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Everything posted by akiralx

  1. Yes, it is a defined benefit, deferred since 2009. Though the LGPS is funded unlike some of them? I would of course be giving up the DB lump sum and lifetime pension - but I am concerned that both will be taxed when paid from the UK while if transferred as a cash equivalent into super here they wouldn't be when I take the benefit. I could actually take the LGPS benefit (reduced) in 2 years at age 55. Thanks
  2. Hi, Andrew - is this because the NHS is a public sector fund? I have a deferred benefit with the Local Government scheme (LGPS), and while I was not thinking of transferring it, it would be good to know if it is possible. Thanks
  3. I have had citizenship for a few years but am certainly not Australian...
  4. Though getting Australian citizenship would not stop you from being deported after serving a criminal sentence - they would just strip you of it if they wish.
  5. Yes I read something similar. I have asked them to send me a revised payment cost noting that they have already confirmed Class 2 for me... Thanks again.
  6. Hi, Andrew Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I was sent a letter in 2015 giving details of repaying past NI years at Class 2 (as you said around 140GBP per year). Now when I log onto HMRC under my page the higher class 3 is being quoted for my missing years (around 700GBP per year, which many not be worth it) - has class 2 for people living abroad been abolished? My 2015 letter said I had until April 2019 to pay so hopefully that would still be valid? Many thanks
  7. Yes, you sound like my wife and I, we've been in Victoria for 9 years, and have realised that we will never have a deep connection to this place, or make many friends here (she has one or two, I have none) we just have to concentrate on what is good about our lives here and enjoy it. We were musing about returning a few months ago but that has passed - it will probably come back but as we have a nice house, well-paid jobs and basically enjoy our existence it would seem foolish to risk it at our time of life (around 50) - finding work at my age would not be easy.
  8. akiralx

    Good suburbs?

    You might get more for your budget in Geelong, 1 hour to Melbourne CBD on more comfortable trains.
  9. A couple of our old cat Ramsay, who stayed in the UK when we left, with a friend - he is still thriving (now renamed Rambo...). A very muscular cat, not very affectionate really - he was always aggressive with any animal who crossed his path, I witnessed him chasing a fox down the road once.
  10. Sibel and Leo, they are brothers. The latter is now wearing a cat bib to thwart his attempts to decimate the avian population of the Bellarine Peninsula...
  11. Irritatingly, to pay these class 2 NI conts I'm supposed to supply an 18 digit reference number - but my letter's reference is: ICW-ROW-DMS-000005855967-[my NI number] So what am I supposed to use?
  12. So the good news is HMRC have come back with class 2 repayments - so the cost of each year falls to 137GBP from about 680GBP... result!
  13. Thanks, yes I will apply for class 2 as I was working until 3 weeks before we left for Aus in 2009. Hopefully that is classed as 'immediately before' leaving.
  14. OK so I've got my letter from HMRC telling me I've got 25 qualifying years of NI up to 05/04/2015. Figures below are UK pounds if no symbol. They say I can pay 9 years back (2006/7 - 2014/15) at 52 x 13.25 per week (some years slightly less) so around 700 per year cost. Which I'm thinking may be worth it. Doesn't actually tell me if these are class 2 or 3, but if I tell them about employment since 2006 I may be able to pay cheaper class 2 - so I'm inferring the 13.25 per week is class 3... so if I tell them the history I could end up paying less? So I go on their calculator, and it tells me that with 25 years, from age 67 (I am now 49) I 'may' get 115.95 per week. So far so good. I increase that to 30 years and it gives me the same answer, 115.95.... but the calculator is using the current state pension system, not the new one from April 2016 I would get in 2033. Any idea how much more per week I would actually get? The other issue is that I'm thinking we as a couple can receive $284 (around 150 UKP) per *fortnight* from the Aus pension before losing 50c in the $, but I guess maximising the UK pension is still better? The new asset test of $375,000 won't affect us, we will be well below.
  15. Well done, sounds good - having said that I am home in Geelong by 5.30 after commuting from Melbourne CBD (4.37 from Southern X, arrives N Geelong 5.24).
  16. So does your memorandum of understanding just suggest you should be able to return to the UK with your children if your husband wants to stay in Aus - or does it also allow your husband to return with them if you decide to stay?
  17. Blood moon from Geelong during the lunar eclipse this week:
  18. I had the same, had to retake the test at GP surgery, came back clear. I'm sure you're aware, but the amounts can be minuscule, i.e. if your gums bleed slightly when brushing your teeth and you swallow a tiny amount, that will be picked up by the test.
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