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Could an interview come at the worst possible moment.. :(


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I have applied for a job and have been e-mailed to say I have been shortlisted and that the last 2 interview dates and times are both when I am on holiday in lanzarote... :(...... Are they likely to accomodate another time and day or do they really only have certain dates and thats it? I am very disappointed and having been looking forward to a week away which is much needed after the last year I have had andam hoping they will be kind and give me another date ( after all they encouraged me to apply for the job!!)The job is in SA with mental health

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The same thing happened to my husband and they rearranged the interview for when we got back. They were fine about it. I would have thought that you are entitled to a holiday and they must accept that when arranging an interview.

Hope it goes well and keep us informed.

Good Luck


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It reallly depends, I guess on how many candidates they're interviewing. They may very well re-arrange with you, but if they don't want to delay their recruitment process then they could say that you're not available for interview. If it's going to be a telephone interview - give them your mobile number.

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Common interview questions will usually revolve around a few themes (but will be asked in different ways!)

- Problem Solving

- Ability to recognise and learn from your mistakes (if they ask for an example make sure you give one YOU'VE made, not someone else, and be clear about what you learnt from it)

- Recognising your limitations and asking for help (strike the balance on this one - they don't want someone they'll need to baby, but they want someone who's not too gung-ho)

- Technical/clinical/scientific knowledge and expertise


Midnight's not a bad time - better than 4am :)

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