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Who's going home this year?


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when are we going home....october, maybe abit sooner all being well.

going back to yorkshire....

we have been here exactly 4 years, 2 weeks.


Just applyed for citizenship, everything has gone through ok, just waiting to do our test in may, then have a ceremony, then back home for us...cant wait to have a proper home made yorkshire pud.... its been such a long & emotional journey...

good luck to everyone who gave it a go...and your return back to our homeland.

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Guest SupportPants

When are you going home? In July we are leaving as soon as we progress to permanent residency

Where are you going to? We intend to live Europe - France or Spain (at first)

How long have you been in Oz? 4 years

Why are you leaving? We're craving somewhere with more life and excitement, closer to friends and family and cheaper.

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Guest Shelduck

when- june/july hopefully

where- london

how long in oz- 4 years

why- closer to friends and family, struggling financially, have loved our time in oz but not for us as a family in the long term.

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Guest Chelsea976

Hello, Im doing it the other way round UK back to OZ!!


When you going? Hopefully Oct/Noc all depends on the partner visa

Where you returning to? Perth WA

How long you been in UK? 10 years this June!! Live in sunny southend, Essex!!

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August, 2 and a half years, and I'm not really sure where yet.


Will probably end up in Aylesbury, Leighton Buzzard or Tring. It all feels very weird. The worst part about it is having to pretend I'm interested in my job until then....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been here 18 months also, going back end of July North East UK.


I've been wanting to go for the last year or more, had enough.


Looking forward to everything good shops, history, pubs, cheaper lifestyle, cheaper cars. Good food and the good old UK weather Bring it on !!!

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When you going - Mid July

Where you returning to - The Cotswolds (Cirencester) to start with, but could end up anywhere, depending on OH job

How long you been in Australia - 5 1/2 years, time to settle down now we have our own little family and another on the way :)


Have thoroughly loved Australia, but we want to live and bring up our family in the UK so time to go home and be back with family and friends. 13 weeks to go (so my mum tells me this morning :cute: ) mmmmm now where do I start.........

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When we are returning....hopefully later this year, with a house to sell can't say for sure but I'm hopeful it won't be too long.


Where we are returning to...North East of UK. Perhaps not the most inspiring of places but it's home, it's where my mum and my best mate are so that'll do for me.


How long we have been in Australia...5 years and counting. Proper gut wrenching home sickness set in after about 3 years.


I am feeling super excited today, can't wait to be home. Good luck to all who have posted with your own journeys home.

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