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Everything posted by rebrol

  1. I am a dyslexia specialist (been here 3 yrs now) and run my own business here for dyslexia. Schools know very little about it and many people still think that Irlen lenses will solve all the problems! Support for anything other than behavioural issues and ASD are exceptionally hard to come by. There is no recognition in most schools here in NSW and it is very much up to parents to help. The good news is there are lots of great programmes that you can implement at home as well as asking the school for some simple accommodations that don't cost anything. Uni's and TAFE's generally cope better and accommodate learners more in my experience. If you want any more info feel free to message me!

    <p>Hi Phil and Vikki</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Yes we have two girls 4 and 1. They too can be a handful but as you say wouldn't change them - they keep me sane on some days and drive me insane on others!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>We pretty much come into the city every other weekend to do something - either park or beach or BBQ - we have family who live in Darling Harbour. Would love to meet up - maybe a BBQ in Blaxland Riverside Park in OLympic Park? Haven't been there but apparently there are some nice picnic areas and BBQ facilities. Or somewhere closer to the city we really don't mind! Let us know when you're free!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Take Care</p>

    <p> </p>


    <p><img src="<___base_url___>/forum/tangerinev3/misc/progress.gif" alt="progress.gif" /></p>



    <p>Hi Phil and Vikki</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Yes we have two girls 4 and 1. They too can be a handful but as you say wouldn't change them - they keep me sane on some days and drive me insane on others!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>We pretty much come into the city every other weekend to do something - either park or beach or BBQ - we have family who live in Darling Harbour. Would love to meet up - maybe a BBQ in Blaxland Riverside Park in OLympic Park? Haven't been there but apparently there are some nice picnic areas and BBQ facilities. Or somewhere closer to the city we really don't mind! Let us know when you're free!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Take Care</p>

