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Everything posted by LKC

  1. I feel the same. Was telling hubby the other morning that I have lost my mojo! I am finding it very hard to get out of bed in the mornings at the moment. I used to be far more of a morning person, but now even though the kids wake me up at 6.30, I stay in bed dozing until the last possible second that I can! I reckon it is something to do with the winter. I did get up a bit earlier yesterday morning, and was rewarded by seeing a wallaby on the fire trail behind the house for the first time. Unfortunately, by the time I fetched my camera, the bloke five doors up had let his dog out there and it hopped away back into the bush.
  2. Lovely photos Kev. I have let photography go over the last few months because I've been busy, but I would like to get back to it at some point. There are some beautiful places round here to photograph. Might even make the effort to get up early and do some sunrises over the sea.
  3. Bobj, your photos are always wonderful! Here is my contribution. These were taken out the back of our house. The big tree in them is sadly no longer there (infested with termites and rotten right through so we had to have it removed).

    <p>Hi Sue, Thank you for your support yesterday. It was much needed and very much appreciated. Would it be okay if I added you on Facebook? I think we have 13 friends in common!</p>

    <p>Debs x</p>


  5. <p>Will do! Speak to you next week!</p>


    <p>Hi Lizzy. Glad to hear that you feel the same way about Oz! I absolutely love it here and have just started to get paperwork together for our application for pr. We visited the Central Coast area when we visited for our rekkie in September last year. We stayed in Foresters Beach which was lovely. It would be good to meet up sometime. We have two children too, aged almost 3 and 13 months.</p>



  7. <p>Hello. We haven't been granted the visa yet - flying by the seat of our pants! Our agent in Sydney assures us that it will be here in time so fingers crossed else we will have to change our flights etc. All of the childrens meds and our x-rays are already in Sydney so it should be fairly straight forwards. My hubbys job will be based in Hurstville, so we are hoping to live in/around Sutherland Shire. What about you? What situation are you in with your visa and where are you heading?</p>

  8. <p>Hi, Longbridge and then Northfield. Used to go shopping with mum and dad in Kings Heath when we were little! Small world, eh! Haven't been there for years and years though! Moved away to uni at 18 and now live in Suffolk.</p>

  9. Thank you for this advice. We are off to get a solicitor to sort out our wills this week, because now we are moving to Oz it is more complicated both financially and as to what happens with the children should the worst happen and one or both of us dies. Hadn't thought about marriage break up. Will also be thinking about the emergency contact thing too. Thank you!
  10. LKC

    Autumn/Winter 2010

  11. LKC

    Sophie & Charlotte

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