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Everything posted by fairystar32

  1. I prefer turkey at Xmas, however, nobody liked it but me, so we have chiucken, sausages, bacon, spuds, cranberry sauce, gravy, yorkshire puds, lamb etc....
  2. Congrats xx Its great getting the certificate, I cried at the ceremony LOL
  3. We only get meat from the butchers The only meat we ever buy in the supermarket very rarely, is the organic range if I have run out as we co op buy in bulk or fresh meat for the dog, although usually get that from the butchers too
  4. Really? I find Aldi has BETTER quality than the supermarkets, their stuff is so much nicer and nothing at all compared to smart range? My family prefer Aldi, its a little way away than ther other supermarkets, so I make special trips to stock up from there as the quality is so good? We only buy meat from the organic butchers and the fruit and veg from the organic supplier, but most other stuff, we prefer Aldi
  5. Coles $1 bread is my families favourite LOL, they hate all the other stores $1 bread, but LOVE Coles... They prefer it over the bakery bread!!
  6. This is NOT correct. We luckily got our PR just before our son started Uni, they told us if it hadnt come intime, he would be switched for the next lot of fees. We got out citizenship recently and he was switched from us paying up front, to being able to hex his fees by loan. As long as it happens before the semester payment cut of date, then your status at that date is what counts.
  7. We did, we moved 4 kids to Brisbane, never been before and the eldest child was 14 at the time and youngest 9 mths. My friend has lived here for over 20 yrs at the time ( we were best friends since we were around 8 until she moved at 16) No family here Never regretted it and love it here
  8. We have moved twice since we got PR and never changed our address with immigration. We also bought a house mid way through getting citizenship, which we did change at the interview. I agree with the above poster, cutting words makes it VERY hard to read and understand
  9. actually I think I have got it mixed up LOL, we were not eligible for the First home grant as it was scrapped, I think it was the first home concession we couldnt get either as we had owned before, Its all a blur now LOL, it was a whirlwind when it was all going through!
  10. It was scrapped here, they no longer do it anymore but increased the new builds one to $15k I think
  11. Thats good, must be very different in different states, we didnt get it as we owned in the UK..
  12. I do agree with this, if mine hadnt self weaned when he did I would of expressed.
  13. Not everyone can express and my child takes priority. Teeth need not be an issue. Mine self weaned at 3 yrs 4 mths and other than a few teething issues, they soon learnt not too bite.
  14. some babies are born with teeth, some get them at 3 mths, way too young for weaning!
  15. I am unsure of all states, but this it toally wrong in QLD. We just bought and was not entitled to it. If you have owned ANYWHERE in the world before, you are not classed as a first time buyer and therfore not eligible.
  16. I am in Brisbane. However I loved spiders in the UK but was terrified comming here. I had nightmares about them for the first few months, checked under and in everywhere and constantly reminded the kids. However, after a while you destress more and relax. I have seen a few huntsmans and one red back, hubby has never seen a redback in the over 4.5 yrs we have been here. ( lots of little ones and jumping ones and golden orbs)His work mate got bit by a whitetail in a hotel and had to have surgery but otherwise we hear very little of issues. MNy son was scared until he actually learnt about them in school. He told me that many people get bit, everyday and never even know. It is not often it causes a issue and if it does, nobody has died since the anti venom was made. This relaxed me and stopped me worrying as much. I have been reading about people in the UK getting bit and having serious reactions with fake black widows, they are going everywhere due to travel and importing, so I dont stress about it. I do remind my young son about the danger and no matter how small or big the spider he stands very still and shouts me (usually tiny little normal ones) I see no more than I did in the UK.
  17. Its very unlikely her child will still be nursing at 10. The natural age of weaning is usually under 7. I fed my last child until 3yrs 4 mths when he self weaned. If it was easier to express and the kids would drink it, I would rather they drink my milk than another mammals milk. However it is neither convinent and my kids would rather eat dirt LOL Its her child and breast milk is liquid gold, so up to them
  18. We found we caught everything here in the first few years. My kids even got cuts which became badly infected and needed antibiotic creams, just from normal cuts. The doctors told us its pretty common for immigrants until your body adapts. Bacteria multiply much faster in the heat too. After approx 18 mths their cuts no longer became almost instantly infected and they now just get the normal bugs everyone else does, coughs colds, etc.. We have develloped allergies here we never had, both myself and my son have frequent allergic reactions we never had before. BUT my ezcema is much more controllable as the cold makes it worse.
  19. Hope you managed too move xx we had the same issue over 4 yrs ago, we needed to go fast due to hubbys work, the company booked our flights for 2 mths after he got the job, we ended up renting it out at the time xx
  20. Its becomming more popular. the first year we came, we couldnt even find anything in the shops. Last year we went trick or treating and so did lots of others, some houses were brilliant for decorations. This year lots of shops already have halloween stuff out.
  21. Good luck as said above we had a short interview checking documents. Then test which is less than 5 minutes if you have read the book
  22. I dont bother with private. We are under the threshold with one working and 4 kids. I have had a few issues which were urgent and got treated straight away when needed with NO costs at all. I am also under haematology for a rare lymph disease now which I get seen frequently and have recieved Excellent care. I have two friends with private and yes they get seen immediately, pick their surgeon and operated without a 3 mth wait I had for recent elective surgery, however, they both have thousands of dollars gap each time, which we can not afford anyway. To us we will stick to public.
  23. From acceptance after the test our ceremony was booked for 5 mths later, however we got a cancellation after 3 mths. So it was brought forward. It depends on how many people are waiting and your local areas.
  24. Will the oil stop spiders too? I am seeing more and more little spiders in the house but have a real dislike of chemicals due to young kids
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