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Everything posted by fairystar32

  1. I have used medicare without insurance for my family ( we only have extras, ambulance costs no insurance needed in qld) I have been diagnosed with a super rare auto immune disease and see a heamatologist/oncologist every 3 mths, was mthly, been through operations, scans, blood tests, checks etc.. never paid anything and see promptly, infact seen faster than my mum, having more urgent surgery in the UK. From my experience, it has been every bit as good as the NHS, infact more so and less waiting. I think either system has its pros and cons. I couldnt get a NHS dentist in the UK when it ll changed, so similar to here anyway and we go to bulk billing doctors, there are HEAPS where we live, so also no cost (for now)
  2. fairystar32

    Skin Cancer

    I get a mole check every yr here at the mole clinic as does all the kids. I know 3 people personally who have all had melenoma cut out and 2 were from the UK, had them cut out within the first 5 yrs of living here. I dont use sunscreen if I can help it as I believe the chemicals also put you at risk, as does lack of vitamin D, so we cover up, try not to get too much exposure, enough to top up our Vit D and only use as chemical free as we can find sunscreen if we are out for the day in the sun, such as at theme parks or the beach.
  3. I am also a qualified NNEB nursery nurse, qualification means nothing here, I know a few with childcare qualification and they still had to sit a course here just to work as a teacher aide
  4. fairystar32

    Giving up sugar

    Why do they use radiactive glucose for the PET scan then? I was told it was due to the 'cancer' cells taking up the glucose solution. Which makes sense if 'sugar feeds cancer' I also lost weight and feel much better on almost no sugar, I will never add lots of it again
  5. Congrats, we were off the property ladder for 4 yrs, I am so glad we own again, we hated renting
  6. I thought so too, radio was saying average wage was now $80k and had dropped from last yr, was on the news??
  7. The radio said this week the average wage is $80k, is this right? I cannot find any info other than 2012 figures, which is MUCH less, just interested where hubbys wages stands!
  8. Hi, I havent read all the replies. We came when our eldest was 14, it was VERY hard for him and he wanted to go home for 2 yrs. He did not like it here, didnt like the heat, struggled to make friends and missed his childhood friends. However as he left the school system and changed to Uni and got more independance, he made friends (much different than the UK, not always together but still connected) he has meets ups with them and he changed his mind. He tells me his likes it here now and if he had the choice he would not go back to the UK, we also did a visit to the Uk and he realised it wasnt how he thought, they live as if time doesnt move on and it does. He now tells me he gets why we moved, is glad his kids will be raised here and would only go back for holidays, so there is a good chance he will settle xx He also told me that it was difficult the age he was due to the school system, meeting new people at that age, trying to fit in and struggling with the heat, he tells me now he hated it. Starting fresh at Uni w with all other newbies after being here for a few yrs and getting used to how things worked and the heat helped a lot for him to settle.
  9. fairystar32

