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Adult dependent proof


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Hi all,


My daughter is 19, left college last year in July, took a year off and has applied to Uni for this year. She works part time 6hrs per week, and is still waiting confirmation of a uni place for this year. My concern is our case officer has requested further info to prove dependency. I was just wondering if anyone esle has been in this situation and what proof is best to prove dependency.



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Everything you have to prove she is more dependent on you than any other source of income.


So proof of her income, that she lives with you, that you help pay for her phone, clothes, etc etc.

Do you give her an allowance?


Also what would the rent be if she moved out - show she could not afford to live on her wages. Evidence that this is a P-T temp student type job.


Also supply evidence of education place (the offer shouldn't be conditional unless she is re-sitting) and anything else you can think of.


You could also ask your CO exactly what type of evidence they require, when ours asked us for more info (about business) he sent us a letter with examples of the things we could send.


it is important to get it right if you want your daughter to come with you. If you are uncertain I would speak to an agent for help.

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Hi all,


My daughter is 19, left college last year in July, took a year off and has applied to Uni for this year. She works part time 6hrs per week, and is still waiting confirmation of a uni place for this year. My concern is our case officer has requested further info to prove dependency. I was just wondering if anyone esle has been in this situation and what proof is best to prove dependency.




I strongly advise that you seek an opinion from a registered migration agent.

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Hi all,


My daughter is 19, left college last year in July, took a year off and has applied to Uni for this year. She works part time 6hrs per week, and is still waiting confirmation of a uni place for this year. My concern is our case officer has requested further info to prove dependency. I was just wondering if anyone esle has been in this situation and what proof is best to prove dependency.



Exactly the same position, with the original paperwork sent mobile phone bill and proof of study but they require more evidence. Tempted to send all my supermarket bill too prove a teenager still lives at home LOL, I think its strange that they dont just assume kids of that age would be still living at home and dependant. Dont know any 18 year old that arent dependant, mores the pity, probably still be bank rolling him in he's forties. I am going to send a bank statement, with his allowance going in, and McDonalds and typical teenager expenditure going out. If thats not enough, I'll have to find him an OZ bride and send for him later. ( thats a joke by the way, before someone tells me its illegal)

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Guest VickyMel

It is worth trying to search this site as well - I remember a year or so back there was a long discussion on proving dependent teenagers were dependent (and I think this was someone older than 19) - the one I am thinking of had several useful comments from migration agents as well.


One query might relate to what she was doing in that year off as well - if she was earning?

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Cheers all,

I knew this would be the best place to vent alittle, I do have some receipts, shopping, clothing shops etc but they could be what i've bought for myself, there is nothing specific to her. The only thing she does pay for is her phone bills. We have paid for her car insurance, (i have receipt for this) and do give her petrol money, but again thats cash. I will also provide her wage slips which prove she only has £60-£200 pounds per month income.

I have provided her work contract which shows she only contracted to 6 hrs per week and i have a reply from UCAS which proves she has applied, unfortunatley she hasn't been offered a place yet. Argghhhh


I'll gather everything and prey


I agree with you Shirleyt completely, oh to be a teenager!

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Guest mikewheble

Hi, I proved dependency for my 19 and 18 year old. The 19 year old is at Uni and from the tp of my head, I sent:

* Bank statement - most important to show that they have no regular financial income (such as a job)

* Letter from his Uni (and for my 18 year old, from his College)

* Australian Statutory Declaration from both him and me.

* A mobile phone bill showing the family address

The most important are Stat Dec and Bank Statement.

Good luck



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Hi, I proved dependency for my 19 and 18 year old. The 19 year old is at Uni and from the tp of my head, I sent:

* Bank statement - most important to show that they have no regular financial income (such as a job)

* Letter from his Uni (and for my 18 year old, from his College)

* Australian Statutory Declaration from both him and me.

* A mobile phone bill showing the family address

The most important are Stat Dec and Bank Statement.

Good luck




Cheers Mike

I've heard of the Australian Statutory Declaration before but what exactly is it and how do i use this as proof



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Cheers all,

I knew this would be the best place to vent alittle, I do have some receipts, shopping, clothing shops etc but they could be what i've bought for myself, there is nothing specific to her. The only thing she does pay for is her phone bills. We have paid for her car insurance, (i have receipt for this) and do give her petrol money, but again thats cash. I will also provide her wage slips which prove she only has £60-£200 pounds per month income.

I have provided her work contract which shows she only contracted to 6 hrs per week and i have a reply from UCAS which proves she has applied, unfortunatley she hasn't been offered a place yet. Argghhhh


I'll gather everything and prey


I agree with you Shirleyt completely, oh to be a teenager!


Hi I was advised by my agent to do a stat declaration and this is the format I did it in I think it cost me £10.






Statutory Declaration


I, ......... .......... and Tania Holmes of




Do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:


That my son put name here DOB: 18/12/92 is residing at the above address, is a full time student and fully and financially dependent on his parent ....... ......... and Tania Holmes.


I make this solemn declaration believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835



Signed: [our signatures]




Declared at: [solicitors Address]




On this Day of [Month/Year]




Before me,




[solicitors signature]




[solicitor’s Name, Occupation, Address]

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Guest mikewheble
Cheers Mike

I've heard of the Australian Statutory Declaration before but what exactly is it and how do i use this as proof




Here is the web link for the Australian form which is approved. I am sure that you can use others but I used this one and it worked. All you do is to complete the form, both sign it and then get it signed by solicitor etc to validate it.




Good luck



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Dear Tania

Your and absolute star, ill make a solicitors appt this afternoon


Cheers so much




Oh Thanks,

We sent my sons bank statements college evidence, letters that came to our home that are addressed to my son, we also had to show this to a solicitor with the stat declaration that she signed and put her address on also we had to say together that we solemnly and sincerely declare ...........


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