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Everything posted by amibovered

  1. No, but you could restrict new migrants to a particular area.
  2. OK, I think controlled immigration is a good thing.
  3. Start watching at 2:30, perfect example.
  4. Yer tis http://newsonahand.com/hardliners-resurgence-stirs-up-australias-immigration-debate/
  5. We donated ours to charity https://www.kuc.org.au/get-involved/donate-your-car/
  6. Not long been back from 3 weeks in Melbourne, had a great time, but just confirmed we're living in the the right place.
  7. The project fear mongers are still at it I see :laugh:
  8. £1.19 for an iceberg luttuce, that's crazy, you know you're in trouble, when the cost of food item hits half of what it is in Australia.
  9. Happy Australia day folks
  10. Wow, busy week, best of luck with your adventure.
  11. Australia want easier access for Aussies to enter the UK as part of a trade deal http://www.cityam.com/257535/australia-would-swap-more-open-immigration-quick-trade-deal
  12. I had a decent roast at P J O'Brien's Southbank, roast beef and yorkshire puddings, was a couple of years ago mind you. http://www.pjobriens.com.au/southbank/menus/food/
  13. http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/live-pedestrians-hit-gunshots-heard-in-melbourne-cbd-20170120-gtvf3x.html
  14. I don't know how you can live in such a cold country Jock :wink:
  15. You think the only thing Australia has going for it is the weather?
  16. It's just them Northern softies that moan when it drops below 20c Jock.
  17. That's what sends them troppo up there Jock :laugh:
  18. Actually that sound like a great day, I love a good storm, and Tassie in winter FAB, a few crisp frosty mornings and if you are in the right place a chance, just a small chance of snow, oh yeah.
  19. Jeez Jock, it never got above 20c, you guys managing OK? :wink:
  20. Autumn is the best season in Vic/Tas, looks lovely there Jock.
  21. Sounds lovely Jock, been nice here too, spring has sprung for us, winter is waiting for you :wink:
  22. Will you be OK down in Tassie Jock? apparently it's going to be a cold wet and windy weekend, temperatures are going to drop below 20c for a while :elvis: http://www.weatherzone.com.au/news/read-a-book-and-sip-your-tea-this-weekend-in-tasmania/480742
  23. I got hay fever for the first time too, tried the local honey but I can't say it helped.
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