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Everything posted by PhoebeW

  1. They like to make us all jump through hoops for the privilege of giving them most of our life savings:swoon: Good luck with it all, it's giving all of us who are following an insight into what's to come :err: Phoebe
  2. Hi Phyllis That sounds great its certainly worth thinking about :wink: I usually go to Google maps....put in where my daughter lives ie Varsity Lakes....then the name of the place we are looking at....click get directions....and it gives you a driving distance..........really useful when you dont know the areas :biggrin: Did you join the housesitter site to get the contacts? Phoebe
  3. LOL that's what my hubby said so worth checking it out :cute: We will (hopefully) be heading for the Gold Coast my daughter lives in Varsity Lakes about 1.5 hours drive South of Brisbane :biggrin: Let us know how you are getting along :cool: Phoebe
  4. Good Luck to you both Matt. I don't know where you are headed but after Yomvard validated their visas for melbourne they said they were always recruiting posties out there.....could be a start :biggrin: Phoebe
  5. Thanks Phyllis I'll give that a look :wink: Did I read you are going to Queensland? My daughter lives there so hopefully that would be our aim. My daughter lives in Varsity Lakes close to Robina :biggrin: Phoebe
  6. Hi Phyllis That sounds really interesting, because we are not 'pensionable age' just yet we have to find work as well. Do you get payment for 'house sitting as well' it's something I had never heard of but would really appreciate the link :jiggy: Also does anyone know exactly what the retirement age is in Oz. As a female I can not now retire in the UK until I'm 63 :swoon:, hubby will have to be 66. As we are (57 me and 55 hubby) we still have a lot of years to fill with working before we are entitled to our UK pension which would obviously help us out once we are in Oz.....:frown: Phoebe
  7. I'm with Mike on this one regarding the agent. I didn't have a clue where to start but the forms are very straight forward, We went the DIY route with very little trouble saving ourselves precious money that was needed elsewhere. :swoon: Good Luck :biggrin: Phoebe
  8. CONGRATULATIONS :notworthy: I'm sure COody will settle down soon and the pressure will be off :wink: Then you can enjoy :cool: Phoebe
  9. OMG....:chatterbox: At this rate it's going to be doubled by the time it's our turn :swoon: Phoebe
  10. Hi Congratulation to you all :biggrin: We have applied for the CPV143 (Contributry Parent Visa) that is the only way in for us personally apart from the CPV173 which, is similar to the 143 but is a temporary visa which can be updated to 143 at a later date however, we are a little younget than your parents 57 and 55 but I'm sure someone here will be able to advise you better. Good luck to your parents as well :wink: please tell them to join this forum, we have learnt a lot from a lot on knowledgable people :notworthy: Enjoy your new life in the sun.......although they have had a lot of rain in the past couple of weeks :biglaugh: Phoebe
  11. Oooo I just had a quick look and I've moved up another place :jiggy: Phoebe
  12. It's a tempting thought :cute: BUT I remember when my daughter moved there 3 years ago her and the children had to go on my S I L's 4 year sponsored working visa but if they put a foot wrong they were out no questions asked :no: Is it really worth going through all of this to chance the :policeman: catching up with you I've got this far without any brushes with them so I don't think I'll start now..... but like I said it is tempting :jiggy: Phoebe
  13. After my last post I rang the International pensions place again as they were so helpful last time :biggrin: The way I see it is basically, you can hold off getting your pension indeffinatly, all you have to do is contact them 4 months before you want to take it or you can complete the forms online........if you did hold off say 5 years, they would pay you your pension but only backdate it for 12 months, you would then get a 'choices' letter offering you your 4 years in hand as an increase in your pension which would be payable for life, or in 1 lump sum :chatterbox: As you said Les you could hold off then :swoon: so i suppose it has to be a personal choice, but it's nice to have all the info :wink: Phoebe
  14. I was asked the question "would I be taking it when it was due" but no reason was given so I answered yes........do you know if there is there a limit as to how long it can be left.....X number of years?? :wideeyed: Phoebe
  15. Because I am 5 years away from my pension age (hubby is 10) I contacted the internation pensions line today and spoke to a lovely helpful girl. She advised me to get a pensions forecast, even gave me the number:biggrin: We had a long chat about my family in Oz and the fact I would leave a son in the UK, she told me that although our pensions would be frozen once in Oz, if we came back to the UK to visit our son, I just have to ring them and for the duration I am back in the UK, I will receive my pension at the current UK rate !! This was certainly news to me.....but good news :jiggy: Phoebe
  16. Well at the end of the day alll we really want is a 1 bed granny flat with some outside space. Bed setees always come in handy in the living room for stopovers :wink: Phoebe
  17. I think that might be the way to go, rent for a short time then consider buying depending on the work side of things, but still not sure :wacko: Phoebe
  18. Hi Linday Unfortunatly thats not an option now as they are in a rented 3 bed house with 2 girls age 6 and 4 and a new baby due in April :twitcy: Phoebe
  19. Hi chicklet Welcome to the site. :wink: You are just behind me mine was 3rd September. You can contact Steve here cpvtracker@gainwave.co.uk just send him your details and he will kindly do the rest :biggrin: Phoebe
  20. We too are mortgage free here and like you we have a modest 3 bed semi so financially we seem to be the same.:wink: I just went to google.com.au and looked for flat pack granny flats there are a couple of companies who do them, worth a look although you also need a small piece of land to build on. We havent looked into the 'ins and outs' of it all as yet :wideeyed: I too would be interested to know if anyone has done it :biggrin: Phoebe
  21. Well Done time to start decluttering :wink: Dont forget to send Steve the info so he can put your mum on the tracker, then we can all move up 1 place :jiggy: Phoebe
  22. Do you mind me asking are you already in receipt of your UK pension as we are not due to ours for a few years yet :wideeyed: Phoebe
  23. Hi everyone I have a dilemma :frown: Our initial thoughts were when we (hopefully) get our visa and moved to Oz we would look for a small piece of land and build a small Granny Flat, hubby is a joiner so very handy :wink: and we know a couple of places in Oz that make 'flat pack' types which either you or they (for a fee) will build. Our thinking was that at least we would be rent free so not have to panic about finding work to pay the rent :biggrin: but of course would have other essential bills. Once we sell the house in the UK pay for the 2nd VAC, AoS etc and it would pretty much clean us out :goofy: We could rent long term with the money we had which would also pay essential bills and give us time to find work. My worry is, I know we would not get any kind of financial help/pension for 10 years and it is means tested, so I'm left wondering what the best option for people like us would be, buy or rent. Does anyone have any ideas on this or have you done one or the other, I could deffinatly use some advice :wink: We REALLY want this to work for us but the nagging doubts are from the financial side once we are there. We are both more than willing to work at anything but dont have rose tinted glasses on to the fact that work might not be easy to come by initially :eek: I am also aware that we can take our UK pensions with us (when they are due) but that they are frozen so it wont be a lot. I would have at least 4 years to wait and hubby 8 years so we have to be self sufficient for quite a while :swoon: I really need some help/guidance guys n gals please :notworthy: Phoebe
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