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hubby doin electrical test london today


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Hi all we are new to this forum, my husband is doing his electrical test today in London.

Really hope he passes as will be so disappointed if doesnt but i have faith. :biggrin:

We are then nearly ready to put in for our visa, we are using an agent who so far has been great. Hopefully we are moving to Perth in the near future, we are aware how long the process can take which is a bit of a downer but that we cant change.

Does anyone know any reason they may refuse your visa as want to get it right first time?

My husband has family in Perth which is one of the reasons we decided to go there, we have two boys aged 3 and 10.

We are saving like mad to hopefully go over in Jan 2012 if not sooner, look at areas meet family members and hopefully make friends on here so we kind of know people to meet up with when we visit.

Anyway fingers crossed for today on passing hubbys test. :wink:

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Guest siamsusie

Hi Lesley,


Welcome to Poms In Oz.


Wishing your husband every success with the exam today.


Feel free to use the search button" under Electricians which is a pretty active thread... also we have our sister site http://www.perthpoms.com/


Best wishes


Susie x

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Guest bailey79

Hi lesley my name is jim .hope your hubby passes exam.Im a n electrian aswell and didnt no you could sit electrical exam in uk .Hope to move to oz in near future with family,would like any info about doing exam in uk from hubby. Many thanks jim

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all went well, all the test is for is to see if they accept your skills its not to give you your licence that you do in oz at college over a 12 month period when you get there. You can do a test over here to give you a licence but its over 3k to do it and you still have to complete a diary over 12 months while your there before you can be classed as an electrician so we didnt see any point in going down that root and spending 3k when you cant complete it untill worked for 12 months there anyway. There is only 1 company at moment in the uk that does the proper training but like i say its expensive.

hope this helps.

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Hi everyone, You will not need to go to college for a year to get your licences to be an electrician. Once you are here, you can enrol with a company called energy safety in WA. And you will then do a course for two weeks full time, and bingo !. You have your A grade licence. Thats what my OH is doing. Good Luck.

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oh thats great all the info we had says you have a diary which must be filled in over a 12 month period so they can see you are capable of doing the work and an enrol with a college and attend one or 2 days a week, that would be great to do it quickly. How much does it cost if you dont mind me asking?

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Hi Lesley,

Hope your Husband does really well in his test, I've got mine next month in London and I'm quite nervous! Could you let me know how he found it?




Hi karl it went really well, he said he did forget to take a calculator and some of the questions require one, so pls take one, he said they are hot on making sure you follow the diagrams given especially when clipping the cable at a certain distance, he didnt think they would measure this and do it by eye but they dont they do actually measure it, luckly ian had measured his so they were correct. He said the instructor is great and helps out if you need him to, you are in a booth and called out to do another test. He said this was the most nervouse he has ever been in a test as so much riding on it but there really wasnt anything to worry about as was straight forward. Hope this helps and good luck.

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oh thats great all the info we had says you have a diary which must be filled in over a 12 month period so they can see you are capable of doing the work and an enrol with a college and attend one or 2 days a week, that would be great to do it quickly. How much does it cost if you dont mind me asking?


The 12 month diary is used in most other states still i think, but in WA its much easier.

I think the cost was around 1500. I know this sounds alot, but once you have your A grade then you can apply for jobs which require this licence, and after checking out many agencies and vacancies, they all pretty much require you to have your A grade.


The electricians thread on here is very helpful, and will give you all the info you need. But once you have your visa...contact energy safety WA, they are really helpful. And the college courses are held every month. My OH is starting his on the 4th July , just north of perth.


Good luck

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Lesley, what edition did he pass ? Is it the 17th Edition ? I am an electrician myself, from London. I am playing with the idea of getting a tan but I have a cat thou :) and he hates when we move locations.




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Hi anton cute cat lol, no hubby is already 17th edition trained he was doing the vetasses test which sees if you are capable to apply for your visa, certain trades must pass their skills test before they can apply for a visa, this was the test he had to do, we are in process now of getting visa via an agent not long now we hope fingers crossed. any info just ask.

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Hi Lesley

I have the 17th edition too. Thanks for the cat compliment :) I am not sure what test that is, if you are an electrician then is quite clear what your trade is ?? Unless they test your electrical knowledge ?

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yes they are testing your knowledge and you have to do a practical and theory test which you have to pay for. without this test you cannot apply for your visa. You can get it done through an agent if you are using one or go on vetasses web site and they can provide the info. We have done everything through an agent and felt this was right for us because any hastle and they sort it for you. Are you doing it yourselve or through an agent?

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