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Everything posted by twinsmom65

  1. Well it looks like another tv star has to face charges http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2278929/Michael-Le-Vell-charged-19-child-sex-offences--including-rape.html Cheers Karen
  2. Ok, just so you guys in the UK feel better and to give anyone in Australia dealing with the heat, a nice cool image, on Friday we had 40cm of snow, and tonight we have flurries, winds and it is feeling like -8 Cheers Karen....a hardy Canadian Lol
  3. Well I have lived in Perth, WA and Canada (most of time has been spent in Canada). FWIW, I would go for the interview for Canada, like most people have said, the benefits are, closer to the UK, no problem shipping pets (very easy), universal health care, alot of employers also offer medical benefits as part of the package (which cover prescriptions, eyewear, physio and dental). Food costs are cheaper here (although I am in Southern Ontario not Alberta). Lots of work out west in Alberta. Weather, yes it does get cold in the winter and snowy, however, we are very prepared for winter, roads are kept clear, and it is nice and toasty in the houses and work environment. Housing costs are cheaper in Canada, great access to the states (for really cheap shopping) and if the winter gets you down, you can always go down south to Mexico or the caribbean for a quick one or two week all inclusive holiday. Vegas would be close as well, if you just want to get away for a weekend. Perth is nice, weather is obviously nicer than Calgary, although when it gets hot in Perth, it is very hot. I also found it cold in the winter in Perth. I know it doesn't get that cold, but the houses have no insulation or double glazing, so it gets bloody cold in the house in the winter, and it rains quite a bit in the winter as well. I did find Perth a bit behind the times. Lack of competition from stores, less choice, more expensive for sure. Rentals were expensive in Perth as well. Perth reminded me of Canada from the early 80's if that makes any sense. Both countries are great IMO, the choice is yours, although I will always be a Canuck, so could be a bit biased. Cheers Karen
  4. I accepted my job offer on Nov 3, 2010 and we flew back to Canada December 1, 2010, so just under a month. Cheers Karen
  5. Is this the guy, found it on you tube.....seems like a very gentle soul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3nSg0qcDIY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  6. Ok, just a heads up, the OP was about racism in Australia. The last time I checked I don't think utes have anything to do with racism. So please boys and girls can we get back on topic, and if you wish to discuss the merits of utes, I suggest perhaps starting your own thread. Thanks in advance for your co operation. Cheers Karen
  7. Ginger, just wanted to wish you all the best for the move back to Scotland. Perhaps, now is not the time for a permanent move, but it sounds like you have some solid plans, and if Australia is in your future, then you will always find a way. Cheers Karen
  8. Hi welcome to the group. Australia is not for everyone. I agree about not seeing people about, used to amaze me to see no one out and about after work. I found Perth very backwards, it reminded me of Canada back in the early 80's. I didn't like the lack of competition between stores, not much to choose from with grocery stores. I suppose if we had stayed, it would have become second nature to accept the flaws, but I already cam from a great country, and at the end of the day Australia could offer what Canada did. My only regret is selling our house, should have rented it out. Oh well hindsight is a wonderful thing. Cheers Karen
  9. Sorry to hear that your having problems selling the house. Sending positive thoughts your way. Enjoy the time with your mum for her birthday. Cheers Karen
  10. twinsmom65

    Welcome Mygirlies

    Welcome to the group Mygirlies...... you are safe in here !!. I am so sorry that you had to put up with the abuse received on your thread, totally uncalled for. I can vouch that everyone in here is lovely !! Take care Cheers Karen
  11. Why should someone have to wait this magical two year mark. At the end of the day, it is the OP's decision. You say don't follow your heart, but if you can't settle and are not happy, why should you stay longer and make yourself more miserable. Australia is no magical land, at the end of the day, it is just another first world country. Cheers Karen
  12. twinsmom65

    Who's who?

