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Everything posted by flybyknight

  1. 18% of greenhouse gas emissions are associated with the livestock industry, to put that in perspective it's more than from all transport! http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/cow-emissions-more-damaging-to-planet-than-co2-from-cars-427843.html
  2. not sure if the demand came before the marketing, but most people now equate 'normal life' with eating other creatures. the world may need more veggies, but generations of brainwashing mean they will not come without a fight! I guess a step in the right direction for those with a pang of conscience are things like 'meat free monday' I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.
  3. the company tesla motors is on the stock market and making waves the world over with their cars and now their energy systems. the car, fastest 5 door car ever made 0-100Kmh 3.2 secs. 500Km range charge at home 500k in the tank. free 20 min fast chargers being rolled out all over australia. expensive atm, but clearly the future. and now this, a cheap scalable power system. they have also open sourced their patents, they want other companies to do this, they realise they can't save the planet alone. it's a beautiful thing. out of principle, whoever comes in on the game, i'll buy tesla products, they are the ones making the biggest waves in the industry and deserve my cash. on another note, just recently one of the California power utilities was ordered by government to buy 50Mw of grid storage. they had 2 options, fight it or buy it. They brought almost 300Mw of storage, over 5x's as much. this isn't just here, it's clearly economically sound too.
  4. Well.......... It just got real for the coal fired and nuclear power industry, a battery that will happily run an aussie home for a day how much? $4000 $4000 to completely ditch your current energy company for 10-20 years. no more standing charges, no more 30 cents a Kw. this price is so low, it makes sense for countries who need electricity to skip over fossil fuels completely and go straight to renewables. the writing is very much on the wall. the power wall evidently...... http://www.teslamotors.com/powerwall what does this mean for the current system? well im sure it doesn't need me to tell you this is a full on game changer, we currently generate far more than we need due to losses and peaks, this fixes that in a stroke, one of these on every new build and reasonable uptake in current stock, which is perfectly reasonable and every coal plant could shut tomorrow. large scale deployment on wind farms would allow them to deal with large peaks allowing the shut down of peaker plants. its real, its on, and the rest of the world it working towards 2020. we still seem to be sat in 1951!
  5. they dont directly equate, however internet police aside swearing is usually something people do when they feel comfortable and relaxed. i'm not suggesting someone who doesn't normally swear starts, but in the modern real world I think it has its place.
  6. how good is this lol blokes got a sense of humor. nothing to lose he's not running. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/04/obama-just-skewered-republican-climate-deniers-epic-anger-translator-rant
  7. expletives used in moderation give texture and colour to an argument. I personally see it as a sign of honesty in the piece, it's more from the heart. So often we hear perfect elocution of complete bollocks, these suits say one thing perfectly, then do the complete opposite. I'd rather read through the swears than be lied to.
  8. fantastic, there's a brush there feckin use it!
  9. these are questions of scale not capability. Yes Germany has taken a step back, this shouldn't been seen as failure though, they are one of the top 5 in greening their energy mix, the current situation is temporary. anyways the boy Abbott is doing a fine job of closing all the industries, we'll need 2 solar panels and a windmill for the whole country before long. Norway is indeed shipping out loads of oil and gas, but when this slows they will be relatively self sufficient and as such their economy can adapt to newer ways of operating. I fear Australia will leave it all too late and the correction is going to be very painful.
  10. Norway and Iceland are the main two. Iceland is 100% and has so much excess they are planning to sell it to the UK via an undersea cable. Norway's generating capacity is 98% renewable, however they fall short if you take into consideration exports, as they sell their fossil fuels to other countries. Australia could do this, we have far far more resources to generate than Norway does. So renewables can and do have the capability, watts are watts, and that will only become stronger with storage. Sadly for Australian generation, this isn't going away, Adapt or die. However dinosaurs and conservatives be like.........
  11. least polluting.... wind, then solar then hydro i guess. ever heard of sellafield? yucca mountain? try recycling that into something useful..... with today's technology. yes it's not spewing out carbon but it's still creating a problem that will need to be dealt with. we have the technology to make power with very few side-effects. as for the whole baseload debate, power = wattage. coal nuke solar battery hydro gas csp the list goes on, the first bit can be whatever you want it to be, but the output is always and will always be wattage. if enough is available baseload isn't a problem, infact batteries are far better, standard generation has to overproduce to allow for peaks, this is all wasted. batteries can respond to peaks instantly, allowing them to stabilize without overproduction. did you ever wonder why a hybrid car that is 200Kg heavier than its oil burning counterpart can achieve such low L/Km? do the homework, state facts, don't believe the hype.... and have a great day
  12. Ok so we've ascertained you don't like the reporter, how do you feel about the figures, they speak for themselves surely. I can find a similar report from a different outlet if it will make you happy. Point still stands, the current evidence proves da is a handout disguised as a bad idea. People may slate the carbon tax but it was working, figures prove emissions were dropping and given time with the plummeting price of grid storage, would have worked. Just a shame a select few would have had to pay, bills are for minions not Tony's mates.
  13. Direct Action (the replacement for the carbon tax (i do hope you brought something nice with your $550)) is working as planned. the government just gave out $660Million of your taxpayer money to their mates to reduce their carbon footprint 5% by 2020. They have blown 25% of the Direct Action budget to buy 15% of the carbon abatement planned for that budget. Way to go Greg *unt, and you go to the media and call it a success. Idiot! http://reneweconomy.com.au/2015/abbott-blows-his-carbon-budget-in-first-direct-action-auction-26282
  14. i think it goes beyond that, demand is declining for the industries Australia's core industries. we can't dig our way out of this one. coal, by many measures is in structural decline its not picking up, even with abbott burning as much as possible here in aus it's still hurting. gas oh gas the savior fuel, current plans for a NT to east pipeline going ahead, in light of a 17% reduction in gas usage! it's ok it'll go on your bill for years, and with self generation gets even cheaper more people will disconnect sending gas bills even higher. even iron ore has taken a right kicking, its not good. changes are needed, but these changes will be made at the very last second when foreign companies have lobbied and mined this country into a massive recession. this is one of the major flaws in a democratic system, money talks. it's gonna sting.
  15. you could try acoustic insulation, google for closest suppliers. not an easy thing to fix in all honesty, windows are likely to be single glazed, no or little loft insulation. short of building an acoustically insulated sanctuary, or knocking down or rebuilding. local bylaws could help, in some places it's illegal to be that loud that late. moving to a different place is likely to be cheaper and easier, it's a shame though, they should change not you!
  16. both our boys boarded, one of them loved it, the other appeared to hate it. recently the subject came up, and our lad who hated it said they were some of the best years of his life. i guess he was then, and still is a bit of a me me me drama queen! suffice to say, it will likely be a lot harder on the parents, than the child. the friends and bonds they make, will fix them up for life. also the psychological molding is so much easier when they are there all week, be sure to choose a school that works with your values.
  17. first week can be a bitch, the jetlag doesn't help, even in the uk i tended to get emotional if i was dog tired. the post earlier by tink hit it perfectly, get in the swing, and get out of the house. memories aren't made on the couch* you know this country is gorgeous, it's no accident you are here, make it yours *you've got a dirty mind, you have.
  18. flybyknight

