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Everything posted by Grabri

  1. We moved to Sydney with no jobs (husband is Australian and I am Italian), after 17 years in London/Essex. That was 8 years ago! Don’t regret it one bit. I’m a teacher and I worked in private/Catholic and now state school. if you live in a good area state high schools as well are excellent. Same goes for primary. I do understand that you might still need to pay fees as International students. when we arrived youngest went in local state primary and oldest in Catholic. The kids settled in very well. At the time my oldest was 12 and she adjusted to Sydney high school with no problem. Youngest had a similar experience. We love it here, my story is slightly different as we only left friends in the Uk (my family is whole in Italy) . Don’t miss the Uk at all, just miss vicinity to Europe to be honest.
  2. Thanks so much. She will be very pleased
  3. Hi, we sold our Uk home a couple of years ago and it was handled all by our estate agent. We also used their conveyancer. We did need to sign contract in front of a lawyer here in Australia from memory. It was not complicated (even though we had a buyer pulling out)
  4. Hi all, our child is turning 18 soon and she has a child fund in the Uk. We are going to give them a call when she does, but I’m just wondering how easy it was to withdraw from Australia (if anyone has any experience?) tia
  5. I really think it’s more about the area than a particular school. Public schools in good areas are excellent.
  6. Hi, there are some occupations that grant permanent residency even, for people under 50. You need to go to a remote area though and just certain professions. Just google and have a read. Good luck.
  7. Hi, we had a similar situation when we came in 2015. Our daughters birthday is 22/07 so she was the youngest in Uk. Back then she was in year 4, and moving here she was meant to go to y3. However we insisted she'd go to year 4, as she wasn't happy about going to a younger grade. It has worked out ok, she's a bit behind with her results, but socially at the moment she fits well. She's starting y7 in January and is very happy and exited. Just do what your guts tell you, if you want him to stay in year 3 just ask the school
  8. Hi Christina, welcome! You need to be positive. when I got here it took me ages to get registred as my degree is from Italy so I had to sit English tests. I am a high school teacher. 3 months after I registred I got a 1 year contract starting last January and I just got renewed. Most jobs come out between October and now though. when do you arrive? Situation here for work in Sydney is slow compared to the Uk, but with perseverance and a bit of luck you should be fine. Don't expect permanent jobs either.
  9. In Nsw there seems to be mostly jobs for French. It seems to be the most popular out here in terms of European languages. I am an MFL teacher too, but I teach Italian Spanish (any level) and ks3 French. Have a look on teachers.net a lot of jobs come up there. I am currently looking for a new job too as I am on a contract still December. I think during term 4 there will be more jobs posted, at least I hope. Bonne chance !
  10. Oops sorry I am not sure then.. Sounds odd they mark speaking and writing via computer.... Do some research about it to ensure it's safe to dispute.
  11. Dispute it, they'll try anything to fail you.. Normally for. Ielts they fail you on speaking or writing as for those there is more space for subject judgement.. I disputed a ielts writing and passed.
  12. Hi Lulu as Marisa and others point out a detached house is the best. I imagine one day you'll have kids and being with a garden and freedom from noise(apartment and terraced even can get very noisy) is totally worth the extra money. Also the freedom to modify house as you please in the future if needed. Concerning the timing we are also hoping to buy soon (waiting to start my teaching in January and hopefully will be ready by then) and it seems as the market has slowed down a bit in Sydney.
  13. Hi guys, can you recommend what Union to join..? I am starting in January with a 0.7 in an independent school in NSW. Thanks for suggestions
  14. Boost then should be the best as its cheaper than telstra prepaid, you still get the same great network. Win win
  15. Hi guys I'm so happy that things are moving for me. I passed both Ielts and Peat, as my degree is from overseas. I'm registered with Bostes. Soon I will go for an interview to register with Dec. I went for an interview on Tuesday and looking positive for 2016It's for an exclusive private school. In the meantime tomorrow, still for the private school, I will do some small group teaching Italian for 3 hours. So pleased
  16. Ciao Chiara, 6 italiana? In terms of prepaid amaysim is one of the best https://m.amaysim.com.au/mobile-plans.html?device=1 they use Optus Or boost mobile they use telstra 4g http://boost.com.au/$40-unlimited-pre-paid-sim-plan.aspx?gclid=CjwKEAiA9uaxBRDYr4_hrtC3tW8SJAD6UU8GccJv_08W3s1WfLEjSMZKLx-YaJbH6Z3PuQVfgfPHOBoCJ0nw_wcB Is it for a mobile?
  17. Hi guys, my service was door to door. Approximately £3200, then I bought insurance separate. I also got boxes and saletape delivered approx 1months before move so I could do some packing myself, all included in the £3200. Make sure you mention what you want before paying anything. It took a long time to arrive though about 3 months, so bear that in mind. We were still happy in the end, as we got all our belongings safely and they did all the packing
  18. In the end I went with Simpsons, they were amazing and they came in cheaper too! I have now been 7 months in Oz and love it!
  19. Hi Jes86, in the UK I could teach Spanish, Italian and French. In Nsw I was approved only for Italian and Spanish. I think it depends on your degree. Best thing you can do is to get in touch with Bostes (or other State institution). The best way to emigrate is to get a partner visa. However do check if you can find teaching jobs, just to make sure you are making the right move.
  20. Husband has over 10 years clean license. Was the officer who suggested to ask for a caution! He has been refused only because he was an overseas driver. Anyway thanks for the replies.
  21. Hi, sorry just changed (using iPhone the beauty of autocorrect). We have recently moved to Nsw (3 months ago) and he has swapped the licence from UK to Nsw. They could see that he had a UK license for the past years, so he can't be forgiven...However they say that he can go to court if he wants to dispute.
  22. Hi, about a month ago husband was stopped for going 20mph above (I know it's bad I was with him but didn't realise either)! Anyway officer told husband to ask for forgiveness as he had a clean record. so we did but he was refused Because he hasn't held the Nsw license for more than 10 years (as we have lived in the UK for the past 17). I'm thinking of letting him go to court as I find it quite discriminatory. What would you guys do? He is a very conscious driver, we still can't believe he was going that fast and now he's being super extra careful. Thanks
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