    Twinsmom65...family of 4 Canucks, arrived Perth Oct 2008 , left December 2010
  13. We also rented directly from the owners. The first time was not good, it was our first rental, we got it through someone we knew, a friend of her's owned the rental. We thought we were renting a holiday let, well that was mistake #1. When we arrived, we had to pay a bond, sign, a lease and pay the first two weeks rent. We ended up staying in the rental for about six weeks and then moved on to another rental which was closer to work. When we left the first rental we lost quite a bit of our bond, and the list was laughable, sand on the drive way, gardening not done etc. So of course being new and naive we just accepted it. However, even a private landlord is required to lodge your bond money either with the Bond Authority or our landlord chose to open a separate bank account which should have had both the landlords an our name attached. As I found out from a co worker who was a tenant advocate, we could have gone after our landlord, as they failed to lodge the bond property. Tenant advocates are great, just wish I knew of them when I arrived lol. My other experience renting from a private landlord was heaven, no inspections, got on like a house on fire, went to her's for drinks. Worked out better than having to deal with agents and inspections. Oh and it was all done above board. Cheers Karen
  14. twinsmom65

    If you can...

    How about Legoman?
  15. One thing that made me unhappy, was my one daughter would not settle, was adamant she was leaving Australia at 18, so that was tough, I also struggled with holidays such as Christmas and holidays. It never felt right just being the four of us. Don't get me wrong, Australia is a beautiful country, it just makes it so much more enjoyable, when you hav extended family and friends around you, that can share it with you. One of my better times I remember was when my mum came for a visit and it was so much fun just going out for the day. I really enjoyed myself then. The worst time for me in Australia was when my OH got laid off, I was working full time, worrying about how we were going to make ends meet, said daughter still miserable, and just feeling totally alone. I didn't have that support network around, and it does make you realize how alone and far away you really are. Karen
  16. twinsmom65

    If you can...

    How about Caretucker (Kelly)?
  17. Spent 2 years in Perth.
  18. It is hard when one loves it and the others not so much. I remember when I was booking our flights home, and OH said he didn't want to come, I gave him 24 hours to think it over before I booked the flights. He came back with us, but if he had wanted to stay, I would have gone back without him. My mental health at that point was on the line, and I don't think it would have been good for me to stay (OH was unemployed when we left). Cheers Karen
  19. twinsmom65

    Hello peeps

    Hi everyone. Can you believe I have been back in Canada over two years, been back longer than I was in Oz. Cheers Karen
  20. Hi Thistle, sorry don't have any advice as we rehomed our dog prior to moving back to Canada. Hopefully some members who have returned with their dogs will be along to answer some of your questions and share their experiences. Good luck with the move back. Cheers Karen
  21. LOL, any job in Perth needs a bloody license. Well due to the actions of their security, they have lost a potential repeat customer. Subi has lots of other nice bars, their loss. Karen
  22. Sorry to read about your bad ending, to what seemed like a great night. Unfortunately stuff like that happens everywhere. My daughters who just turned 19 , went out to a club last night to celebrate New years Eve, and they got kicked out of the club for being drunk. My one daughter only had 3 drinks the whole night. Don't let one incidence ruin what otherwise was a great night. Hopefully your next night out won't have this much drama. Cheers Karen
  23. Good Luck Carol, I know you will do fine, my two are going out to a club tonight for New Years (they turned 19 on the 16th of December). I don't mind the girls having a party at our place, at least I know where they are and it is in a controlled situation. I am more worried about my two buggering off tonight.... hate the fact that they are going out, but have to realize that they are now old enough (well I hope so... not too sure about them LOL) for them to make the right choices. Hopefully we will see you posting tomorrow !!.... enjoy the wine. Cheers Karen
  24. Happy New Year to you too Kate and Rob !! Road Trip ?????.... will we see you in a month, if your last one is anything to go by LMAO !! Cheers Karen
  25. Hi Kelly, great update, 2 months already, where does the time go. I bet you really enjoyed Christmas, it does feel more magical in the northern hemisphere. I can tell you are glad to be home, just by the tone of your posts, so much more upbeat. Sometimes it takes a move away to make us appreciate what we really had. Best of luck to you and your family and all the best for 2013 . Cheers Karen
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