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only relavent in 3 years time


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Nicely put Stacey, it's all OK for these wanna be big time property investors !:laugh:



Nothing more depressing than knowing how much money your wasting by private renting! thats why we moved back in with parents to save money for australia but if things dont work out with that then we'll use it for a deposit to buy a house. I really dont want to stay here though, such a horrible feeling!

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The trouble is that there are two ways the housing market could go, and someone is going to get hurt in either case.


  • If prices remain high, or continue to rise, then current home owners benefit, but the younger generation (say under 35 to 40) will suffer financial hardship in buying somewhere.
  • If prices fall then current home owners will suffer, but the younger generation will benefit from affordable houses.


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I sometimes wish I was lucky enough to be able to sell a house before we go but it must be really stressful!


Wish I was in your situation right now,(apart from the trying to find a sponsor bit !), really don't need the stress of getting the house up together then trying to sell it, then renting. None of my family have room for 5 of us !:arghh:

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Wish I was in your situation right now,(apart from the trying to find a sponsor bit !), really don't need the stress of getting the house up together then trying to sell it, then renting. None of my family have room for 5 of us !:arghh:


sounds stressful! maybe im not so jealous anymore lol :laugh: I know we're quite lucky to have no ties and no kids but sometimes wish we had a bit more money for moving, I told mum the company wants people to move over by april and she thinks we're complete nuts! :goofy:

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She seems to think that you need at the very least 10grand to move, Just have to take a chance! or we might even end up sitting waiting for another year before we find a sponsor so could have more money. I'll leave it to fate lol


You could do it with less if you're happy to live almost anywhere and scrimp and save once there - not something you could do easily with kids !

Fate will decide..................whoever he/she is ! :biglaugh:

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You could do it with less if you're happy to live almost anywhere and scrimp and save once there - not something you could do easily with kids !

Fate will decide..................whoever he/she is ! :biglaugh:


Yeah you def cant do it with kids so i guess i should think myself lucky. I'll only think about having them once im settled with a house and some money! We've even looked at house shares over there to save money for a while

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Guest Helchops

We own in UK...I think it's overrated personally. The freedom to go anywhere without ties really appeals at the moment.


That said we will buy in three years in oz (that's the plan) but for now, happy with the flexibility.


There was a study done recently that discussed if you're a private owner and not using your house for investment, the cost between renting and borrowing (and investing the difference as renting is cheaper on average) the two average themselves out...

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