    Giving up sugar

    Best wishes to you, I hope your fully recovered. In 2012, I was found accidentally, to have have a 4cm tumour in my neck (MRI for something else) I had numerous scans and tests including a PET/CT which used radioactive sucrose as Cancer cells will 'suck up' the sugar, if they use this to detect cancer, it makes sense that sugar feeds it. This test found one in my thyroid too and the other sidde of my neck. I was a mess, my youngest was 4 at the time. I read all I could and completely changed my diet, It was suspected lymphoma or thyroid cancer and was told after surgery it was likely lymphoma. By this time, I had removed all sugar, made sure all meat was organic, removed packet foods, home cooked everything, ate tons of raw foods (nuts, seeds, coconut oil) and took multiple suppliments. Started meditation and relaxation techniques, saunas and yoga. I was eventually diagnosed with a super rare disease called Castlemans and my thyroid nodule was classed as OK. Now much furthur on in my journey, I still eat VERY little sugar, only in treats such as dark chocolate and limited fruit. I had removed my amalgams and root canals pre surgery, so I routinely detox with vit c, clay and magensium baths I only eat organic meat, veg and fruit unless we go for a rare meal out or its in a shell which is unlikely to be contaminated such as bananas, melons etc.. I try to keep as healthy as I can but have laxed and eat crisps!! I keep up with vit c and black seed oil, iodine and magnesium, selenium and tumeric. I no longer worry as much and enjoy my life. I am a great believer in the power of food and nutrition. however, I think there is a LOT more to it than just that.
  10. Whooping cough is being spread by adults. All adults should be reimmunised, infact there are many reports of late saying it is not as effective any longer. Measles cases have been in teenagers and young adults, who are often immunised and their vaccine has waned. We have currently said we are holding off until he is 10, then he will be caught up with the DTP and the MMR which he hasnt had yet. I am for others chosing though, vaccine reactions/damage are very real, payouts are real and vaccine failure is also real. The two cases of whooping cough in our school lately were both in sisters, both vaccinated.
  11. Most of the people who catch and pass the measles and other diseases are adults or older and bring it from trips overseas, THEY should be vaccinated again as a booster.... Unless every single adult goes gets boosters for their shots, or tested to see if immune, they cannot blame unvaccinated children as themselves are probably no longer covered either and spreading disease. I have currently stopped due to reactions and will carry on seeking information and advice. My son was in the hospital recently and the doctor said we do not know everything and how all kids will reacts and tried to AVOID having him get the shot by talking to specalists. Its isnt as cut and dry as you think. I do beleive vaccines have saved many lifes however I also think they have damaged many too.
  12. Aldi is great here, I try to go most weeks but we moved furthur and end up at Wollies or Coles for the extras we need. We get our meat bulk in a co op and our nuts/flours/ fruit/veg/egss the same, so I go to the supermarket for the kids really. I much prefer Aldi, its great quality and the kids prefer the stuff from there too but its now 25 mins away and when its hot, I cannot be bothered driving there LOL
  13. all together our loan with mortgage lenders insurance is around 95 ish % of cost price we bought it for $390 We pay $1034 a fortnight You can switch too monthly, but we kept it as fortnightly so we make 2 extra payments a yr .. wee
  14. Deals direct are great to buy products
  15. We borrowed with the mortgage insurance added $375k for a $390 house, we used $25k deposit and we paid approx $10k of that, approx for the mortgage insurance, I think?
  16. Hi, we are from Flixton and urmston
  17. Hi, Good luck with the move. It varies so much, just like in the UK, dependant on what you eat and where you shop. I spend a lot of food, but we source bulk and organic Rent can vary pending location and can be roughly $300-800 per week. You can get a good idea by looking on realestate.com.au, and put in your areas and requirements, then you can see what they are in your area. renting here, you dont pay rates, the owners do and some dont pay water, some do, pends on what your contract states, we didnt pay water unless it went over a certain amount. You dont pay building but you do pay contents This is roughly ours. our rent was $450 first house, $530 second house, weekly Food $350-450 a week (family of 6) Gas ( we have bottles, for hob and water, roughly $35 a month) We used to have only electric in our rental and we paid $180-200 roughly a month. Electric $160 a mth Foxtel full package, phone line and internet $220 Insurance home $60 ish Car $37 a mth fuel is impossible too add, depends where you drive and how far. mobile varies so much other insurances vary so much
  18. I brought my letter from my regular UK doctor stating I neded an epi pen, it was accepted and I have never had an issue getting one, every year for the last 4 yrs. They do have to ring up and get a code.
  19. poor thing xxxx I didnt know you needed to get rabies shots comming from the UK.
  20. I so disagree with many posts on here. IMPO a CS should be EMERGENCY only, not a personal choice! It is huge surgery, carries more risk for BOTH mother and baby. A lot of CS babies end up on a ventialtor or special care as their lungs of full of the fluid which is normally pushed out during the birth process. (mine was one of them and almost died), Infections and a higher risk of uterine abruption in future pregnancies. More risk of previa and believe me you do NOT want this and placenta accreta . A CS is serious surgery and I wished it was kept for emergency use only. epidurals are not as safe as they make out, lots end up with LONG term side effects. A girl I know has chronic back issues and constant pain 10 yrs after hers.
  21. I am a member on many Aussie forums and what shocked me the most is people fighting for a natural birth after a CS? I had a crash CS for my firstborn in the UK, I had my next births normally, was encouraged to do so and never mentioned a CS unless it became an emergency again or due to risk of rupture. Here they seem to have too fight to have that natural birth if they have had a CS and a lot of doctors will not allow it? A CS is a HIGHER risk, even after having a prior CS than opting for a normal birth.
  22. Australia for me, I find my knee pain and ezcema far easier here too manage. I prefer the lifestyle, love the beach and wanted to not retire in the UK, all my life. So I am happy to stay here
  23. I have actually made more friends in the 4 yrs living here than in the UK and most are Aussies. I do have kids though, so you do meet mums at school. I made great new friends at the end of last week. You can meet people anytime in your life.
  24. My parents always make both We will probably do it too, I prefer mash
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