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Mattress on the floor - so excited!!


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So yesterday we cleared the house, got rid of so much crap to the tip i had no idea we had all that! was meant to do our second car boot sale today but as usual in this glorious country its pi$%ing down with rain so its another day of trips to the tip this time sorting the attic, god only knows what were getting out of there!


so weve sold quite a bit of stuff our bed frame being one of them so last nite the mattress was on the floor and my 5 yr old though this was fantastic so ended up in the bed with me while jamie was in her bed, the simplest things!


beginning to feel extremely real now, altho a little weird moving out our house and someone else moving in while we still own it. we have boxes all the place just now but the shippers are coming 22nd august weve used john mason so we will have a week of having no furniture to sit on at all but its all part of the adventure right!


so we have had a slight change of plan aswell, we are flying to brissy to stay with friends for a month and was then heading down to tassie but weve been looking at jobs and spoke with our contact at tas immigration office and employment on the island is very tight, we are quite worried that moving straight there could be a bad move so my cousins best friend is a warehouse supervisor in south brisbane and has guaranteed jamie work for however long he needs it, so were going to base ourselves therer for a bit while jamie applies for jobs in tassie, then he will fly down for a week and try and get interviews over the course of that week, then once hes secured work we,ll all head down


well enjoy your sunday what ever your doing:wubclub:

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Guest siamsusie

Wonderful news Kellie,


everything is slotting into place for you now.


Exciting times and wishing you and the family all the very best.


Susie x

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Guest guest37336

Strange that Kelly isn't it, a mattress on the floor seems to be a whole world of adventure for the little uns,:goofy::biglaugh: where to me and you it is a pain in the posterior,:yes:, except when drunk and it is a little less painful to fall out of bed,:embarrassed:.


Good news on the temp work front, strange how things pop up and seem to make the journey a little easier.


Hopefully this good luck will follow you Kelly and the journey will all be worth it, bang on matey and good luck.


Cheers Tony.:wubclub:

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Guest mrsfluxsta

It's so exciting, isn;t it! We're off to Brisbane on Wednesday and have gone a step further with air beds on the floor! Interesting...our 19 month old twins think we've built a softplay centre and our 4 year old thinks we're camping...never thought they'd be so interested. We've just had a week of bad sleeps! hehehe!


Good luck with everything! x

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Good luck! The removals are coming to take my worldly goods away on Tuesday.... so we will have blow up matress for a while. Ouch. When we are all 90 we will look back and be thankful we had the courage to make the move and put up with the floor :biggrin:

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Hi Kelly, our packers are coming on the 22nd and we fly out to Melbourne on the 25th. It's all seems very surreal at the moment! I don't envy your current sleeping arrangements though. Fortunately our movers will pack away the beds last so they say so we may only have a couple of nights 'camping'!

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Hi Kelly

I have followed your posts & loved your highs & felt your lows. I have to say, I just feel in my heart that you & Jamie are going to be just fine & have an awesome future. You have never given up & are willing to work so hard for your life & family. You will love Brissie whilst you are there & makes so much sense to be earning whilst looking for something. Shippers come to us 18th & 19th, then its all our goodbyes as we fly on 27th to Melbourne. Keep posting Kelly, I love reading about your journey x

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Guest AdAmE

Good luck guys..... I'm at the start of the process and hope to be out there by Christmas next year...

Have fun, enjoy the sun and live it to the max...



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Hi Kelly!


Good luck to you all, your spirit of adventure will carry you through!


My daughter ( 5 years too) and I are also sleeping on a shared mattress at the mo. Hubby is sleeping on a mattress in Canberra waiting for us to arrive. Container tracking says furniture due to arrive on the 9th, and we fly out 24th... so hoping the rendezvous will be blessed with beds!


We are very, very excited, and the mattress definitely makes it feel kinda special! x

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