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Help needed with 176 visa, TRA etc!

Guest rhiannaandcraig

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Guest rhiannaandcraig

Hi all...



Really sorry if I'm going over old ground here but I'm just hoping to finally get some things straight in my head after lots of confusion!

My boyfriend Craig and are desperate to move to Perth. Craig is a plasterer with an NVQ2 and 8+ years experience. I have a fair few questions so I do apologise in advance but I'd be so grateful for any answers!




  • I don't qualify for enough points on my own, so I'm hoping I can go out on Craig's visa, despite not being married. We've lived together for 2+ years so we've read that we can be considered as a de facto relationship – is this correct?
  • If so, what evidence of our relationship should we start to collate (if any)?
  • Can Craig go straight to the TRA with his NVQ or does he need to get an AQFIII?
  • If he needs an AQFIII, is it better/cheaper to get this in the UK or in Aus? Do you know how much it's likely to cost and can you recommend any companies?
  • We are hoping to apply for state sponsorship from WA, then apply for our PR visa (176 visa I think?) what is the process for this – is it straightforward?
  • We are hoping to do this without an agent to avoid the fees – is this advisable? How likely are we to mess it up going it alone?!!
  • I've read that we will need $20k per applicant plus $5K per dependant (so $25K for us)We're both young (I'm 23) and don't have a house to sell so we're going to have to save the money – will our bank accounts be checked to make sure we have this money when we get the visa (as we may not have it all by then!!)?
  • How long is the whole process likely to take if we start now?



Once again, so sorry for all of the questions and massively appreciate your help at this scary / frustating / exciting time!!







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Guest SueRich

Hi Rhianna,


I'm about as confused as you so unfortunately can't offer much advice but please keep me informed of any useful information which you find out.


I am in a similar situation to you - My partner is a Wall & Floor Tiler and is occupation is on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL). I am an Administrator - an occupation not on the list and I don't have enough points to qualify on my own. However, we have a little boy so I am hoping that if he gets a visa then we would be included on his!


My partner has over 10 years experience in his trade but unfortuantely does not have any qualifications. I have been looking at a website called 'Australian Skills Assessments' which is quite useful - They assess your skills and competencies and convert this in to a AQF (Although your other half may not need this if he has an NVQ). If he does need it though it looks quite expensive - around 3000 AUS.


We have also been looking at the possibility of sponsorship from the WA Government. I have emailed them today for some further information as I am not quite sure how to go about this and what the process would be. I will let you know the answer!


With regards to the money situation - I had no idea you had to have so much money in the bank in order to emigrate. We do have a house but we weren't thinking of selling - I'll have to look into this further.


Good Luck with everything!


Sue x

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Can't help on the de facto bit.

As for sponsorship from WA it's very easy, just fill in a form online, pay the fee and wait - http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/skilledmigration/Pages/SkilledMigrationWA.aspx

You have to wait for your skills asessment and IELTS results to send with the application though.

Although you will be expected to have at least $20k to take with you, there is no need to prove you have it - other states may do though !

Hope this helps !


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Guest rhiannaandcraig

Hi Sue,


Glad we're not in this alone! It's nice to know other people don't find it so straightforward either, I was beginning to think I was a bit slow!!


Hope we can get some answers to! If I find out anything I'll let you know!


Rhianna :)

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Hi all...



Really sorry if I'm going over old ground here but I'm just hoping to finally get some things straight in my head after lots of confusion!

My boyfriend Craig and are desperate to move to Perth. Craig is a plasterer with an NVQ2 and 8+ years experience. I have a fair few questions so I do apologise in advance but I'd be so grateful for any answers!




  • I don't qualify for enough points on my own, so I'm hoping I can go out on Craig's visa, despite not being married. We've lived together for 2+ years so we've read that we can be considered as a de facto relationship – is this correct?

  • If so, what evidence of our relationship should we start to collate (if any)?

  • Can Craig go straight to the TRA with his NVQ or does he need to get an AQFIII?

  • If he needs an AQFIII, is it better/cheaper to get this in the UK or in Aus? Do you know how much it's likely to cost and can you recommend any companies?

  • We are hoping to apply for state sponsorship from WA, then apply for our PR visa (176 visa I think?) what is the process for this – is it straightforward?

