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Status Updates posted by ali

  1. <p>pink and blonde hair ... it could be you (well not now 'cos you've changed your hair)</p>

  2. <p>Hey little miss chatterbox, sending hugz from Little miss perfect :0)</p>

  3. <p>sshhhh - don't use my full name on the forum ... i'm incognito ..not sure where that is but think it's in Australia lol .. Anyway, I'm little Miss Perfect and helpful so I can't be bad .... can I????</p>

  4. <p>I have no idea what you're on about .. crude??? I meant the heels would be so high that you'd end up sitting down all the time ... what were you thinking??? I'm confused, were you thinking naughty thoughts Cal?</p>

  5. <p>With shoes like that, i'm not sure standing would be on the agenda lol</p>

  6. <p>Bet Gary wouldn't say that Cal ... they're a bit s&m .. or is that m&s</p>

  7. ali

    <p>No Friday is just the start of the weekend, and the end of a very hectic work week, sorting out Dr.'s and everything else , honestly the patients are the easy bit. Never heard of hump day and sort of afraid to ask what it is lol</p>

  8. ali

    <p>I know hun ... but there are different shades of purple and this is soooooooo purple .... but very you lol. Roll on Friday!!!</p>

  9. <p>Christ Cal, if you wore those Gary would have a heart attack!</p>

  10. ali

    <p>This is so purple Julie ... just dropping by to send you hugz x x</p>

  11. <p>Well the job is ok but also a bit of a nightmare - our only consultant has gone off sick, my boss forget to do someones termination of contract forms and didn't leave their resignation letter, the triage officer has extended her leave by 2 weeks (but no-one knew), the CNS for the other team has gone off for 2 week, making me the only CNS in the building so everyone keeps asking me everything - I still have my caseload of people to visit too.... honestly they couldn't organises a piss up in brewery?</p>

  12. <p>same old same old; - you wearing your platforms?</p>

  13. <p>Happy Birthday for all at PIO - have a great day</p>

  14. <p>He's blowing ya kisses mal from Kal - hows the knee? How's Nicki enjoying her CN role at work?</p>

  15. ali

    <p>I wish lol - I would have retired.. All good this end of Aus - hope you had a nice birthday x</p>

  16. ali

    <p>Now I would have put serious money on the colour of this page lol</p>

  17. <p>Lol - will you and Joanne quit worrying - it may be hard to believe but I am a quiet person lol I'm fine - honestly x x c</p>

  18. <p>I'm going to be working full time for a little while whilst I cover my boss who is on leave - no weekends to work, but I'm not off at all the school hols. Nige is covering the 2 weeks, Tom didn't want to go to basketball this year - Nigel wants to do some jobs on the house before my dad arrives in November.</p>

  19. <p>I knew you would have been playing with the colours lol</p>

  20. <p>Sorry to hear about your knee - can't believe that you're going to have to give up running. Tell Nick congratulations on the ACN - I'm going to be acting CNS whilst my bos is on leave for a month - got to work full time though which I'm not looking forward to - but it'll pay for my tax bill. We don't have hospital cover so I had to pay just over $900. Now it looks like they're ot going to increase the threshold so we've decided to get hospital cover now to avoid this mega bill, next year.</p>

  21. <p>Well, what can I say ..... lol</p>

  22. <p>you've obviously tweeked it since I first saw it ... it's less .... bright (is the word i'd opt for)</p>

  23. <p>Not ever????</p>

  24. <p>Less pink is good .. I do think you're a princess .... my halo has slipped and my wings are a little weathered but I'm still an angel!!</p>

  25. <p>ohhh - I'm not in Sweden anymore .... luv u 2 mate .. just glad i'm in WA or you'd throw something at me lol</p>

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