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What have you done today to get yourself to OZ?


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Have applied to open our bank accounts. Fingers crossed that following disasterous meeting with buyer and surveyor on Friday, that they will still want to buy the house - roll on open of business tomorrow......


Need to book hubbies flight :-(

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Guest kerry19



Feel like it's all starting to fall into place!


Submitted WA SS last Monday so waiting again, but I'm getting better at that malarkey. We also have people coming to view our house again today, so all being well might be moving in with the outlaws soon (!!!!!). Today's task is to get the house presentful but with three little rugrats is going to be rather hard!!


Was in the garden all weekend playing with kids and doing more research on areas etc, doesn't a bit of good weather totally change your mind set? No wonder Australians always look happy!!! LOL I feel miles more positive about the move and can't wait for the outdoor lifestyle my kids love!! Happy, happy, happy!!!!


So fingers crossed that we get a positive reply re wa ss and we can finally lodge!!!


Kerry xx

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Guest kerry19
Good luck with everything Kerry. :cute:






Feel miles better this week, a few doubts kept coming up last week but that's bound to happen isn't it? I've had a lovely weekend with hubby and kids and that's why I'm more positive. We are moving to spend more time together ( hubby working in Belgium at mo ) and the weekend was a taster of what hopefully is to come :biggrin:


I'm being all soppy!! lol


Kerry x

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Had a hot and sweaty weekend packing up boxes while the kids enjoyed the garden and lovely weather. It has suddenly dawned on us that we are leaving the house we built ourselves with blood, sweat and tears in 3 days time and both have had a "wobble" last night.

I know most people would think "it's just a house" but to us who took a big gamble to build it by jumping off the property ladder at it's peak to buy land with no planning permission then spent a very hard year designing and putting together our dream it feels as bad as leaving our friends behind :sad:

I just hope it is all worth it and I haven't put my family through this for nothing !:confused:


Still, our buyers came round on Sunday and are so great and excited - I just wish we were staying a little bit longer as they would be lovely friends to have !


Emotional overload going on with us...................................

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Feel a bit sad today :cry: in less then 48 hours I leave the UK for good, it has been my home for over 10 years now and will always be part of my life. The UK has not only given me citizenship but also a different outlook on life, an asset that I really value.

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Feel a bit sad today :cry: in less then 48 hours I leave the UK for good, it has been my home for over 10 years now and will always be part of my life. The UK has not only given me citizenship but also a different outlook on life, an asset that I really value.


10 years ?????????? You should try 42 !!!

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Yesterday I moved out from my flat in London and also met one of the managers from my new job for the first time. We had a couple of beers over lunch and got on really well! I'm now really excited again and less emotional than I was feeling.


Today I am at my parents just chilling out in the sunshine and doing a few admin things, like changing addresses. I called T-Mobile to cancel my contract and they are transferring my number to pay as you go which will be handy for when I come back to London on business. I don't know why, this makes me really happy! It's great when people are helpful :)

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Phew! Yesterday I was chased by my migration agent (which I welcomed!) to start filling in the dreaded 176 application form and start gathering all our documents for the visa application which he will lodge once we get Vic SS in! So was busy with that yesterday and today I had the double whammy of being asked to fill in the dreaded Form 80 which took me 3 hours!


Now it's all done and submitted to my agent! Feels like another step closer! Hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunshine! :)

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Guest kerry19

We got our WA SS approved today and the people who viewed house yesterday want to rent it!!!! So for the next four weeks if you see me on pio tell me to stop being lazy and start packing :) to move in with the in laws :( until september!!!!

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