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Groceries - Coles/Woolies vs Aldi? Anyone shopped at both?


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I always here how expensive Oz is for groceries and as a % of income it might be a bit more than the UK.





I was wondering I can get a 'guestimate' of prices from Coles/Woolies on line but does anyone here shop at Aldi AU?


I freely admit I shop at Aldi in the UK as it's on my way home and to me, milk is milk, eggs are eggs (free range of course!) and cheese is cheese. The stuff is the same to me, and it is more convenient. Plus, the own brand nappies don't leak like huggies do (not for me, promise!). The only thing I get seperately is market seasonal veg and meat from the local butcher.


Does anyone know if Aldi AU is cheaper (and if so by how much, comparisons?) than the other 2 big stores? Anyone shopped at both and can compare?







Forgive me if this is in the wrong section, I thought it was related to money matters so if not please feel free to move it! Ta



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I don't shop there but my daughter does. She says it is cheaper than either Coles or Woolies. There are a few things that she can't get there but not much. Can't give you any price comparisons but my daughter is happy.


Only reason I don't go there is because I like the parking at my local Coles better.

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Aldi Woolworths

2L Apple Juice 1.99 3L 3.09

3L Milk 2.89 3.00

sliced white bread 0.99 3.59-tip top often homebrand is 2 for $4

hot dogs 2.49 5.17

carrots kg 0.99 1.49


We always bought nappies at aldi, like you we thought them better than any other brand and far cheaper. Buy wine there to, often around $4 a bottle. Alot o Euro style lager there but l prefer the Oz beer now.

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Merlot Shiraz $2.49 and highly swigable!!!!



Geoff *hic*



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk so no smilies and just assume I 'like' your post unless I say otherwise as there's no 'like' button for me to click on!

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Aldi is popular here, obviously they don't have the range that the 2 others have, but their prices are cheaper, and the stuff I've had from them has been decent quality. I probably wouldn't buy everything there, but would shop there more often if I had one closer to me.

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Guest moldec1999

I've shopped in all 3.... Willies def has best choice ... Aldo is cheaper but not the same amount of variety then home. I could've done most of my shopping there at home but only half here... If that makes sense ;)

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Meat from Aldi has been better than Coles or Woolies - really good quality and a bit cheaper. Aldi steaks etc have been luscious and gristle-free, whereas some steak from Coles we had recently was tasty but had loads of gristle. We also love Aldi frozen potato dauphinoise, jelly beans, cereal bars, kitchen roll, cheapo tinned tomatoes and roll-on insect repellent. The rest comes from Coles'n'Woolies.

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Guest First time Down Under

I'm not in Oz yet, and had been hearing that food (along with many other things!!) is more expensive out in Oz (though also works out kinda relative in relation to salaries...) I gather that Coles and Woolies are the two main supermarkets, but that Aldi is springing up all over the shop. You can get an idea of Aldi's prices if you google 'Aldi Australia'. You can't actually buy online but they do allow you to compile a shopping list (presumably you can just print this off) and shows you prices. Hope this helps.

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I'm not in Oz yet, and had been hearing that food (along with many other things!!) is more expensive out in Oz (though also works out kinda relative in relation to salaries...) I gather that Coles and Woolies are the two main supermarkets, but that Aldi is springing up all over the shop. You can get an idea of Aldi's prices if you google 'Aldi Australia'. You can't actually buy online but they do allow you to compile a shopping list (presumably you can just print this off) and shows you prices. Hope this helps.


Your right it is all relative - generally the salaries are higher especially in WA. They also stock much in the way of ready meals like they do in the UK, and if you want one they are expensive.


Meat is great over here though.

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I'm not in Oz yet, and had been hearing that food (along with many other things!!) is more expensive out in Oz (though also works out kinda relative in relation to salaries...) I gather that Coles and Woolies are the two main supermarkets, but that Aldi is springing up all over the shop. You can get an idea of Aldi's prices if you google 'Aldi Australia'. You can't actually buy online but they do allow you to compile a shopping list (presumably you can just print this off) and shows you prices. Hope this helps.



Thanks for that, never noticed! Done my 'Big' shop (i.e not stuff I buy every week such as washing powder etc. as well as the weekly food shop and baby shop etc.)


Came to just over $150AU, so not as much as I thought (3 of us, full 'big' shop equivalent to about £60 in the UK but with no meat as we shop for that seperately.) That's put food at about $600-750 for the month or a little less using aldi plus meat. compared to about £280-300 back home average. very close to the '2.2' conversion!


Anyone know why Aldi only sell wine in Vic and ACT?!?!?! Hopefully there'll be a cheap place to buy decent wine in NSW or WA!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest First time Down Under
Thanks for that, never noticed! Done my 'Big' shop (i.e not stuff I buy every week such as washing powder etc. as well as the weekly food shop and baby shop etc.)


Came to just over $150AU, so not as much as I thought (3 of us, full 'big' shop equivalent to about £60 in the UK but with no meat as we shop for that seperately.) That's put food at about $600-750 for the month or a little less using aldi plus meat. compared to about £280-300 back home average. very close to the '2.2' conversion!


Anyone know why Aldi only sell wine in Vic and ACT?!?!?! Hopefully there'll be a cheap place to buy decent wine in NSW or WA!!!


Hopefully so!!! If you find somewhere, please share where :) Quite distressed to hear that Aldi NSW don't sell wine!!! Arghhhhh!!!!! :wacko:

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Both Coles and Safeway have on line shopping so you can log into their sites and have a look at the prices of goods and compare. Aldi is popular in Victoria although I am not a fan, dogs did not like their dog food. I would probably buy fresh from Aldi. I shop at Coles and Woolworths as they are near enough to each other where I live to walk between them. So wait for the specials list and then shop. I also shop at IGA stores as well. For soap powder BigW and KMart both sell soap powder and cleaning items in bulk. For pet food I go to the Petstock shop as I get a free bag every few months for loyalty. Chicken shops are usually cheaper than the supermarkets. Fish is expensive. Lots of markets and cheap areas to shop in Melbourne, Springvale, Dandenong, South Melbourne, Vic Market, Croydon Market etc. Farmers markets on most weekends. Costco is also popular


The reason Vic sells liquor at Aldi because Melbourne is ahead with shopping experiences and I always hate it when I go interstate as I miss our shopping hours etc.

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Anyone know why Aldi only sell wine in Vic and ACT?!?!?! Hopefully there'll be a cheap place to buy decent wine in NSW or WA!!!


Alchohol licencing is a state matter and not all states allow alcohol sales in supermarkets. I'm not sure if that is the case in NSW or WA but it may be the reason.

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Our supermarket price survey (2009) found that you can stretch your food and basics budget by buying some or all of your staple items at an Aldi store — sometimes by as much as 56%.


In our most recent survey, we found that, for a total basket, Woolworths is cheapest in 42 of 61 regions in Australia while Aldi has the cheapest staples basket in all 40 regions where Aldi operates.

Source: http://www.choice.com.au/reviews-and-tests/money/banking/saving-money/ten-easy-household-saving-tips.aspx

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