    Flight radar

    ahh, knew it was coming, thought it was already here. thanks (been out of the loop a while, not so much call for technicians here in Australia now) so even more here in Australia than are shown too!
  19. flybyknight

    Flight radar

    busy? have a look at the USA they dont 'seem to mind a flight or two. also for most countries this doesn't include small aircraft, so there are far more up there than you can see. i think here in Australia, all aircraft need ads-b so should be shown. manic!
  20. it can be hard to seperate local and national factors. perth is shrinking due to the comodities collapse, but in the big eastern cities demand outstrips supply, driving up prices. rates go down, but prices driven ever higher, if it doesn't collapse, it's going to leave a lot of buyers in a very fragile position. it's lucky employment is so strong oh hang on......
  21. I think this thread had pretty much answered your question, however i wish to add, canada..... i've only been to edmonton and calgary, but what a place. The people are just fabulous, friendly and actually have time for you, aussies are the same believe it or not, you just have to get out of the city! either way I like your thinking, and I think in either hemisphere, life is going be great for you also dont let the cold of canada bug you, it creates a close culture that's hard to beat & it's not always cold and the houses are built for it, you'll be warm when you need to be. here in melbourne i live in the coldest house i have ever lived in, draughts, condensation, tight chest the whole lot (and we've moved the other one was much the same!) freezing in the morning, too hot by 3pm. it's a hardened tent lol. 'fuel's cheap' architecture i think it's called.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG91stro7tA He's in the onion again. how can a satirical publication rip into our tony, figurehead of the good ship Australia, when he actually does all the things they want to joke about? he's a menace to everyone, no job is safe! kudos to Diane btw, who shared this first. I just wanted to share it again, someone has to
  23. ironically it will likely all level out. our countries coal play will result in one hell of a recession, this will make the country less appealing to the refugees. problem solved
  24. the way things are going the dollar may take a dive between now and then, with any luck this will bring more AME jobs back to aussie shores. with any luck
  25. avionics, ahhh same as me, beautiful folk, lots of transferable skills, not so employable on aircraft here in Australia though lol. There's a think with planes that the public love, but we fall foul of. They have a lot of redundant systems. It means if your aircraft fails in some way, the operator can fly it to another country to fix it, one where they pay the engineers with beans. The other issue, primarily for avionics folk is that mechanical tradies are allowed (with a small bridging course) to do most of our job. It doesn't help, the option for the hardcore comitted avionics tradie is to get a mechanics license as quick as possible and ship up to Brisbane or to get a visa and work in another field. We came out on a 323111 (avionics) 176 state sponsored visa, i would recommend it. the working visas can be full of problems, like losing your job and having to get out of the country in a short timescale. sponsored visas give you more stability and more choices, but this does come at a price. Jenny at Ian Harrop and associates (now merged with an outfit in Aberdeen) helped us out and i'm sure she will know if the visa is still available and indeed if you can apply. Jenny - 01793 822 492 http://www.ianharrop.co.uk/ http://www.vu.edu.au/sites/default/files/tafe/pdfs/GSM%20Visa%20Application%20Form%20-%20AIRCRAFT%20MAINTENANCE%20ENGINEER%20%28AVIONICS%29%20[ANZSCO%20323111].pdf you may have to copy and paste this last link, this forum doesn't seem to like the square brackets!
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