.
  15. I need help clarifying a small detail on the conditions to get positive assessment. My husband holds a Bachelor of statistics and econometrics from University of Economics in Bulgaria.In addition, he is two courses away from completing his CGA designation in Canada. He has 9 of the 12 courses required, including the manadory courses, all completed through the university and the CGA program. Also, he has over 8 years of experience as accountant and 7 on IELTS academic. I am concerned that CPA might not issue a positive assessment, as he has not completed his CGA yet. I believe that his Bachelor from Bulgaria is equivalent to an Australian Bachelor Degree(CPA recognized my Bachelor and Master from Bulgaria) but I am not sure if the 9 courses should be taken as part of a degree that is completed or they could be completed individually. Any help in getting more clarity on this matter is highly appreciated. I am ready to submit my application but I am afraid that if his assessment is not positive and meanwhile I got invited, I will be 5 points short and cancelling an EOI might have a negative effect on future applications.
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