    <p> </p>



  4. Hi Would definately recommend getting a label in your passport if you can - it makes it so much easier when you get to OZ. I didn't and it didn't stop me getting anything like medicare etc sorted but no-one here seems very aware of the VEVO website. You can only access the VEVO website once entered Oz and you have to phone for a password - very straightforward but the details on the website do not have your name only your passport number - which only adds t some peoples confusion. I had to carry a print off from the VEVO website together with my passport everywhere and explain how they could cross check it - I got used to it in the end. But as I said it ddn't stop me from getting anything just took a bit more explaining! The website is only for people who have been granted a visa and are already in Oz. As far as I am aware the only way of checking your application is by phoning or emailing your CO - That's what I did and he was always polite and helpful! Good Luck to all those who are still being processed - it's long and very frustrating but definately worth it!!
  5. Hi to all Just a quick update that I hope will help others. Arrived in Oz after being granted 100 in July. All going well BUT can i strongly suggest that anyone being granted a visa push for getting a visa label in their passport. I didn't as was told by CO that all you needed was access to the VEVO website. This is partially true but Oz immigration do not seem to have shared this vision with the rest of Australia. Most organisations I have been to have been looking for a label and when I have produced the print off from the VEVO website - (which incidentally doesn't have your name on it but does have your passport number) I have had to explain why there is no label and all about Vevo. It hasn't stopped us from getting anything yet but everywhere we have gone it has taken a lot longer - With 2 young children this is not always fun!!!!! Thinking of everyone who is waiting for their visa to come through!!! Good Luck!
  6. That's great news - another thing ticked off the list. Good Luck with your telephone interview I'm sure it will be fine! Keep us posted!:jiggy:
  7. Hi Pan Co's reponse time seems to be different depending on who it is. We were lucky ours responded the next day but lots of people wait up to 10 days. I am sure your application will be straightforward but I would still bank on waiting 3 months - I thought ours would be done in a month as we have also been together for 8, married for 5 with 2 kids yet it still took 4 months from initial application! Good Luck:jiggy:
  8. Hi Peach Thanks for this info but we did not register our children as Au citizens because as I said by the time we paid for their medicals it was about the same price as their passport. Since we've only just paid out for their UK passports we thought it would be just as cheap as applying for their Aussie one - less forms to fill in!!
  9. I would give your CO a ring as mine never responded to e-mails asking how long!!! Mine didn't seem to mind me ringing!:jiggy:
  10. I put my two kids on the application even though we could apply for their Ozzie passport as the expense of getting a passport was about the same as getting their medicals done. When their Uk passports run out we will then get them their Australian one. Subclass 100 granted on the 1/7/2010!!!
  11. Hurrah Hurrah - At last Visa subclass 100 today at 8.34am! Flying off to Sydney on 13th August! I can't wait!! Applied 26/2/2010, meds done 24/3/2010, 100 granted 1/7/2010!
  12. Hurray for you - am so pleased after all your waiting!!!! Good Luck and Enjoy!!!:biggrin:
  13. Congrats EPollard that's great news! My husband phoned our CO again yesterday and was told that visa will be granted on the 1st July and it will be the 100 - Hurray. But I will be so pleased when the stamp is in our passports!
  14. Argh yes the waiting! Hope you don't have to wait too loong! At least all the hard stuff is done!
  15. To be fair Peach if they bloomin well told everyone the truth - that they have run out of their quota then people wouldn't be getting so frustrated! When someone tells you 3 -4 months processing time I think they should expect questions about what is taking so long after the 4 month mark! Especially as others have said - the lucky ones getting theirs a lot quicker! Hang on in there!!:jiggy:
  16. I have AB too. He responds to e-mails which require him to e.g will say if he has received evidence, police checks etc But didn't respond to my enquiry about how long it would be until I phoned him as well!! But when my husband did speak to him he was really helpful!:jiggy:
  17. Don't you just love the way people can be so helpful! If you download the medical forms you need this asks you questions about your occupation and intended activities in Oz and gives you an indication of what you need. I just filled them in and let the doctor at the medical do whatever was needed. I paid £120 for the medical at Knigtsbridge and £90 for the X-ray! I didn't have to pay any extra for blood tests even though I have tattoos and piercings!! The medical itself was a bit of a joke really especially as I had to pay £60 each for my two children ( a 2 and half year old and a 4 month old) Not bad money for a 5 min job!!!! On the plus side he was nice and good with the kids so can't complain too much!!! Hope you get it sorted soon!!
  18. Think it probably means that it won't apply to partner visa applications - the DIAC release doesn't state which subclasses it will apply to so perhaps this makes sense!!
  19. Argh not sure this is true. If you read the media release on DIAC website I think it will apply to applications not yet finalised. However, my husband spoke to our CO yesterday and asked him bout this. The CO said that he had not heard about this!!! So who knows????
  20. Thanks Somsy - I kinda got you only meant good things! Absolutely right when you say it is important to get things right as we all know how bloomin frustrating the whole process can be!!! We are headin out to Sydney on 13th August. We have sold house, handed in work notice and sent packages so almost, sort of organised!! (As much as you can be with two kids!!) When you headin out there?
  21. OK OK I feel well and truly put in my place!:notworthy:But many thanks for the post - I feel much less frustrated now!
  22. oooh I feel like I've been told off!!:wink:I do aplogize I had not seen the e-mail that was sent to Garysgirl! On a different note my husband spoke to my CO today who told him that my visa will be granted on the 1st July!! I don't quite understand why he can't grant it now though?? He said he would be sending a letter requesting passports! It's all rather confusing!!!:err:
  23. They've got to be kidding - fingerprints cost $145 at the moment and take another 15 days according to the AFP - so goodness knows what they will charge in the UK!!! :arghh:
  24. Hi Sarah I know how you feel regarding the Aus police check - I knew I would probably have to have one but we didn't bank on my husband(who is Aussie) needing one as well. New rules state that if you are migrating with children your OH must also have a Au police check because they might be a danger to your children! Which is obviously fine if you are in the UK but not in Australia???? How illogical is that???? On the plus side our Au police check came back quicker than our UK one! It didn't even look official!! Hope you get it all sorted quickly!!
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