  • We are hoping to do this without an agent to avoid the fees – is this advisable? How likely are we to mess it up going it alone?!!

  • I've read that we will need $20k per applicant plus $5K per dependant (so $25K for us)We're both young (I'm 23) and don't have a house to sell so we're going to have to save the money – will our bank accounts be checked to make sure we have this money when we get the visa (as we may not have it all by then!!)?

  • How long is the whole process likely to take if we start now?


Once again, so sorry for all of the questions and massively appreciate your help at this scary / frustating / exciting time!!








Hi Rhianna & Craig.


Alot of questions but i will try to help!


Me and my wife started the migration last Nov before we got married and had to look into the De-facto senario in case we were questioned about the length of time we were married when we lodged our application.

Basically you can go as a De-facto partner and will need an accountable record to show the time you have both cohabited together, this needs to be Bills, rent account council tax payments, proof of holidays together etc etc the more the better.

Craig will have to contact TRA or VETASSESS to have his skills reconised before you can go for state sponsorship or any visa application.

I am a Bricklayer and had to approach Vetassess and have my skills assessed for Australia.

This is taken in 2 parts.

1, Is a fully documented written account of work history which has to be set out to reflect all employers, work carried out for them, all tools used in the trade and realn examples of works carried out during his career. This must be backed up with references from each past employer through to present and also has to be set out in a similar way to his history.

This must then be sent to them to be checked which cost approx $600aud (not sure) and they will email you if they feel you have supplied sufficient evidence and invite you to take a practical assessment.

2 The practical assessment may be hard to get on as they get booked up very quickly and think it cost $1500.00aud, Mine was held in london and my impression was if your good at your trade yoyu wont have anything to worry about.


About 2 weeks after that you should be informed if you have passed and then you can proceed to apply for state sponsorship.

This was a simple online questionaire which cost $200aud and we was granted in a week which left the way open to prepare our visa application.

The visa application looks bloody scary but if you have the time to sit and work through it at a steady pace you should get through it no problem.

We have to have $35000aud before we go so are saving like mad and yhou will just have to prove this when you finally migrate.

We have done the whole process ourselves and i set pen to paper on the Vetassess stage 1 in Nov10.

we submitted our visa when we got back from honeymoon from Oz of all places on the 21st of June, We have a case worker and we should have an instruction for meds etc shortly given this the process will possibly be completed in 12months from the start.

I know the rules have changed stlightly since 1st July so i have no idea of your time scale.

We looked into appointing a migration agent but really its only you that can fill in the paperwork and its just a case of getting it right. i can supply what i wrote and although its a different trade it may prove useful for just setting out purposes.


As you put at the foot of your messeage, Its a rollercoaster of emotions but we are so glad we did this ourselves, Hopefull we will have our visa soon and i know the hard work we have put into it will make the experience alot more sweeter.


If you need any advice just PM me and i will try to help where i can.

Good luck.


Out of breath after that lot lol


Gary & Sue:chatterbox:

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Guest rhiannaandcraig

Wow thanks guys, that's a great! I think we'll need a bit of time to digest all of that information but I'll probably have a few questions soon! Thanks so much though,


Rhianna :)

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all, Im a qualified Painter and Decorator with an NVQ Level 2 and 3 and Im just in the process of getting together my paperwork for the TRA. It says that Ineed certified copies?? Who do I get to certify them? And also hw much info do I need to send? Any help would be great!!

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Guest Spencer

And if you need help and want to make sure you are going in the right direction go with an agent can't go wrong well unless you go to the wrong agent!

I would say look up go Matilda they are dealing with our visa they are great aim a floor finisher and they helped me gain my AQF III that you need to get a state sponsorship as a trade

Can't fault them, we are in the last stages now and hope to have our visa very soon fingers crossed !



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Hi all, Im a qualified Painter and Decorator with an NVQ Level 2 and 3 and Im just in the process of getting together my paperwork for the TRA. It says that Ineed certified copies?? Who do I get to certify them? And also hw much info do I need to send? Any help would be great!!


You will need your document copies certified by a solicitor, magistrate or justice of the peace. Shop around as prices vary wildly.

As for how much info.........as much as possible ! Go into detail about what you do and what tools and equipment you use, kind of like you are telling an alien what your job is about.

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